Clock Tower work winds down

Residents driving along Flaming Gorge Way last week may have noticed workers placing the faces onto the new clock tower.

According to Jennie Melvin, director of the city’s Urban Renewal Agency and Main Street organization, installing the clock faces was the last portion of work needed to complete the new park.

“It’s a nice completed project we can all be proud of,” Melvin said.

The project opened up what was originally a closed off plaza located next to the Sweetwater County Historical Museum. A groundbreaking ceremony took place May 12 last year, with work sporadically continuing until completion last week. Melvin said the delays were due to construction projects in Rock Springs tying up contractors, pushing back the work schedule on the project.

She said Main Street does plan to host a grand opening celebration later this spring to allow for a chance to activate the water features in the park.

Mayor Pete Rust also spoke about the project last night, saying he’s ecstatic about the park’s completion.

“I think it’ll be a great addition to the city. The clock and the chimes will bring attention to downtown,” Rust said.

Melvin said the organization plans to focus on strategic planning. They will host a meeting Saturday to plan ahead for the next year. She believes the organization is much stronger now than it has been for the past several years and wants to build upon the renewed interest in Main Street.

“We’re just trying to shore up the organization now,” Melvin said.

She said they plan to focus more on showcasing downtown business through new promotions. She said they’re also beginning to work on the summer Farmers Market and plans to host a volunteer appreciation dinner in May.

The number of volunteers working Main Street events has increased during the past several months, with more than enough to help with recent events such as the Mayor’s Tree Lighting and Santa’s Arrival.

“It’s such a relief because that hasn’t been the situation in the past,” Melvin said.

While the organization also continues with work on its bylaws and policies, Melvin also said Main Street probably won’t be tackling any new projects within the near future, citing uncertainty with future tax revenue.


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