Muley committee now accepting proposals

The nine member all-volunteer Muley Fanatic Foundation Southwest Chapter Project Advisory Committee is now accepting funding proposals for 2015 projects. 

The deadline for project submission is March 1. Any and all proposals for projects located in Southwest Wyoming that address the mission of the Muley Fanatic Foundation will be considered.

The MFF mission is: “To ensure the conservation of mule deer and their habitat and to provide such supporting services to further the sport of hunting and sound wildlife management.” 

In 2014, the SW Chapter had $92,261 available for project allocations. The Muley Fanatic Foundation SW Chapter will be hosting its annual fundraising banquet on March 7, 2015 at the Sweetwater County Events Complex.

Project applications can be obtained at or at the Muley Fanatic Foundation headquarters at 520 Wilkes Drive Suite No. 1 in Green River.

Applicants should be prepared to attend two SW-PAC meetings to present and explain their project during the project review period from March 1 to May 15.

The SW-PAC is eager to accomplish great things for mule deer conservation in the southwest corner of Wyoming during 2015 and beyond. Completed applications and any supporting information including maps should be sent to MFF headquarters ATTN: SW-PAC. For more information please call the MFF headquarters at 307-875-3133.


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