Leave attacks out of politics

A few months ago I went on a tirade about the amount of campaign signs that had absolutely littered Sweetwater County. It only got worse in the days leading up to the general election.

And while the signs were definitely a horrific eyesore, it was some of the other things I witnessed locally, statewide, and across the nation that really make me glad the election is over. I started to see signs in my sleep and I’m pretty sure you couldn’t use the bathroom in public without a sign over the urinal.

I guess they were just trying to capture the crowd who makes decisions while they tinkle.

I’d be stupid to say I don’t appreciate the importance of the democratic process and voting, and I do. It’s the backbone of our country. It’s just all the things that go along with it that make me a little bit crazier than I already am.

The worst of it has to be all the personal attacks you see during the election.

It’s probably something that’s driven me crazy for years, it just seems like it’s intensified with the internet and social media such a prevalent part of our society.

Usually things are a bit worse on the national level. This year we didn’t have a presidential election, but watching television you couldn’t escape ads from Utah and other states that were plain nasty.

It all starts with the way the commercials are formatted. Whether it be television or radio, it a lot of times starts with a deep voiced or even times compassionate sounding person saying the candidates name. The template than either has the candidate trashing the other one or simply sharing their views (which is nice). During this the candidates name is probably said about 100 times. It’s overkill.

The attacks would often be personal, and really strayed away from what the candidate stands for.

I just don’t understand why the need to bring down the opponent all the time. If they have some obvious bad voting history or sketchy past, it’s worth mentioning, but not the entire basis for your campaign.

What kind of person does that make you? What does that say about the type of leader you would be?

To me, it’s garbage to attack someone during a campaign with nothing but personal attacks.

We had one local house race where things just got plain weird and while the personal attacks didn’t necessarily come from the candidate, but his legion of followers, were nasty.

After a political group was brought into the race, the attacks on the challenger were all over the internet.

I’m not sure how the group became involved, wether or not the candidate initiated this, but they started to get a little dirty.

The group paid for a commercial on the radio that gave out the challengers phone number. That’s just wrong. If you don’t like a candidate, don’t vote for them, why would you need to call them?

I read a thread of posts on the internet where the challenger was personally attacked for the way he looked, not for his platform. This is just to far.

Shame to all those who couldn’t just stand behind their candidate and not be so petty? Nobody is perfect, no need to drag someone through the mud.

But maybe this is just the way things have become.

I guess the thinking is it’s a no-holds-barred process and you have to do what you have to do.

I’m glad we don’t live in a dystopian society where we are just trying to keep our kids out of a death tribute, but perhaps we might need a little more class.

It’s not just Republicans being rude. And it’s not just Democrats. It’s both parties.

I’ve come to the conclusion that nobody will ever be happy. Nobody will ever like the President. Everyone will always think someone is trying to take away their rights.

I usually try not to talk much about politics and religion. It just makes people bonkers.

This morning coming to work I could see the signs slowly starting to dissipate and I didn’t have to hear anything on the radio. I wish all those elected the best of luck, I’m just glad it’s over for awhile.


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