Many cards collected for soldiers overseas

Once again, Sweetwater County residents answered the call for cards.

For years, Green River resident Harry Holler has asked the community for help in sending soldiers Christmas cards; and this year was no different.

Holler challenged residents, specifically schools, to help send Christmas cards to soldiers overseas.

All the residents had to do was write a message on top of the card, such as “God Bless,” “Merry Christmas,” or “Thank you for your service,” and put their name and address at the bottom of the card.

The community responded and this year 8,126 soldiers will receive a Christmas card. Although the number is lower than last years, Holler considers it a success.

“That’s pretty darn good,” Holler said.

Once all the cards were collected, Holler started going through the normal process of sending them, which usually involves the Red Cross.

This is where he ran into a snag. For some reason or other, the Red Cross decided it was not going to send the cards for Holler anymore.

Holler, who was a little panicked, didn’t let that defeat him. Soon, he was on the phone with Wyoming Senator John Barrasso. Once Barrasso found out about the problem he was able to put Holler in contact with someone he thought could help. Eventually, Holler spoke with Colonel H.J. Walker of the Wyoming National Guard who told Holler he knows the person who makes sure the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan receive letters sent to them.

“So we lucked out,” Holler said. “They are on their way; and will be there soon.”

Another surprise, was where some of the cards came from this year. Holler said Farson schools sent a bunch of letters and he also received more than 100 from a community in Georgia.

The community in Georgia said they had seen his Facebook post about the cards and wanted to help.

Knowing how Facebook helped, Holler hopes next year’s Christmas card collection will be even more successful.


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