Residents can trick or treat at center

With Halloween just around the corner, many are planning their trick or treating event.

Some may not need look any farther for plans.

Mission at Castle Rock Rehabilitation Center and Mission at the Villa will be hosting its annual community trick or treat night.

This has become a cherished event for the residents beginning as a couple of residents sitting at the front door handing out candy and evolving to the point of all interested residents offering candy to trick or treaters as they come through the multipurpose room. Mission is happy to keep this tradition alive by offering it once again to residents of the community.

The lines might be long, but resident’s will only have to park once. They can go inside the building where it’s warm and to visit with many of the residents in one stop. Residents of the center find so much pleasure in passing out candy and seeing the children’s costumes. Their faces come to life as they get to hand out candy to all the little ghosts and goblins Annie Walk said.

The facility hands out a lot of candy. Some of the candy is purchased with facility funds and some comes from donations from dedicated businesses, community individuals and staff members who continue to sponsor the event year after year.

Any businesses or individuals who are interested in making a monetary or candy donation can do so by dropping it off at the center, by mailing it to 1445 Uinta Drive in Green River, or can call Annie at 872-4600 for details.

“We appreciate so much the support of our great community,” Walk said. “Donating individuals can also request a sign to post on their front door that reads “my candy is being passed out at MCRRC.”

Just a reminder that the trick or treat night starts at 6:30 and goes until 8 p.m. The center is hoping to make the center the resident’s last and best stop of the night. Should anyone have any adult size costumes that are no longer in use, MCRRC would gladly accept those for the residents to use.

CRRC wants to thank residents for their time and generous contributions in order to make this a huge success for the residents and the young people of the community.


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