My library experience: Not sure if it's haunted

About five or six years ago, a coworker and I decided we would spend a night in the so-called haunted library, better known as the Sweetwater County Library.

I had been thinking about it for a while and decided safety in numbers would be the best way to approach the situation.

After getting permission, we started making plans on what we would do in the library.

My coworker and I were really good friends and thought it might be an adventure to be there all night. We packed cameras, flashlights, sleeping bags, snacks and of course lots of work.

Once in the library, we we headed straight for the computers. We both had a lot of work to do for a special section. We talked for a while and then started writing our stories.

We did take a break to walk around the library with our flashlights. I did not see anything.

We went back to the computers and continued to work. I can honestly say that I did not experience anything out of the ordinary.

At one point, I thought I saw something move out of the corner of my eye, but I have never had the best eyesight and figured it was just the dim lighting playing tricks on me.

As for my coworker, she freaked out. I asked her what was wrong.

She said she kept hearing voices and smelling a weird smell. The scared look on her face told me she was not making it up. I never experienced any of this, but I did not doubt that something spooked her. All I know is whatever she experienced scared her enough that we had to leave early, around 3 or 4 a.m. I still regret not staying the entire night and doing more investigating, but the opportunity has not come up again.

I learned from that experience that any building is creepy at night when no one else is around. I also learned that sometimes certain people may have weird stuff happen to them while the person sitting next to them doesn’t. Weird indeed.

Although I did not experience anything that night, I did have something happen to me a couple years later that I could not explain.

It happened right after I was done with a Sweetwater County Library Board meeting, which I was a member of.

I had to use the restroom before heading home. When I got to the restroom, I noticed the bathroom door had been replaced with a swinging door. I started to push on the door, but it would not open. So of course, I pushed harder. Still, it would not open.

Finally, I pushed really hard and the door flew open, slamming into the wall, which made a huge noise in the quiet library.

By then two library employees noticed a weird look on my face and asked me what happened. I said “I don’t know, Just give me a minute.”

I tried several times to get the door to do it again, but I couldn’t. I tried the men’s door to see if it would do stick. Nothing. To this day I do not know what happened. Maybe the door got stuck. It was new after all.

Needless to say, I did not feel a need to go to the bathroom anymore. For a while after that, I always made sure I did not need to use the bathroom while at the library. The employees made sure my story went into the Ghost Log, but to this day I cannot explain it.

Do I use the bathroom there now? Yes.

Am I afraid? No.

Can I say the library is haunted? That is still one thing I am not sure I can say with a certainty. Although I do know, many employees and residents believe it is.


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