Majhanovich, Alexander battle in coroner forum

Tuesday night gave local residents a chance to hear from both candidates running for Sweetwater County Coroner.

There were no visible smoke and mirrors during the forum with incumbent Democratic coroner Dale Majhanovich and Republican challenger JR Alexander -- it was a matter of experience versus a candidate who would like to bring change to the office.

The first to speak, Alexander said he has a lot of respect for Majhanovich, he just would like to see a change and bring a new perspective and fresh ideas to the office.

Alexander said he has been a CNA for the past two years, and has volunteered at a funeral home, where he has learned a lot.

In his opening statement, the incumbent Majhanovich said he has 32 years of experience, including the past 21 years as Sweetwater County Corner. He said he is re-applying for his job and asked voters to look at his resume.

One of the more contentious points of the night was when an audience question was proposed about what type of change Alexander would like to see with the office.

Alexander said he would go by the book and that there is a conflict of interest in office and it is run out of a private funeral home and it has been that way a long time.

Majhanovich quickly countered his challenger and stated that he was the first Sweetwater County Coroner to take the office out of a funeral home and this is when he got a county vehicle and is why he runs his calls through dispatch in fairness to private enterprise. He said is office is not at Vase Funeral Home.

Another memorable moment from the forum was when Rock Springs resident Jackson Waters asked the questions about how many deaths the candidates have attended.

Majhanovich stated that he did not have a count but estimated between 2,000 and 3,000. Alexander said he has attended maybe 10.

The two candidates also discussed the possibility of having a forensic pathologist in Sweetwater County.

Alexander said this is a direction he would like to see the county move to.

Majhanovich said he they have tried this before, but the way Wyoming is set up and with its demographics this is just not possible.

He said that it's also not the coroners decision, it instead is up to the Sweetwater County Commissioners and hospital.

He estimated the cost for a county forensic pathologist to be between $200,000 to $250,000 and that would not include recruitment or the possible costs of paying off a student loan.

Alexander said just because something hasn't worked in the past doesn't mean it won't work again.


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