Our View: Give it a rest with 2016 race

It’s been eight days since the midterm election and people are already talking about the 2016 presidential election.

CNN.com had a story posted the day after the election, titled “Get ready: 2016 starts now.” Pundits are even weighing in on who they believe will make stabs at living in the White House.

Honestly, we have this to say: give it a rest.

Electoral seasons are long and involved affairs for everyone involved. They start gaining steam in May when people interested in serving on the city council or county commissioners filed for placement on the Primary Election Ballot. Then, signs start popping up throughout the county, even in some of the more distant locations in Sweetwater County. Ads start cropping up across all spectrums of the mass media and mailers get sent to people -- there’s no way to escape it. Primary elections only serve to bolster the conversation, but as soon as General Election concludes in November, that should be it for at least a year.

There are other things to do. Politicians should be focused on their upcoming terms and what they plan to do in their first months in office. That should go doubly so for the media because it’s easy to loose sight of the present if they’re too busy looking toward the future.

What’s important now is how the county, state and country’s residents will be represented. The issues facing us right now should take priority.

In short, take down the signs, thank the voters and hope we don’t get too inundated with speculation and coverage from the 2016 campaign trail.

Especially since its still 2014.


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