CDC fires executive director last week

Last week, members of the Sweetwater County Child Developmental Center’s board of trustees voted to fire its executive director, who had been placed on administrative leave since October.

According to a release from the CDC, the board voted to fire Wall Dec. 9 after an executive session used to discuss the termination.

The termination was immediate, and the CDC’s leadership team will handle the position’s duties until a new director is hired. A letter was also mailed to parents regarding the termination and the CDC’s plan until a new director is hired to manage the organization.

“Children have been and will always be our number one priority here at the CDC. The pending review has nothing to do with the mismanagement of funds or property, safety or health of our students. We have and will continue to deliver educational programs and services that are life changing for children in our community. As with all personnel matters, further information is confidential,” Chairman Cristy Magagna said in a previous statement about the issue.


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