City to hire new admin Tuesday

The city officially hired a new city prosecutor Tuesday night and looks to hire a new city administrator next week.

Prior to hearing a presentation by the Flaming Gorge Days Committee, the council met in an special session to approve Bobby Pineda as its new prosecutor. The vote was unanimous, with no discussion about Mayor Pete Rust’s appointment prior to the vote. After the meeting, Councilman Ted Barney said Pineda will represent the city well, having known him while working for the public defender’s office.

Barney said the candidates applying for the city contract were all qualified, having provided varying bids for their services.

The city is set to approve a contract between itself and a new city administrator next week. Rust has previously stated the city plans to hire a Green River resident to fill the role, but hadn’t started contract negotiations with that prospective administrator at that time. The hiring of a new city administrator caps a process that started in December, with council members meeting in executive sessions to discuss the position and its applicants.

The city’s police chief, Chris Steffen, has served in an interim capacity since last summer, when took over after former city administrator Marty Black announced his resignation following nearly two years of service to the city. Black was hired as a replacement for long-serving city administrator Barry Cook, who resigned in 2012. Cook currently works as the city administrator for the City of Cody.


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