Letter: Vaccines can cause harm

Dear Editor,

Today I would like to comment on your recent article about vaccines as well as ask a few questions. First of all, why are people worried about unvaccinated kids going to school with vaccinated children? They say that these unvaccinated children are a danger to their vaccinated children. That is quite puzzling to me. If they have so much faith in the vaccines, why worry? There is a father of a sickly child from San Diego screaming that this measles outbreak should cause the state of CA to immediately force all unvaccinated children to be removed from schools unless they submit. Seems to me that only the unvaccinated kids are the ones who should be worried and if the vaccinated kids ARE getting sick, then the vaccines that you all hold in such high esteem aren’t working anyway, right?

When I first decided to respond, I was going to bombard you and everyone else with statistics but as many of you whose families have already been touched by autism know, there are as many pro-vaccine studies as there are anti-vaccine studies, each side presenting a lot of convincingly strong points. There are now about 75 cases of the measles in San Diego where that panicked young father lives. They are saying that this outbreak came from people who were from out of the country.

How will forcing unvaccinated children to vaccinate against their will stop this? It doesn’t make sense to me. Like I said above, if you all have such faith in the protection of vaccines, then there should be no problem and if one’s child is so frail healthwise, perhaps the public school system is not such a good choice to begin with. Most normally healthy children do not get ill until they start school or their siblings bring crud home from school, so if your child has a low immune system, maybe consider home schooling?

From what I have been able to find out, autism is an injury stemming from vaccines. There is a very big difference between that and stating that “vaccines cause autism.” I will leave you to do your own investigation about that point. We have medical records showing that one of those grandsons of ours was stuck with the needle in his left thigh in the gal bladder meridian. The physician said he could tell this from the time of the night the child woke up screaming. Each night he would do that at precisely 1 a.m. I don’t understand it but the doctor called it an injury stemming from a particular vaccination. So you see, it might not even be the vaccine itself but how it is administered.

If it isn’t the vaccines, then what is it? Maybe the energy used to prove or disprove vaccines as the culprit should change to figuring it out instead of arguing about it. Who cares what is causing this?

We should all be pooling together to help those that are afflicted. There are more and more people like me who have witnessed this nightmare being blown off and nobody will listen to us!

All I know is that I was there the day the lights went out in the eyes of one of my grandsons. I went with his mother for his first set of vaccines and was amazed at the large number of different things they were vaccinating this tiny, tiny baby with. Check out the vaccine schedule for now as compared to say 1952, 1962, and 2002? Want to be amazed too? Seriously go see for yourself. Go to any search engine and type in “vaccine schedule.”

At any rate, within 24 hours, that baby’s eyes were dead like shark eyes. It was very horrible and he has been severely autistic ever since. I saw it happen.

How many autistic people do you personally know? Or how many families do you know that are personally touched by a child with a vaccine injury?

I have 10 grandchildren with two of them being autistic. Just in my family alone, that is a rate of 20 percent! Not acceptable!

As long ago as 2010, according to the Huffington Post, there were 20,000+ cases of autism there in San Diego alone. As you know, the current incidence of autism is on the rise. “Live Science” has recently stated that the autism rate is now one in 50 children. As recently as 2014, the rate was 1 in 68. Scary, huh? When I was a kid, I had never heard of this and as were cancer and diabetes, a lot of health issues nowadays stem from the chemical petri dish we all live in - the chem trails in our skies. Monsanto’s Roundup killing our dirt and poisoning our food supply. I could go on and on and a lot of you are poo-pooing me right now. I can almost bet that those of you who are, have not yet been touched by this enigma. I hope you never are but the odds aren’t with you and as you can see, sadly, my family is not in the minority.

All I am proposing is that people use common sense! Maybe if you absolutely feel your child needs vaccinated because they are frail or it is just your personal preference and you’re doing your part for the “health of the herd”, by all means, go for it but maybe consider instead of jabbing that needle into that tiny body with so many things all at once, work with your pediatrician to space these things out for the first five years until school age.

Are you following me here? And ask what all is in that needle. I went to get a tetanus shot and after I had been jabbed, my physician informed me with, “oh by the way, there was also a (______) vaccine in that.” I thought I would lose my mind.

How dare she do that to me! It is common knowledge that quite a few folks today have some sort of an aversion to vaccines so maybe ask before you jab them. Lord knows what else was in that?

So David, whether vaccines cause autism or not, there are still some things parents can do to try and stop this horrible epidemic of autism.

Don’t leave your health or the health of your family solely in the hands of your physician. Take responsibility for your health and your family’s health and always keep in mind. Fifty percent of all doctors graduated in the bottom half of their class. You are responsible for your health and your child’s health so do the research yourself. Check your sources. It is also my belief that big pharma is involved behind the scenes in all of this and that always scares me because they don’t care if your child is injured beyond repair. They really, really don’t so it is up to you to arm yourself with as much knowledge as you can to side-step the scare tactics that may be used against you to force you into injuring your own tiny baby.... There was actually a case in Georgia a few years back where they took a newborn from its mother’s arms because she refused to allow them to inoculate the infant. They had their child back within 24 hours but can you imagine? Use your noodle and advocate for that baby. Space those vaccines out and study which really are necessary and which are simply money makers for big pharma. Nobody can do that for you and unfortunately, those tiny babies can’t do it for themselves either.

Simone Keevert

Green River


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