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  • Letter: Greenbelt cleanup efforts don't go unnoticed

    Aug 8, 2019

    To the Editor, Green River citizens and visitors using the Greenbelt from FMC Bridge along the river, behind the ball fields all the way to the horse corrals deserve a big thank you. As one of the people who pick up dog doo and trash left by others, I have noticed a huge change. One year ago, I removed 7-10 bags per month from those areas. This year, there is a noticeable difference, a half a bag here, perhaps 3/4 there. I’m sure everyone enjoys seeing a cleaner Greenbelt as we walk, bike and fish. Dawn Coyote Green River...

  • Zen and the art of tough love

    Aug 8, 2019

    I got pulled over for speeding Saturday. I was in Rock Springs and driving near Veterans Park when it happened. The Rock Springs Police Department officer told me I was driving 40 mph in a 30 mph zone, which I can confirm because the knee-jerk reaction to seeing any sort of patrol vehicle is to quickly glance at my speedometer. The officer gave me a warning about the speeding and was genuinely pleasant during the stop. A mental error involving a dead cell phone and not printing my insurance cards resulted in a citation for not having that...

  • Our View:Ready for fair fun

    Aug 1, 2019

    It’s that time of the year again. Fair time. It’s something we not only enjoy going to with our families and friends, but covering it for the newspaper. What’s not to like? From the special entertainment, concerts and carnival rides to 4-H shows and exhibits of all kinds. There’s so much to do and not enough time to do or cover it all, but we sure try. Over the years, the fair has had numerous special entertainers. One special event we’re looking forward to seeing this year are the duck races. This event was at the fair a few years ago and i...

  • Thinking about health: Caregiving costs are not just for the elderly

    Trudy Lieberman, Rural Health News Service|Aug 1, 2019

    Is the U.S. ready for a discussion about paying for caregiving, an increasingly vexing and costly problem for a growing number of Americans? The answer may be “yes.” It has become obvious that long-term care insurance is not the answer to paying for nursing home and other kinds of care for the elderly. Sales for this product have been declining, the result of sky-high premiums, rate increases, and the difficulty of qualifying for a policy if you’re sick. But the elderly are not the only Americans needing care. At the other end of the age spect...

  • Our View: Accessible information

    Jul 25, 2019

    Want to find out how much your local government is spending, where it’s spent or which government positions earn the most; there are a variety of publicly available documents to satisfy that curiosity. Want to know how a public official responded in an email conversation with other officials or are curious about what the Green River City Council approved in May 2017. There are documents that can answer those questions too. Government documents and reports are the best window into how your governments operate. They show what is being spent a...

  • 'Lion King' offers spectacle

    David Martin, Publisher|Jul 25, 2019

    In 1994, Disney released “The Lion King,” an animated film widely considered to be one of the crown jewels of the so-called Disney Renaissance period from the late 1980s to late 1990s. Exactly 25 years later, Disney releases “The Lion King,” a remake of its landmark film, featuring draw-dropping computer animation and a new cast in retelling the tale of a young lion rediscovering his role in the Circle of Life. The 1994 is superior to the soulless remake that will likely earn Disney even mo...

  • It's time to stand up against bullies

    Richard P. Holm MD, The Prairie Doc|Jul 25, 2019

    We have all had to deal with bullies throughout our lives, and I have had my share. One fall day, coming home from school, I saw two guys from my third-grade class beating up on a smaller kid and was moved to step in to help. I was chagrined, but not surprised when the victim ran home, and I became the new target. The beating I took that day was minimal, however, the sense that I did the right thing by standing up against bullies has propped up my self-worth my whole lifetime. Bullies and abuse are everywhere. While in medical school, I was in...

  • Our View: Rodeo impacts county

    Jul 18, 2019

    There’s a lot to check out at the National High School Finals Rodeo. Of course there are the rodeo performances, which take place twice daily, at 9 a.m., and 7 p.m. The last performances take place Saturday, which culminates in the rodeo’s championship round at 7 p.m., that night. For rodeo fans and those who like a good show, the competitors are top notch. Some of them will be future stars of the sport and this rodeo is an opportunity to see them in action. There is the trade show as well. The annual trade show, which follows the rodeo, gives...

