But wait, there's more: Saturday infomercials

On Saturday morning I like to sleep in, if my kids allow it, and unwind by watching some TV.

Here’s where the problem comes in. All that seems to be on TV on Saturday mornings is crazy informercials about all kinds of products; and frankly these kinds of programs tend to depress me.

All they talk about is how you’re too fat and need to take these pills or do this type of exercise to shed the pounds, or how you’re using the wrong shampoo or curling iron and if you switched you would have supermodel hair overnight, or how if you change the makeup your using it will change you life or if you change the facial soap and lotion you are using your dark spots and wrinkles will magically disappear.

Now, I must admit, I have fallen victim myself to some of these schemes. I have bought some products thinking they would change my life and actually work the way they were supposed to or advertised to do. They never do of course, and then I feel let down even more. If they helped someone else, why are they not working for me? The whole thing is utterly depressing.

It is bad enough that there is so many cosmetic informercials out there, but we know there are way more than those that just deal with cosmetics. These really get to me. I get sucked in every time, but I am not the only one. If these silly programs didn’t work, they wouldn’t be on the TV all the time.

This weekend I saw an informercial on a brand new, state-of-the-art snowblower. I think they used the world “revolutionary” once of twice. Oh boy. This snowblower could just do it all; and it looked so simple to use. Just plug it in and start pushing. They claimed it was as easy to push and operate as a vacuum cleaner. “Ya right.” I am thinking. Try telling that to those poor people in New York who are trying to shovel out of eight feet of snow. This “revolutionary” machine would have been a joke.

I turn the channel when my four-year-old yells “Momma, I was watching that.” So I turn it back to see what else they are going to say about this great product, that you can have in four easy payments of $29.99. They do admit, that when there is a heavy snow, the operator of the machine will have to make a couple of passes over the driveway.

Soon, this informercial was over and another one came on about a rotisserie that is going to change the way you cook forever. Oh yeah. You know the one I am talking about. We have all heard the catch phrase “Set it and forget it.” I am immediately taken in because they are showing this juicy, perfectly cooked turkey; and then they go on to say that is not all you can cook and they show women cooking wonderful, perfectly cooked meals for their families. Of course, they are pushing the “you can use it every day and not just for Thanksgiving bit.” They are also telling you it will replace the oven and so on and so forth.

I decide to turn the channel when I realized I was wondering where I was going to store my new rotisserie. When I flip to another channel, there is yet another informercial on. I knew it was one because as soon as I changed the channel I hear the famous catch line “But wait, there’s more.” I sigh. Now, it’s going to say if you call within the next 15 minutes you can have two products, that don’t work, for the price of one. Ya. Now you can give one to your friend.

I decide to give up the fight and turn the channel to Wyoming PBS so at least the kids can enjoy a little “Thomas the Train” and “Curious George.”


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