Granger seeks SLIB funding

Town plans to ditch Gen. Patton name

Work continues on the General George S. Patton Community and Cultural Center in Granger, with completion expected to occur this summer.

New Granger Mayor Sandy Allen said the building should be complete by the middle of June, saying the town may need to push back the building schedule to accommodate additional work involving an elevator, asbestos abatement and roofing.

The town seeks funding from the State Lands and Investments Board, a funding group comprised of the five top officials within the state. Specifically, the funding will come from consensus block grant allocations originally agreed to for fiscal years 2013-2014 and 2015-2016. In total, the town seeks $143,950 in SLIB funding.

The Sweetwater County Commissioners approved two resolutions for the state funding, a motion necessary because the county, along with its two largest communities, were required to agree on where the funding would go as part of the larger consensus grant.

Allen said part of the community center involves the former hotel originally built in Granger during the 1920s. That school was later used for the town’s school, which was recently relocated to a new school building at the edge of the town.

While it’s currently named after the World War II general, Allen said the town will toss out the name once the building is completed. The town can’t change the name now as it’s the name used in the initial SLIB documents. Allen said the consensus throughout the town is that the name should be changed.

She said the town may hold a contest to pick the best name for its community center.

“The possibilities are endless,” she said about a potential name.

While speaking to the commissioners, Allen said she also seeks to improve relations between the county government and the town. She believes the relationship between the two entities is a bridge that needs mending. Commissioner John Kolb said he looks forward to a much improved relationship with the town, while Commissioner Wally Johnson said residents of the town are a part of the county as well.

“We understand that all the citizens of Granger are our constituents,” Johnson said.


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