Letter: Discussing the 9/11 flag

Dear Editor,

This letter is directed to Jenna Whitcher. Two weeks ago, you attacked Councilman Mark Peterson about a flag that hangs in our yard. Well, what you forgot there is a second person that lives in that house, Mark Peterson’s wife. Her name is Debbie Peterson.

Before you start writing a letter, I ask that you get your facts straight.

That 9/11 flag is mine. Shortly after 9/11, I bought a flag and I had Mark put the 9/11 flag where it still hangs now. It has been there 13 years and no one until you have written anything about that 9/11 flag. Where have you been for 13 years and now all of a sudden you noticed this 9/11 flag?

This is my 9/11 flag that honors all the heroes that died and all the men and women in the military. This is the way I express my deep feeling that I felt that horrible day.

There is a street light that shines on that flag every night. As far as that flag hanging so low, its between me and God and all who died that day.

There is a reason why I have it hanging so low. That reason is hidden in my heart and I don’t think I need to explain that to anyone.

I have great respect for the men and women who serves and fights for our freedom. I have worked as a waitress for years and I see to it that military men and women get a free meal. I send them on their way and thank them as they go out the door. I also thank our non-active military who has served in the military and put their lives on the line from other wars.

Also, on 9/11, I do a very special thing that shows my respect for America and what happened that day. I have been doing this for 13 years and I will continue for the years ahead. I show my respect 24-7 by flying my 9/11 flag. I don’t forget.

Mark served as a volunteer for the police department for five years in the late 70s and early 80s, never getting a wage from the city. He put his life on the line and never asked for a thank you. Mark also gives to the disabled veterans once a month. He also just gave $1,000 to a family in town that needs to travel so his wife can get help due to the fact that she has cancer.

I ask for the citizens of Green River to understand what my 9/11 flag means to me. There is pain inside me that I hide when that horrible day began. I have never forgotten 9/11.

Maybe you should be writing to Washington, D.C. and asking our President why he is out playing golf while our nation is being threatened. Maybe you should ask him why our freedom is being taken away from the people.

My 9/11 flag will fly till the day I leave this world.

Debbie Peterson

Green River


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