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  • Notes from Town Square: The pool is the place to be

    Katie Blood, Recreation Supervisor|Nov 15, 2017

    The Green River Recreation Center has a vast array of fun things to do, even in the winter. One of the greatest assets in our facility is the pool. The 210,000 gallon pool, with its L-shape, can facilitate divers, lap swimmers, and recreational swimmers all at the same time. Also offered at our pool are water aerobics classes for all, not to mention the special activity days which are scheduled throughout the month. A great full-body workout can be accomplished by swimming laps; this is easier on the joints than running or lifting and has more...

  • Is pumpkin spice season over?

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Nov 15, 2017

    Is pumpkin spice season, also known as fall, over yet? Yes. It’s almost as if during the past few years, the flavor has taken over the autumn. It’s no longer about the leaves turning color. Nope. It’s all about pumpkin spice lattes and everything else they can make in pumpkin spice flavoring. Fall used to be a time when the temperatures would start to drop and we would trade in our flip flops for a nice pair of ankle boots, but now it’s all about pumpkin spice flavoring. Yes. The flavor that al...

  • Lifelong Learning: The control panel of life

    Lu Sweet, Western Wyoming Community College|Nov 15, 2017

    I have eight people in my household, so of course I was doing laundry the other day. Most of the time it feels like I do laundry every day. Don’t ask me why, but the other day I actually took a look at the control panel on the washer for a minute. I think I was just standing there, kind of zoning out nonetheless, I looked at the control panel, and saw several words that got me thinking. As weird as this sounds, I realized in that moment, that my machine’s control panel is very similar to my own life control panel. Let me explain. The first con...

  • Our View: Donate to the county food bank

    Nov 8, 2017

    With Halloween firmly in the proverbial rear-view mirror, many are now turning their attentions to Thanksgiving and the upcoming Christmas and New Year’s holidays. With Thanksgiving a few weeks away, we would like to remind residents to think about the less fortunate in Green River and consider making a food or cash donation to the Sweetwater County Food Bank. The food bank serves the county’s residents out of its Rock Springs and Green River locations. The Green River Food Bank is located behind Golden Hour Senior Center in the old Roo...

  • Come on, use the poo bags

    Nov 8, 2017

    Dear Editor, I’d like to express my thanks to the city of Green River for providing doggy poo bags and repositories. Many of our citizens readily use them. Unfortunately, some dog owners do not pick up after their pets. Hopefully, that will change as they see other owners being responsible. In an effort to make a difference in my corner of the world, I have been carrying extra bags to pick up after those who don’t. Why? Because I, like so many others, enjoy our Greenbelt. We enjoy a clean area to walk our pets, meet people and enjoy what our...

  • The threats facing condors

    TOM GAGNON, Guest Columnist|Nov 8, 2017

    Soaring high over the Arizona desert, condors search the landscape for meat. Anything will do: a gut pile left by a hunter; a lightning killed bison; or a tourist falling over the edge of the Grand Canyon. On an autumnal drive through northern Arizona, my Uncle Gerry Gagnon and I turned off a highway to the House Rock condor viewing area. The white guano-stain marks, just beneath the nests of the great birds, can be seen with the naked eye from miles away. The dark spots, against the blue sky, are condors. They glide swiftly and seemingly witho...

  • Notes from Town Square: Shopping small on Small Business Saturday

    Jennie Melvin, URA and Main Street Administrator|Nov 8, 2017

    It’s November so you know what that means! The holidays are coming up quickly and shopping is on our minds. Green River URA/Main Street would like to remind everyone to shop small and support our local businesses. Small Business Saturday is Nov. 25 and is the perfect opportunity to find those special gifts for our loved ones. Why should we shop and spend money locally? Helps to stimulate the local economy When you purchase at locally owned businesses rather than nationally owned stores, about 70 cents of every dollar stays local. Only 40 c...

  • Our View: A new name for an old concept

    Nov 1, 2017

    Fake news, as a concept, has been around at least as long as we’ve had politicians. But we used to call it something else: propaganda. That our President was able to harness the term and continue to ride its wave, is disconcerting to people in the business of reporting news because it is so often an attack on media outlets which pride themselves on unbiased reporting. But the President’s attacks are not groundless which is why they resonate with so many Americans. Journalism schools have evolved over the past generation, in an attempt to equ...

