Sheriff's candidates tackle county issues

For the past several weeks, the Sweetwater County Library System has hosted a series of political forums to allow local residents the chance listen to candidates discuss their platforms in a handful of local races.

While there has been a positive turnout for most of the forums, perhaps the biggest crowd was on hand Monday night at the White Mountain Library in Rock Springs to listen to the three candidates running for Sweetwater County Sheriff.

Incumbent Republican Sheriff Rich Haskell, Democrat and Rock Springs Police Chief Mike Lowell and Independent and Sweetwater County Emergency Management Coordinator Dave Johnson all shared their views in front of a packed crowd Monday.

Haskell was the first candidate to begin with his opening remarks and said that when he was elected in 2007, the department faced numerous challenges and they have met those and will continue to do so if elected.

He said that he is reapplying for his office with the citizens of Sweetwater County and praised his employees in the department for their work.

As his top priority, Haskell wants to get youth off of drugs and alcohol. He said at the detention center their are more youth coming in for violent crimes and it’s hard to comprehend.

Haskell was asked about any misuse of funds, and stated that every penny spent by his department has to have the approval of the Sweetwater County Commissioners and they have done this.

When asked about how much time his deputies should spend within in the city limits, Haskell said that if they see a violation within town they better do something about it and they also must spend time in Rock Springs and Green River when returning to the office and serving warrants.

Having served as the police chief in Rock Springs for the past 12 years, Lowell said that if you have integrity-based leadership, you can cure whatever problems the sheriff’s department might have. When the candidates were asked about any misuse of funds in their department, Lowell said that he has three areas of focus, integrity-based leadership, accountability and transparency. He added everything you do must stand to light.

Lowell said that when working with the county attorney, from the perspective of a law enforcement executive, you try to put a case together that is ready to go to trial and if they need more, you go and do it.

Lowell also discussed underage drinking and said that if you delay the onset of drinking, you have a less chance of the person becoming addicted.

He also said there needs to stop being events where the emphasis is selling alcohol. He said that’s the silliest thing he’s ever heard.

An independent candidate, Johnson worked his way to the ranks of Sergeant within the Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Department. He said his experience provides him the knowledge to be an efficient leader.

When discussing employee moral at the sheriff’s department, he said apathy can get in place and this trickles down to employees.

In this final remarks, Johnson said if voters want apathy to vote for the incumbent, if they are OK with the way the Rock Springs Police Department is run to vote for Lowell.

Johnson’s biggest priority, would be reducing the amount of sex crimes in the county. He said the department needs to increase public awareness and work with the county attorney to out the public before it expounds into a series of victims. He also went back to discussing employee moral and said it has dropped within the sheriff’s department.

Much like the other two candidates, Johnson also discussed underage drinking within the county.

He said parents need to be more involved and law enforcement officials are not babysitters.

Also asked about he misuse of funds, he said that the Sweetwater County Emergency Management Department has never had any allegations of this matter.


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