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  • Standing strong together as a county

    Sweetwater County Elected Officials|Jul 25, 2024

    As citizens of Sweetwater County, we have observed national political campaigns that seek not to enlighten voters and provide them with the necessary information to make an informed choice on election day, but instead resort to malicious and deceptive tactics that leave behind a trail of toxicity that corrodes public trust, undermines civic engagement, and attacks the very foundation of our republic. Sadly, these groups have now turned their cynical eyes toward Sweetwater County. We have been flooded with texts, mailers, and door hangers...

  • Letter to the Editor: Supporting Marlene Brady

    Jul 25, 2024

    Dear Editor, I had a gal by the name of Marlene Brady stop by. She is a Republican running as a Representative in the WY House District 60, and is fighting for us very hard! If you are not familiar with her opponent, Tony Niemiec, please check out what all be has voted for or against since he has been in Office. Marlene’s statement shows me she is the best for the job! “I pledge that I will fight to protect the freedoms and Rights of every Wyoming citizen against all federal and state government overreach.” She is a STRONG advocate for Prope...

  • Our View: Violent words lead to violent actions

    Jul 18, 2024

    Over the past few years, it’s been increasingly obvious that we’re living through events that will be major chapters in history books someday. Last Saturday we all witnessed another history-making moment when Former President and current Presidential Candidate Donald Trump was shot in an assassination attempt during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. While it seems miraculous that the former president, inches away from being killed, was only grazed on the ear, it is also horrific that one rally attender was killed and two others were seriously i...

  • Wyo. officials respond to Trump shooting

    Staff Report|Jul 18, 2024

    Wyoming's elected officials responded to the attempted assassination of Former President Donald Trump last Saturday with concern and condemnation of political violence. Governor Mark Gordon released the following statement on Saturday: "President Trump, his family and the families of the victims of today's shooting are in our prayers. We are thankful for the professional and quick response of the Secret Service. This is truly a sad day for our Republic, and should serve as a wake-up call for...

  • Title IX injunction response

    From the office of Gov. Mark Gordon|Jul 11, 2024

    Governor Gordon and Superintendent of Public Instruction Megan Degenfelder released the following statements after a Federal court issued a preliminary injunction halting implementation of President Biden’s new rule reinterpreting Title IX. Wyoming, along with Kansas, Alaska, Utah and private parties, filed its lawsuit against the Title IX rules in May. Governor Gordon released the following statement: “I am pleased that the court has recognized and halted the Biden Administration’s brazen attempt to rewrite Title IX. I never had any doubt...

  • Letter to the Editor: Addressing advancing inclusivity

    Jul 11, 2024

    Dear Editor, Recently on June 11, SWCSD No. 2 held a workshop showcasing their commitment to creating a supportive and legally compliant educational environment. The reason for this workshop was to address concerns that parents and citizens of Green River have over the Biden administration’s rewrite of Title IX which asserts for the first time that Title IX’s ban on sex discrimination in federally funded education programs includes sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). In the 50 years that Title IX has been in effect, Congress has dec...

  • Freedom is not free

    Sen. Cheri E. Steinmetz|Jul 3, 2024

    I grew up hearing stories about my Great Uncles John, Harold and Ed who fought against Hitler and the Nazis in World War II to defend us from the scourge of communism. Uncle John and Ed told us how after fighting for days they were captured and held in concentration camps as prisoners of war. They were prisoners because they knew the value of freedom. Surrounded by barbed wire, their bellies empty and bodies suffering from a lack of food and warm clothing, they took matters into their own hands. Uncle John found a way to sneak out of camp...

  • The significance of a "Spammy"

    Hannah Romero, Editor|Jun 27, 2024

    Sometimes the awards that mean the most are the ones that look the goofiest. I'm now the proud owner of two "Spammies," made of an actual can of spam with little pig figures glued to the top, a fancy board glued to the back to say what the award is, and little foam star stickers and fake gemstones giving some extra bedazzling here and there. I was surprised to receive these awards during the Actors' Mission's recent "Golden Spam Awards" event, which was more hilarious and more heartwarming than...

