Sweetwater County libraries are full of magic

So I’ve been watching the new television show “The Librarians.” Being someone who works at the library, the title intrigued me -- and the show didn’t disappoint.

“The Librarians” revolves around a group of people who work for the library, a mysterious place designed to protect all of the magical artifacts of the world. The librarians battle an evil group that wants to destroy the library and use the artifacts for evil instead of for good. Basically, the librarians are super geniuses who, armed with all the knowledge of the library, help mankind by preserving magic and information, and when it comes down to it, they save the world.

So does this plot seem far-fetched? Maybe, but there are similarities between the library in the show and the Sweetwater County Library System. Our libraries may not have magical artifacts (at least not that I’m aware of) but they are magical in the sense that they hold the key to information and imagination. Browse through the nonfiction section and patrons will find information on almost every subject. Visit the science fiction section to travel to distant and mythical worlds. Discover the old West with a trip to our western section. Residents can expand their education through Universal Class, one of the library’s online databases. Discover the world at your fingertips by using the free computers and Internet access.

And don’t forget about the dedicated library staff, the caretakers of the library’s “magic.” The librarians may not be traveling around the globe, saving the world, but they do have a lot of similarities to the characters in “The Librarians.”

They are knowledgeable and there to help you navigate the library collection and find the materials patrons are looking for. They will help residents wade through Internet searches and help them check out eBooks and movies on their tablets and mobile devices. They will help introduce children to books and ignite a love of reading.

All of these library services are free. Now that certainly sounds like magic to me.

So when the holidays are over, make sure to stop by the libraries or check out our abundant digital content at sweetwaterlibraries.com. You just may discover that libraries are magical gifts that keep on giving.

When you stop by in January, make sure to sign up for the library system’s Adult Winter Reading Program, “Reading is a Hoot!” The program starts Jan. 5 and runs through Feb. 28.

Much like the Summer Reading Program, those who sign up are encouraged to log their reading throughout the course of the program. When you finish five books, stop by the library, turn in your log and receive a prize. With a completed reading log, patrons will also receive an entry into our gift basket drawing. If you read another five books, you’ll receive another entry into the gift basket drawing. You can submit your entry into the drawing at any of the libraries – it doesn’t matter which library you sign up at. The Sweetwater County Library will have a “Game of Thrones” themed basket; Rock Springs Library will have a “Longmire” themed basket; and White Mountain Library will have Nicholas Sparks-themed basket. So start your year off strong by delving into reading and participating in “Reading is a Hoot!”

If you have kids, our “Reading is Cool” Youth Winter Reading Program is going on through Jan. 31.

It’s not too late for kids to sign up. Stop by the library and find out more information.


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