  • Lifelong Learning: Balancing acts

    Lu Sweet, Western Wyoming Community College|Jul 18, 2019

    I recently read an article written by Emily Tipping, editorial director for the magazine Recreation Management, May 2019, about trying to keep work life and home life in balance on a consistent basis. Tipping said that we all have an idea of where we want to operate: when we are doing everything we need to do and as a result our mind, body and soul are good. Tipping said that even when we think we have it all figured out there will be days when nothings seems to go right. However, she said we just need to be mindful of this and stay positive...

  • Is the information one reads fake news?

    Richard P. Holm MD, The Prairie Doc|Jul 18, 2019

    It is miraculous to consider how much access and exposure we have to information through our computers, televisions, radios and newspapers. Unfortunately, we need to be on guard because too much of this buzz can be false information. In an October 2017 article, the Pew Research Center found 43 percent of people in 2016 received their news from Facebook listening for information that aligned with their world view (not necessarily with facts). Pew also found 23 percent had shared, by intention or accident, untrue political messages on social...

  • Our View: Layoffs illustrate economic needs

    Jul 10, 2019

    News of layoffs never goes down easy. It’s an unfortunate event we in Sweetwater County have dealt with in the past. So when news broke last week of 700 coal miners and employees in Campbell County being without jobs after Blackjewel suddenly closed the doors on its Eagle Butte and Belle Ayr mines, we understand what those workers and their families now face. Many of us have been there too. While Blackjewel may ultimately find a way to reopen the mines, this event couldn’t be a more clear signal to Wyoming’s leaders that they need to find...

  • What the future holds

    David Martin, Publisher|Jul 10, 2019

    One of the most frequent questions we’ve been asked over the past month is what the future holds for us now that the Rock Springs Rocket-Miner is shifting to a twice a week publication schedule and will no longer print in Rock Springs. For the past six years, this newspaper has been printed in Rock Springs through an agreement between us and the Rocket Miner, currently Adams Publishing Group. While the option to continue that relationship was available, with us also having our paper printed i...

  • Our View: Be careful with fireworks

    Jul 3, 2019

    It’s a message that bears repeating every year: be careful with your fireworks. With the Fourth of July holiday tomorrow, it’s inevitable that Sweetwater County residents will want to celebrate with the colorful sparks, sound and smoke most people enjoy. When used properly, fireworks can be a fun way to celebrate America’s Independence. However, there are dangers associated with their use as well. Anytime fireworks comes into play, the danger of starting a fire exists and we urge residents to follow Sweetwater County Fire Warden Mike Bourn...

  • Air quality study questioned by resident

    Jul 3, 2019

    Dear Editor, This letter is to express concerns with Love’s truck stop. All of these issues were voiced in public meetings and to the Sweetwater County Commissioners in writing. The only response so far has been Love’s air model which did not model emissions from idling vehicles. The question posed to Love’s was: “What impact idling trucks would have on air quality along the green river especially in the winter during inversions?” The air model discussed in last week’s paper was supposed to be in response to that. Love’s provided almost no inf...

  • Basketball players' actions praised

    Jul 3, 2019

    Dear Editor, On Flaming Gorge Days, our Wyoming Military National Guard band played two concerts in the park and marched in our parade. The first song was our National Anthem. There were young people playing basketball adjacent to the park and when they heard the music they all stopped their game and placed their hands over their hearts until the music ended. It was something to behold and it touched me very much. I wanted to share this because I believe it touched a lot of people. Pat Jaramillo Green River...

  • Skin cancer questions answered

    Richard P. Holm MD, The Prairie Doc|Jul 3, 2019

    Q: What are some types of skin cancer? A: The three major types are basal cell, squamous cell and malignant melanoma. In general, one in five, or 20 percent of people in the U.S. have had or will have some type of skin cancer. In Australia where the sun is intense, two out of three skin cancers are basal cell, one in four are squamous cell, and one in twelve are malignant melanoma. Q: Should I go to a dermatologist for screening? A: The dermatologist is the most experienced with skin cancer, but primary care providers can help, too. Realize,...

  • Our View: Tourism can improve

    Jun 26, 2019

    Minerals will likely play a vital role in Sweetwater County’s economy regardless of what coal’s future will be, but tourism will be an increasingly larger player in the coming years. With Sweetwater County Travel and Tourism’s announcement that leisure visits have increased by 5 percent, we think attempts at marketing Sweetwater County to travelers are paying off. One thing to realize is Sweetwater County will likely never be the destination for most travelers, Rock Springs and Green River are convenient stopping points for people traveling thr...