  • While I was in Washington

    Danielle Salas, Contributor|Jun 20, 2024

    This past week I was lucky enough to visit Washington D.C. with my daughter as part of The Gold Medal Summit for Congressional Gold Medal award recipients. The Congressional Award Program was actually started here in our great state of Wyoming in 1979 by Wyoming Senator Malcom Wallop. It is the highest civilian honor awarded to the youth of our country for participating and recording nearly one thousand hours of Voluntary Public Service, Physical Fitness, Personal Development along with...

  • Letter to the Editor: Upcoming circus mistreats animals

    Jun 20, 2024

    Dear Editor, I am disappointed to learn that Jordan World Circus is scheduled to visit Rock Springs on June 25 given its history of recurrent violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act. The USDA has cited Jordan World Circus numerous times for providing inadequate, unsafe enclosures and depriving animals of proper veterinary care, nutritious food, clean water, and shelter from the elements. Despite prior violations, Jordan World Circus continues to hire outside exhibitors to feature potentially dangerous large, wild animals such as...

  • Cutting red tape to grow Wyo's trona industry

    Rep. Jon Conrad, Wyoming House District 19|Jun 13, 2024

    Wyoming is blessed to be a resource-rich state. Developing our abundant natural resources is critical to creating jobs, supporting local businesses and industries and building a stronger, more resilient economy not only in southwest Wyoming but the entire state. However, a dysfunctional federal permitting process often stands in the way of the progress we are making to explore, mine and produce the vast mineral deposits that lie just beneath our feet. Wyoming is home to the largest trona deposit in the world, covering roughly 1,300 square...

  • Legislators confront Gov.

    Jun 6, 2024

    A number of Wyoming legislators wrote a letter to Governor Mark Gordon at the end of May expressing their frustration with his veto of Senate File 13 and their desire to “heighten the Wyoming government’s reaction to the lawless Biden administration’s attacks on our state’s sovereignty and our citizen’s way of life.” After receiving a response from the governor, the legislators wrote the following reply: Governor Gordon, We are grateful for your timely response to our May 22 letter. We only wish you would act with such haste when defending Wyom...

  • Fallen but not forgotten

    Dr. William F. Holland Jr.|May 30, 2024

    This week we honor those who died while fighting for our country. There was a time when society seemed to be more sensitive and compassionate about casualties of war, but today there are so many distractions that cause us to not have our priorities in the right order. This day is not about politics or worldviews, it's about giving the highest respect to those who paid the greatest price. The liberties we are thankful for today did not come without the sacrifice of many brave men and women as...

  • Gov. opposes BLM coal leasing plan

    May 23, 2024

    From the Office of Governor Mark Gordon Governor Mark Gordon responded forcefully to an announcement by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that it had selected the “No Leasing” alternative in its Buffalo Coal Resource Management Plan Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS). The BLM’s choice means it is all but determined that coal leasing in the Powder River Basin will not be permitted past 2041. The Governor’s statement follows: “With this latest barrage in President Joe Biden’s ongoing attack on Wyoming’s coal country and a...

  • Letter to the Editor: A correspondence with Vice President Kamala Harris

    May 23, 2024

    Dear Editor, Last November, I wrote and sent a letter to Vice President Kamala Harris. I recently received a reply. In her letter, among other things, she said: “Today, our Nation faces many challenges. Together, we are responding with what I call American Aspiration. American Aspiration is the ability to see what can be, unburdened by what has been. It is the determination to do, not only to dream. I see it in America’s innovators, educators, small business owners, and nurses. I see it in people like you. Although these are tough times, I hav...

  • Defending Wyoming's access to our public lands

    Sen. John Barrasso and Rep. Harriet Hageman|May 16, 2024

    In Wyoming, we have always relied on access to America’s public lands for our way of life and our livelihood. It is essential for energy and mineral development, ranching and agriculture, hunting and fishing, hiking and climbing, and so much more. Unelected, unaccountable Washington bureaucrats are now jeopardizing Wyoming’s access to that land. They want to hijack Wyoming’s decision-making surrounding public land management and transfer it to climate zealots. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM)’s new Rock Springs Resource Management Plan (R...

  • Time travelers in Green River

    Hannah Romero, Editor|May 9, 2024

    As Ruby Sunday steps out of the TARDIS, she enters a lush prehistoric world, standing on a cliff overlooking a broad river with waterfalls and groups of roaming dinosaurs. As she admires everything in amazement after having traveled back in time, the Doctor explains where they are. "The TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimension in Space. So we've moved location as well. This will be North America. One day this is Wyoming. Little town called Green River." This exchange happens in the first...