  • Just take the time to listen

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Nov 1, 2017

    I truly believe that some of the greatest ideas come from children. We simply just have to take the time to stop and listen to them. I mean really, listen to them. That doesn’t mean we pull “the smile and nod” technique or repeat the last thing they said back to them so they think we are listening. I mean actual listening. A dear friend of mine always said “The Lord gave us two ears to hear and one mouth to speak.” How true that is. He also pointed out that we have these two ears because w...

  • Update on action in Washington, D.C.

    John Barrasso, U.S. Senator|Nov 1, 2017

    In the past few weeks, there have been several changes in Washington that will directly benefit people across Wyoming. These include Wyoming’s energy workers, families who need affordable health care, and those concerned with preventing wildfires. Ending the “Clean Power Plan” On Oct. 10, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) took steps to repeal the so-called Clean Power Plan rule. The EPA is supposed to issue reasonable regulations to protect America’s air. However, the unreasonable and unlawful Clean Power Plan would have hurt energy...

  • Our View: Leave this state out of Bannon's war

    Oct 25, 2017

    Many of our readers have likely heard about a couple of potential challengers to Sen. John Barrasso in the coming election year. While we’re in favor of residents seeking public office to serve their city, county or state; we cannot support what either of these potential challengers would bring to Wyoming. For those unaware, reports have surfaced in the past few weeks regarding former presidential advisor and head of far-right news outlet Breitbart News, Steve Bannon, targeting Barrasso’s seat in Wyoming as part of what he’s calling a “seas...

  • RS teacher makes appropriate statements

    Oct 25, 2017

    Dear Editor, Gigi Jasper is an AP English teacher, at Rock Springs High School. Having worked in that school as a substitute teacher, I have covered for her at least twice. The walls of the room are covered in all kinds of stimulating pictures and posters, yet it doesn’t seem cluttered or overbearing. It’s the kind of place that anyone would like to spend some cogitative time. Her students spoke of her with affection and respect. She is one of a small group of courageous teachers who are willing to stick their necks out and speak truth. She...

  • What's crawling on my face?

    STEPHANIE THOMPSON, People Editor|Oct 25, 2017

    As I am laying in bed sleeping, I suddenly get the feeling that I should be awake for some reason. I lay there trying to decide if I am dreaming or if I do in fact feel something crawling on my face. As I pass in and out of this sleepy state, I realize quickly that there was something crawling on my face and it has since moved to my hair. As the creepy crawling thing makes its way to my shoulder, I am awake enough to grab it, squish it an throw it onto the floor. By now, I am wide awake and...

  • Tasty adventures in Sweetwater Co.

    DAVID MARTIN, Editor|Oct 25, 2017

    One of the aspects of living in Sweetwater County is the inevitable challenge of eating at a restaurant within a month of it opening. For that month or so, service to any brand-new eating establishment is similar to what one expects in Salt Lake City or Denver, with wait times of about half an hour from when the party arrives to when they’re seated. As we all know, that’s a rarity for any restaurant in Rock Springs or Green River, let alone any location in Wyoming outside of Jackson Hole or Che...

  • Notes from Town Square: Planning a safe Halloween

    Jennie Melvin, URA Main Street Administrator|Oct 25, 2017

    Halloween is coming and the Green River URA/Main Street Agency wants to share some tips to ensure a fun and safe experience for everyone. These recommendations are from the American Academy of Pediatrics: *Plan costumes that are bright and reflective. Make sure that shoes fit well and that costumes are short enough to prevent tripping, entanglement or contact with flame. *Consider adding reflective tape or striping to costumes and trick-or-treat bags for greater visibility. *Because masks can limit or block eyesight, consider non-toxic makeup...

  • Dealing with the Equifax beach

    Sam Shumway, AARP Wyoming President|Oct 25, 2017

    Typing your last name and final six digits of your social security number into Equifax’s website is sort of like getting a sore tooth looked at by the dentist - you know you need to do it, but the potential bad news you receive could lead to future pain. In this case, it is less of a root canal and more identity theft. I’m not sure which is more painful. To recap recent events, Equifax is one of three major consumer credit-reporting agencies, with data on more than 820 million consumers and 81 million businesses worldwide. In early Sep...

