Western Wyoming College offers 3+1 MSHA training

Western Wyoming Community College is leading colleges throughout the nation through the implementation of its new 3+1 MSHA training option.

WWCC is the only college offering training under the new format, which cuts the number of days new miners are required to attend training classes. The classes are provided at WWCC’s Green River Center.

According to Carole Shafer, director of workforce development at WWCC, the idea came about after the college received notification earlier this year that its MSHA training grant would end. For a number of years, the college received part of the Wyoming MSHA Training Grant.

Shafer said the college decided to ask MSHA if it could consolidate its accreditation program, shrinking accreditation times for miners.

Originally, a new surface mine worker would be required to attend three days of classes while underground miners would have to take four days worth of classes. Miners needing both certifications would be required to take seven days of classes.

The consolidation results in miners needing both certifications only being required to attend four days of classes instead of seven.

“It’s a chance for them to get to work sooner and saves them money as well,” Shafer said.

The consolidation doesn’t cut any of the training miners are required to have their certification and officials from the MSHA office in Denver have asked to observe the program to see if the format could be used elsewhere. Currently, WWCC is the only site recognized to provide the abbreviated format.

Shafer said WWCC’s industry partners were very supportive of the college adopting the format, saying they were brought in when the idea was in its infancy.

MSHA training is very valuable to the area, as miners receive training at WWCC from neighboring counties as well as Sweetwater County.

“This is just another example of how Western continues to lead the way in training workers and serving the industry needs of Southwest Wyoming,” Shafer said in a press release.

The new format started in June, with WWCC receiving approval for the training option in April.


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