Gift certificates keep money local

While many gift givers might be tempted to buy a store-specific gift card or gift certificate for an online app store as a stocking stuffer, the local chambers of commerce are offering a program to keep that holiday gift money within Sweetwater County.

The chamber gift certificates have been around for more than 20 years according to Rebecca Eusek, Green River Chamber of Commerce director. The certificates can be used at any business within the county, regardless of if the purchase is made at a small, locally owned business or a national chain.

“They’re not limited to one store and it promotes spending at home,” Eusek said.

Eusek said the certificates can be purchased in any amount, but thee is a 50 cent fee to cover the costs related to printing the certificates, saying the chambers don’t make money off of the program.

The certificates are in high demand during the Christmas shopping season, with many opting to purchase them as gifts.

Eusek said the area’s trona mines also purchase thousands of gift certificates for their employees’ families.

Residents can purchase gift certificates at either the Green River or Rock Springs chambers during their usual business hours.


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