Tickets still available for adult Halloween party

With Halloween right around the corner, kids are picking out costumes and getting ready for Trick-or-Treating and annual Halloween parties. But why should the kids have all the fun?

That’s the idea behind the “Come As You Aren’t” costume party fundraiser that is being put together by the Sweetwater County Library Foundation.

The party is for adults and is from 7 p.m. to midnight Oct. 11 at the Outlaw Inn in Rock Springs. Tickets are $25.

Laura Habibi, Sweetwater County Library Foundation Board of Directors president, said the foundation was looking to put together an event that was new, something different than any other event here in Sweetwater County.

“We saw that there wasn’t an opportunity for adults to get dressed up and go to a party, so we thought a costume party would be fun,” she said.

Those attending are encouraged to go in costume, but Habibi said that attendees can also put on their best party dress and still have a great time.

“Come As You Aren’t” will feature music, a live auction, games, door prizes, hors ‘oeuvres and an open bar with beer and wine – mixed drinks can be purchased for a fee.

“Nancy and Mark Anselmi generously donated the Outlaw Inn facility, along with beverages and hors d’oeuvres,” Habibi said.

The event will also feature costume contests.

“We will have contests for the best single costume, the best group costume and the best literary costume,” Habibi said.

Habibi said that local and state officials have been invited to the event, and “we expect a few special guests.”


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