City Hall shot Sunday night

Loud shots fired Sunday night resulted in multiple calls to the Green River Police Department, as well as a broken window at City Hall.

According to a GRPD press release, calls reporting the shots started coming into the department at 10:39 p.m. and officers searching the area soon discovered a second-story window at City Hall with a bullet hole in it. The window connected to an unused office near offices utilized by the city administrator, the city’s grants manager and the Urban Renewal Agency and Main Street manager.

Det. Luke Benson with the GRPD said the incident is still under investigation and a lot still isn’t known. Benson said he isn’t aware of what caliber bullet pierced the window, nor was aware of if casings were discovered by detectives. Investigators were seen questioning business owners and residents near City Hall Monday. Benson said detectives are still following up on leads regarding the incident.

Interim City Administrator Chris Steffen said the window replacement is expected to cost between $500 and $600, some of the cost he believes comes from the tint initially used on the window as well as the fact that it’s located on the second floor.

The GRPD continues to seek information about the gunshot. Anyone with information about the incident can contact the police department at 872-0555. Steffen said residents can remain anonymous and can call the tips hotline through the Sweetwater County Combined Communications Center at 875-1400.


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