Students assist Game and Fish

Green River High School students recently assisted the Wyoming Game and Fish Department with collecting Russian olive and tamarisk growth information along the Green River through town.

Biology teacher Allison Baas said her college prep biology class has assisted with the data collection for the past three years as part of their ecology unit.

"The class submits their data and findings to the Game and Fish to allow for observations of trends in vegetation along the Green River," Baas said.  "This is a part of a wider study and the students get real-world immersion into the field of ecology." 

"The City of Green River, in cooperation with Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative (WLCI) and other partners, has been conducting Russian olive and tamarisk control efforts along the greenbelt area since 2012," Game and Fish Green River Aquatic Habitat Biologist Kevin Spence, said.

"Monitoring plots were established for GRHS biology students to survey and evaluate the results and effectiveness of the invasive vegetation control efforts and provide the Green River Parks and Recreation Department with data regarding the possible need for follow-up control of Russian olive and tamarisk re-sprouts. The monitoring activity provides students with an opportunity to apply vegetation survey and evaluation skills while learning about native riparian vegetation communities and the threats of invasive plant species. "


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