  • Our View: Closure is imminent, but cuts are worse

    Oct 18, 2017

    The closure of a school impacts an entire community. It isn’t just the students and staff being moved to another location, nor is it the physical act of closing a building and mothballing it for possible future use. With the closure of a school, the community loses a place to gather. It loses a gym to dance or practice in. It becomes a loss for everyone involved. With the school board deliberating on if it will close Jackson Elementary and a final judgement expected to pass in November, there’s time to discuss the value the school brings to...

  • Letter: Gun issue should be dealt with immediately

    Oct 18, 2017

    Dear Editor, The second amendment of the United States Constitution states: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Obviously the need for a state militia has been replaced by the National Guard and Coast Guard whereby trained military personnel are entrusted with the defense of this country against domestic enemies. Their weapons are tightly controlled and safeguarded. The only two reasons for a citizen to own a firearm are for hun...

  • Letter: RS resident upset with teacher

    Oct 18, 2017

    Dear Editor, I’m writing about a circumstance I find very upsetting. A picture that was sent to me that I’m told is hanging in Gigi Jasper’s AP English classroom at Rock Springs High School, of a caricature President Trump that says “STOP BIGOTRY.” I’m also told Jasper is putting up statistics in the room that purportedly show the number of black people being killed by white police officers on a daily or weekly basis. This is totally inappropriate and unacceptable. Posting statistics out of context is irresponsible and inaccurate at the very...

  • Letter: Disagreeing with opening Boy Scouts to girls

    Oct 18, 2017

    Dear Editor, Now, more than ever, it is imperative for us to be the champion of girls. In today’s world, girls need girl-only spaces where girls are the first thought not an afterthought. Girls need to feel safe and encouraged by positive female role models to be a G.I.R.L. – where they are Go Getters, Innovators, Risk-Takers, and Leaders. Girl Scouts provides the necessary space for girls to learn and thrive. Girl Scouts works! We stand firm in our belief that Girl Scouts is the best leadership experience for girls in the world. While we sup...

  • A ghost story of a different flavor

    David Martin, Editor|Oct 18, 2017

    For some, terror comes in the form of the eldritch horrors imaged by H. P. Lovecraft or the most grotesque creatures dreamed up in Hollywood, while others may fear abduction by aliens and the unknowable body experiments they conduct. For my two-year-old nephew, terror comes in the form of the Toast Ghost, the spirit of a piece of toast my nephew presumably ate at some point. Toast Ghost floats around my sister’s house at night, keeping my nephew awake with the horrible sounds of crunching b...

  • Enjoying the yearly Trunk or Treat

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Oct 18, 2017

    For eight years, I have participated in Green River URA/Main Street’s Trunk or Treat. The Trunk or Treat may have moved locations a few times, but it’s always been fun. It’s a chance for local businesses employees and owners to dress up in Halloween costumes, decorate their vehicles or trunks and hand out candy. Over the years, the employees and their family members at the Green River Star have been the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Scooby-Doo group, Smurfs, Willy Wanka and the Umpa Lumpas,...

  • Our View: Building should be saved

    Oct 11, 2017

    The Carnegie Library, or Green River Circuit Court building, has sat vacant for far too long and along with the U.P. Depot building downtown, deserves a better fate than what it has. For generations, the building was a portal to the world for Green River’s residents. One of 16 libraries gifted to Wyoming towns by industrialist Andrew Carnegie, the building was later utilized at a circuit court. Stained-glass windows helped create what was described as the most beautiful courtroom in Wyoming. After the circuit court moved to an addition to t...

  • Letter: County officials should apologize

    Bill Hodges, Green River resident|Oct 11, 2017

    Dear Editor, I am writing in response to the Sweetwater County Commissioners and their uncalled for comments toward the former board members of the hospital board. When Commissioner (John) Kolb publicly calls these honorable, unpaid servants corrupt, while the other commissioners sit silently, this is uncalled for. Many of the Sweetwater County Commissioners have known the hospital board members for years and know that Mr. Kolb’s comments were unwarranted. I have personally known Artis Kalivas for over 50 years and he has done nothing but h...

  • YouTube offers more than serving up limitless videos

    DAVID MARTIN, Editor|Oct 11, 2017

    For anyone whose read the columns I’ve written on the page over the past year, it’s easy to say I’ve developed a fascination with YouTube, arguably the internet’s most popular video hosting website. There’s a lot to see on almost any topic a person can think of. Want to check out what the street food scene looks like in Bangkok or Los Angeles? What about watching a man build a primitive hut with only the most basic of tools? Want to take a tour of a hand-made Christmas putz in the middle of...

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