Western Wyoming Community College honor rolls

Western Wyoming Community College has released its list of Honor Roll students for Fall 2014. Each semester, Western recognizes students on the President’s Honor Roll, the Dean’s Honor Roll, and the Part-Time Honor Roll.    

Recognition on the Part-Time Honor Roll is accorded to students who have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours in consecutive semesters with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5, and who complete six to 11 credit hours during the current semester with a minimum GPA of 3.5.

Recognition on the Dean’s Honor Roll is accorded to full-time students who complete a minimum of 12 credit hours with a letter grade and a GPA between 3.25 and 3.99. Recognition on the President’s Honor Roll is accorded to full-time students who complete a minimum of 12 credit hours with a letter grade and GPA of 4.0.  

Western congratulates all of these students on their excellent academic achievements.    

Green River Part-time Honor Roll students are Alexandria Cordova, Arthur Erickson, Margaret Fischer, Kyle Goglio, Alan Halverson, Patrick Harvey, Savannah Hook, Holly Kofoed, Julie Lefaivre, Manuel Lucero, Rubea Mahan, Christina Mares, Yocasta Marius Alvarez, Taylor Orr, Aspynn Palmer, Claudia Reyes, Kelsi Sax, Tina Semon, Christine Smith and Akayla Solano. Kelley Kizzire of Rock Springs was also named to the part-time honor roll.

Green River Dean’s Honor Roll students are Tylisha Anderson, Amanda Boden, Alan Brewer, Benjamin Campos, Tiffany Cumpston, Derek Cutler, Raime Drake, Gregory Fullerton, Jennifer Hansen, Troy Hill, Morgan Huffman, Tennille Kinney, Donel Krmpotich, Cheyenne Lefaivre, Breanna Leinen, Maegen Lewis, Mariah Lucero, Justin Luna, David Maggio, Jami Markovsky, Brooke Marsing, Shanea Mitchell, Alicia Mozley, Mataya Ortega, Autumn Palmer, Haley Rawlings, Keisha Robinson, Daniel Seals, Kayla Shablo, Kaleigh Shutran, Clayton Taylor, Alexia Tronon, Michael Wendel, Rex Wilde and Elliot Zimmerman. Taylor Tygum and Ryan Thomas Rock Springs was also named to the dean’s honor roll.

Green River President’s Honor Roll students are  Hailee Andrews, Amanda Beckermann, Christopher Byrd, Amanda Carson, Amanda Fillingim, Logan Fox, Colbey Hill, Alexander Marchal, Andrew McCormick, Cody Phillips and Shayla Strauss.



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