GR church hosts guest speaker

Harvestime Church of Wyoming is hosting guest speaker Dr. George Johnson, the president of Harvestime International Inc.

He will speak on “Go Into all the World.” Johnson will be ministering at Harvestime Sept. 12 and 13 at 7 p.m. and Sept. 14 at 10:15 a.m.

Johnson served in a special search and rescue unit of the U.S. Navy in DaNang, Vietnam, whose job it was to locate and rescue American pilots. Johnson was discharged in 1969.

He was born again in 1970 and entered the ministry in 1971 as an American Baptist youth minister.

In 1972, he received a holy spirit baptism and began training at Trinity Christian Center as an associate pastor, where he was ordained in 1975 after completing an intern minister’s training program.

He attended Trinity School of Bible, Melodyland Theological Seminary and he was a teacher at Claremont Christian Theological Academy in California for two years.

Johnson and his family relocated back to Iowa in 1988 and became the founder of Word of Truth Bible College of Mason City and Harvestime Church, also of Mason City, Iowa.

He received a bachelor’s degrees in ministry, a master’s in Christian education and a doctorate in theology from Shalom Bible College and Seminary of West Des Moines, Iowa.

Johnson oversees three senior pastor couples, one in Iowa, one in Wyoming and one in Oklahoma.

Johnson and his wife, Mickey, are in a full-time traveling ministry, using the ministry of prophet/teacher. For more information visit the website Harvestime is located at Washington Square 400 North 1st East Street in Green River.


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