City focuses on GR applicants

The hiring committee seeking a new city administrator for Green River is focusing on candidates from the city itself, according to one councilman.

Ted Barney, one of the councilmen involved with hiring a new administrator, said the group isn’t looking at candidates from outside Green River.

The city did receive applications from outside of the area and re-advertised the position to include experience gained from working outside of the government sector.

The council engaged in a lengthy executive session last night, as they have after most of their meetings since December. Last night’s meeting adjourned just before 9:30 p.m.

Barney said the council will probably have to reconvene before offering the job to one of their selected candidates.

Interviews took place Saturday, with the council talking to candidates for the position throughout the day. While Mayor Pete Rust previously said he hopes to have a new city administrator placed before the end of the legislative session, Barney doesn’t see a need to place a deadline on when the city will have someone placed because of the negotiation involved with the position.

“It could be a process,” Barney said. “We may go through the whole list. We’re hoping to do it quickly, but can set a time limit.”

The city’s police chief, Chris Steffen, has served as the city’s interim administrator since the summer, when he was chosen to fill in after Marty Black left the position last year.


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