  • Letter to the Editor: We need to stop school bullying

    May 9, 2024

    Dear Editor, We aren’t doing enough to stop bullying in schools. School bullying is plaguing our children with ill health, causing depression, headaches, poor grades, along with the inability to focus on school work and becoming anti-social, not wanting to be part of school activities. We need more education in our schools for our children about the impact school bullying is having on fellow students along with procedures that can be taken when someone is being traumatized due to school bullying. It should never be ignored. Schools can offer c...

  • Letter to the Editor: Retired Game Warden shares information on wolf case

    May 2, 2024

    Dear Editor, I retired from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department in 2014 after a 40 year career as a Wyoming Game Warden. During that career, I wrote several hundred citations to people violating the laws and regulations that dealt with illegal taking of wildlife in Wyoming, and spent many sessions in courts around southwest Wyoming dealing with the aftermath of these violations. I am as sickened as most folks are after hearing of the injured wolf at the Green River Bar in Daniel. No one should...

  • Letter to the Editor: Bicycles for inmates proposal

    May 2, 2024

    Dear Editor and community, I would like to start a bike program for inmates that are upon release to be given a bike to ride to achieve their new goals and dreams or even just to Cruel Jack's truck stop. I feel that a donation pile would be greatly healthy due to being on the way to the local landfill, and the detention center being right there! I would like to donate at least beginning with one day of my time a month for the rest of my short stay on this Earth being that we are not promised...

  • Recognizing human creativity

    Hannah Romero, Editor|Apr 25, 2024

    Can you tell the difference between something created by a computer and something created by a human? This question is increasingly put to the test these days, with the prevalence of artificial intelligence (AI) rising quickly, and AI-generated pictures and text being shared all around us. Last weekend, the same question was put to the test in an especially chaotic and hilarious way thanks to the Actors' Mission's 24 Hour Page to Stage: Man vs. Machine event, which I was insane enough to...

  • In Wyoming, tormenting a wolf is not a big deal

    Wendy Keefover, Writers on the Range|Apr 18, 2024

    It’s legal in Wyoming to chase coyotes and run over them with snowmobiles, but recently, a man used his snowmobile to run down a wolf until it was disabled. Then he taped the wolf’s mouth shut and paraded the animal around a local bar, taking photos to commemorate the event. Finally, he killed the wolf. According to news reports, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department fined the man $250. His only crime: possession of a live wild animal. The more we learn, the worse this disturbing story gets. Most recently, one news outlet released video foo...

  • Pay attention to who you threaten

    Hannah Romero, Editor|Apr 11, 2024

    I was startled when I started going through my email on Tuesday, and was getting ready to mark “receive death threats” off my journalism bingo card. I had to read the email a couple of times as I tried to understand it, and understand why I had received it. It said: “First of all you are morally and legally responsible for the action taken again [sic] innocent Earth life in your establishment. You will be closed in a year. I hope you and your family starve and get ripped apart by the speci...

  • House votes against special session

    Albert Sommers and Clark Stith and Barry Crago|Apr 4, 2024

    While a majority of the senate voted for a special session, a majority of the Wyoming House voted against. As a result, taxpayers will be spared the likely $700,000 expense of a 20-day special session in 2024. We take pride in Wyoming’s history of a citizen legislature, deeply rooted in its connection to the people and in stark contrast to a professional political class. Safeguarding this institution is paramount and more important than any single bill. The prospect of a third special session in four years presented significant practical c...

  • Secretary of State Gray responds to Governor's vetoes

    From the office of Secretary Chuck Gray|Apr 4, 2024

    Acknowledging receipt of Governor Mark Gordon’s veto letters addressed to him in his capacity as Wyoming Secretary of State and in accordance with Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming State Constitution, Secretary Chuck Gray issued a response noting his disagreement with many of the vetoes in a letter. “While acknowledging receipt of these vetoes, our republic is built on discourse and debate,” Secretary Gray said. “In this vein, I wanted to respond to some of the points made in your letters that I disagree with as well as express disagre...

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