Letter: Corrals cost city money

Dear Editor,

I must admit to a mistake in my letter where I compared the developed airport with the horse corrals. I mentioned that I had learned of the details of the leasing of each corral from my sitting in council meetings when the city council voted on leases to horse owners. I made the assumption that the very low rent of $159 was a monthly rent. I’ve since been made aware by people who lease one or more horse corrals, that no it is not a monthly rent, it is a yearly rent. The City of Green River rents its 144 horse corrals for $159.00 per year each. That means that the annual income from the horse corrals is $22,896 a year, not the $274,752 that I had originally calculated as the annual income. In other words, the horse corrals return nothing to the city of Green River because the costs to the city for upkeep and maintenance exceed the money brought in from the leases. Talking with the city engineering department revealed that the costs to the city can exceed the yearly rental funds by two or three times or more. The corrals cost the city money.

James Punches

Green River


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