Bakery offers wide range of treats

From baked goods to dog treats, residents can find gift ideas and tasty treats at the Daily Knead bakery on Flaming Gorge Way.

Having been open for the past four years, the bakery offers its customers baked goods made daily and is willing to take up special orders. Daily Knead’s Aaron Slaton said they do request at least one week between when the order is placed and when it’s needed and are willing to work with their customers.

One of the biggest selling items the bakery produces are its dog treats.

“It’s really just a crunchy peanut butter cookie that has oatmeal and applesauce in it,” Slaton said.

Despite being produced for dogs, Slaton said a few customers buy them for their own snacks because of how good they taste. Slaton said their potica is also a popular item, especially during the holidays. Potica is a bread from Slovenia featuring a sweet and nutty filling and is popular with many of the area’s families with eastern European heritage. Other top sellers include coconut bread and cinnamon rolls.

However, for Slaton, his personal favorite is actually the croissants he makes daily.

The crescent-shaped breads feature a flakey crust and buttery taste and come in filled and unfilled varieties. Common fillings include ham and cheese, as well as chocolate.

The Daily Knead is open 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.


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