  • Playing with Power: Super Mario Bros. 2

    David Martin, Publisher|Jun 26, 2019

    Anyone looking through the games released on the Nintendo Entertainment System would notice there’s something odd about some sequels released for many long-running series people are familiar with. In 2018, the video games industry posted $43 billion in sales and of the top 10 best selling games of the year, “Marvel’s Spider-Man” was the only game that wasn’t either a sequel or reboot of a previous game. The top five best sellers were western outlaw sim “Red Dead Redemption 2,” followed by m...

  • From misery to miracles

    Richard P. Holm, The Prairie Doc|Jun 26, 2019

    Miracles still happen. Some think that the scourge of smallpox was present around 12,000 years ago, however, we know for sure it was here 3,000 years ago as it was found on the face of an Egyptian Pharaoh mummy. We know that it caused many large and devastating epidemics killing about 35 percent of infected adults and 80 percent of infected children. Even during the 20th century, smallpox still resulted in 300-500 million deaths world-wide. Pictures of people suffering from this miserable viral illness show skin of face and body breaking out...

  • Our View: Shift gears on coal

    Jun 19, 2019

    While the “War on Coal” is an attractive title for opposition to using coal as a means of power generation, we think that war has already been fought and decided. What we’re seeing now is the aftermath. We understand the concern the Sweetwater County Board of County Commissioners have shown in the group’s recent letter to Wyoming’s congressional delegation. Coal mining has provided for countless families in southwestern Wyoming. Rock Springs was built upon coal mining, as the historic “Home of Rock Springs Coal” sign in downtown Rock Springs...

  • Lifelong Learning: many forms of communication

    Lu Sweet, Western Wyoming Community College|Jun 19, 2019

    The other day, my five and six-year-old daughters were singing the words to the song, “Nerves” by Terri Hendrix. My five year old sang, “You’re getting on my nurses.” (You should’ve seen me look at her and NOT react.) Then my six year old said, “no, Gracie, it’s supposed to be, “You’re getting on my nerds.” (Again, I am sure the look on my face was something else.) In an attempt to help them with the actual lyrics I then said, “Girls, you’re getting on my nerves.” Madi immediately said, “Oh sorry about that, Mom.” I almost felt like I wa...

  • A prayer for aging discovered from the ancient medicine wheel

    Richard P. Holm MD, The Prairie Doc|Jun 19, 2019

    Nothing has touched my soul and spoken to aging with grace quite like the ancient Indian medicine wheel and the traditions that have evolved from it. From the National Library of Medicine, I learned that in the Americas, Indian tribes have multiple interpretations of the four directions, but the following prayer is my own, geriatrician’s interpretation of a version from the book “Black Elk Speaks” and Oyate (Nakota, Dakota, Lakota) tradition. First, we get down on our knees and feel the soil, the sacred Mother Earth, bringing the world aroun...

  • Our View: Schoenfeld should be appointed

    Jun 12, 2019

    The Sweetwater County commissioners have until June 30 to decide who will replace Don Van Matre on the board. With three candidates to chose from, all of whom are well-qualified for the role, the decision won’t be easy to make. However, we believe the future of Sweetwater County would be best represented if the commissioners chose Lauren Schoenfeld to take Van Matre’s vacated seat on the board. While we can’t argue that John Kolb wouldn’t be a good choice because of his prior experience as a county commissioner, Republican voters made their v...

  • The stress of going on vacation

    Stephanie Thompson, Editor|Jun 12, 2019

    With how much stress I go through preparing for a vacation I start to wonder if it’s worth it. Of course, it always is in the end, but at the time it can be overwhelming. Once again, I find myself stressing before a vacation. This time I think I am stressing out even more than normal because the family trip involves flying: something my 9-year-old son, Matthew, and my 7-year-old son, John, have never experienced before. I am not the biggest fan of flying. I get motion sickness easily and by t...

  • Group releases disturbing report about America's nursing homes

    Trudy Lieberman, Rural Health News Service|Jun 12, 2019

    The Senate Special Committee on Aging has just released one of the most damning reports on the nation’s nursing homes that I’ve seen in a long time. The short document should be required reading for any family thinking of moving a relative to a nursing facility. Pennsylvania Senator Robert Casey, a Democrat, who is the ranking member on the committee along with Pennsylvania’s other senator Patrick J. Toomey, a Republican, recently revealed a special, but unpublicized program to flag and monitor the worst nursing homes in the country. Bad nursi...

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