Bikers bring toys to to local fire department

Sunday afternoon, the rumble of more than 100 motorcycles announced the kickoff for the annual Toys for Kids toy drive hosted by the Rock Springs Fire Department.

The motorcycle ride, now in its 24th year, started in Green River and transported hundreds of toys to Rock Springs.

At the end of the ride, toys were piled high onto a number of tables at the Rock Springs Fire Department's headquarters.

The Green River Fire Department helped escort the bikers from Green River to Rock Springs in one of their fire trucks.

"It's a lot of fun," Tom Murphy, a Green River firefighter, said. "We're more than happy to help in any way we can."

Murphy said it was the second year the department helped with the motorcycle ride as an escort.

Local mines helped donate to the cause.

Solvay donated two pallets of toys to the toy run and OCI gave $1,200 towards to purchase of toys.

The J.R. Simplot company also donated to the cause.

Those donations don't include the toys brought along by the motorcyclists engaged in the cause.

"I'm always impressed with how many toys we can get together," Bryan Shultz, one of the bikers participating in the event, said.

Shultz has participated in the event since buying his first motorcycle in 2008.

While the weather for Sunday's ride couldn't have been better, Shultz said he rode in toy runs where snow was falling during the ride.

According to a press release from the Rock Springs Fire Department, toy donations can be made at the fire department's headquarters at 600 College Drive and at the C Street Library in Rock Springs until Dec. 11. People can sign up for the toy giveaway at the food bank on Center Street in Rock Springs Nov. 25 and Dec. 11.

Signup hours will take place from 10 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.


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