Game and fish seeks public input

Project Learning Tree and Project WILD have teamed up to offer a fun, hands-on workshop offering instruction in all of these curricula for formal and non-formal educators.

The two-day workshop will take place at the Green River Region Office of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Nov. 1 and Nov. 2.

The Game and Fish office is located at 351 Astle Street in Green River. Preregistration is required. The cost is $45 per participant and includes six curriculum guides, activity materials, and snacks. Participants will have to provide their own lunch.

Additional teacher resource materials are being provided through donations from EXXON and FMC. One hour of PTSB credit is free. One hour University of Wyoming continuing education graduate credit is available for $50.

Each curriculum focuses on a specific resource area: forests, and wildlife. The inquiry-based, PLT and WILD curricula meet CCSS for science, social studies, and language arts; are cross-curricular, and adaptable for grades K-12.  

Teachers, substitute teachers, non-formal educators, home-schoolers, youth group leaders, and anyone wanting to bring the environment into their classroom is welcome and encouraged to attend.

There will be opportunities at this workshop to network with fellow educators and local professionals. Participants will go through various activities from each curriculum and learn how to implement the activities in the classroom and into their curriculum. Workshop participants are advised to wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather, as the workshop is guaranteed to be non-stop and action-packed, with outside and indoor activities.

For more information or to preregister contact Hazel Scharosch at 307-234-8479 or Lucy Wold at 307-875-3223. The deadline to preregister is Oct. 20.


The Wyoming Game and Fish Department will hold a public information gathering meeting in the Green River Region to gather input and understand sportspersons desires, expectations, and willingness to maintain and fund the department’s game bird farm program and hunting of department raised pheasants. Meetings are being held statewide through November 20.

The department operates two pheasant rearing facilities; near Yoder and near Sheridan. Approximately 28,000 pheasants are raised annually at these two facilities. The pheasants are released at numerous locations in central, eastern, and the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming during the fall pheasant hunting season.

“The intent of these meetings and the survey is to provide sportspersons an opportunity to offer their thoughts on the future of the game bird farm program, including looking at additional funding mechanisms to help offset the increasing costs of raising pheasants,” said Scott Edberg, Deputy Chief of the Wildlife Division.

“We haven’t taken this type of public input since 1995. The department will provide the findings of the survey and additional public input at the January 2015 Wyoming Game and Fish Commission meeting for review as it pertains to maintaining and funding the game bird farm program.”

The meeting in Green River will be held 6 p.m., November 4, at the Green River Region Game and Fish Office, located at 351 Astle Avenue.

The game bird farm program and funding for the two department-operated pheasant farms are the topics for discussion. In addition to these public information gathering meetings, sportspersons will be able to provide their input on this issue via an online survey. The survey will be open for public input until Nov. 20, 2014 and can be found at


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