Voters should be proud of aquatic center

Take one step into the new aquatic center at the high school and it’s crystal clear right away --- Green River now has one of the best facilities in the state and it’s truly a boon for both Sweetwater County School District No. 2 and local residents.

I’ve been following the progress of the center for a long time, and to make a long story short, it was not an easy process. Countless hours were put in by so many people and thanks to the voters of Green River, the longtime dream for so finally came true.

I had written a couple of stories on the progress center and its three pools over the past year or so and had been in there a couple times. Unfortunately, when I was at the center, it was just a shell of what I would see at the special ribbon cutting event earlier this month.

The moment I walked in the first thing I noticed was how much light was in the state-of-the-art building. If you’ve ever been to Monroe Pool or many others across the Equality State, it’s pretty dark and feels a little dreary. This was not the case whatsoever. There were some beautiful windows that let light in and the electrical light did not make a yellow haze that resonates in so many pools and gymnasiums.

Everything in the center seemed to be crafted to immaculate detail and it was obvious, that a lot of hard work went on in the past several months to make the progress they did.

Unlike Monore, there is ample room to walk around the competition and diving pool. Nobody is cramped. I almost fell in the pool in Monroe the other day with my camera around my neck. Usually that would be something I could see the Green River Star’s editor doing, but in this case it was me. There was just no room to maneuver. This is no longer the case.

There is also a beautiful seating area upstairs. I’ve been told it sits up to 600.

I really hope that district officials will put in a bid for the 4A State Tournament. It seems like Gillette, Casper and Laramie get to host just about everything, but I’ve got to say their cannot be a nicer facility in the state.

If Rock Springs can get state soccer with a couple of new turf fields, than Green River should sure as heck get it with the new center. It would be great for the community and the district.

The voters who approved this center two to one should be proud and so should the district. This building was built with care, but it is a tremendous place that can be utilized by all of us.


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