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  • Continuing Thanksgiving traditions

    Hannah Romero, Editor|Nov 27, 2024

    Some of my favorite childhood memories are connected to holidays like Thanksgiving, and the time I spent with my family during them. Growing up, we always went to my Grandma and Grandpa Romero's house for Thanksgiving with all the extended family on my dad's side. We had aunts and uncles and great aunts and uncles and all the cousins. It was always packed and noisy and fun. I remember sticking black olives on my fingers, liking to play with them more than I liked to eat them. I remember Grandma...

  • We're losing trust, drifting from skepticism to cynicism

    Tom Mullen, Green River Star Owner|Nov 21, 2024

    Tempers flared last week, as Democrats sought to cast blame for the Republican landslide - I was particularly galled when a friend laid the blame on, “newspapers who are too chicken to …” Hold it right there. Losing my cool was a regular occurrence 30 years ago but it takes a lot to get my Irish at age 64. Journalists, particularly the people in the newspaper business, are the most courageous people I know. Yes, Soldiers and cops are brave but in my industry we don’t carry guns, at least not yet. When I started in this business, most of my c...

  • The Trump triumph portends an economic fallout

    Dave Marston, Writers on the Range|Nov 14, 2024

    As I watched Donald Trump arrive at an astounding victory election night, I was struck by his strong turnout in both rural and urban parts of the country. But I couldn’t stop thinking: Do voters understand what Trump’s sweep means for the price of eggs, housing and cars? As it became clear that enthusiasm for Kamala Harris was waning leading up to the election, bond markets were already going down. That’s important, because the bond market is a predictor of the future. For contrast, the stock market went up 3% the morning after the elect...

  • Our View: Honoring veterans and exercising our freedoms

    Nov 7, 2024

    With Veteran’s Day falling just under a week after Election Day this year, this week’s newspaper is a unique mix of both our annual Veteran’s Edition and our reporting on the election results. We find it meaningful that these two topics have ended up together in the newspaper this week. Every year, we take the time to recognize Veteran’s Day by honoring our local veterans who have fought and served our nation. In this week’s paper you’ll find pages full of photos and information on veterans from our community. They and their families ha...

  • Officials react to the General Election

    Nov 7, 2024

    Current and former Wyoming officials shared their thoughts on the results of the 2024 General Election after the results came in. Governor Mark Gordon released the following statement after the General Election: “We are blessed to live in America where our voices are heard. They have been! I look forward to working with our newly elected leaders to continue doing what’s right for Wyoming. Congratulations to President-elect Trump, Senator Barrasso, Congresswoman Harriet Hageman, and all the newly elected state and local leaders here in Wyo...

  • Amendment A: A foundation of fairness for Wyo. homeowners

    Jason Mower, Guest Op-Ed writer|Oct 31, 2024

    There’s a quiet strength in the Wyoming way of life—a belief in hard work, personal responsibility, and fairness. These values are woven into our heritage: face each day with courage, take pride in your work, and finish what you start. As Wyoming faces rising costs, these principles are more important than ever—especially in our tax system. On November 5, Amendment A offers the foundation needed to modernize property tax assessments, giving homeowners the relief they deserve while upholding fairness. A Clear-Cut Path to Fairness Without Reven...

  • Letter to the editor: Realtors support Amendment A

    Oct 24, 2024

    Dear Editor, People have asked why the Wyoming REALTORS are backing Amendment A. The answer is straightforward: We believe in homeownership and will always support any effort to keep people in their homes. Our Wyoming Constitution currently has three classes of property for the purpose of property taxation. First is Minerals, second is Industrial, and the third class is “all other.” All other encompasses Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, and personal property. Our constitution says that “all properties shall be taxed uniformly in each...

  • Letter to the Editor: Amendment A is hard to swallow

    Oct 24, 2024

    Dear Editor, Our 15 year old dog named Jimmy is blind and diabetic. He is on insulin and has to take a pill he can’t stand so we hide it in a piece of liverwurst. What does that have to do with Amendment A and the sneaky, hard to swallow pill being fed to us under the guise that it is for our own good? Marlene Brady, who is running for WY House District 60, alerted me to the fact there is a hidden agenda in this Amendment A. She shared some info with me that comes from a gentleman named Rich Weber. If one actually THINKS about the below f...

  • Serendipitous adaptability

    Hannah Romero, Editor|Oct 17, 2024

    Well-made plans have a nasty tendency of not working out the way they’re supposed to, especially when you’re traveling. I’ve experienced both the joy of a plan working out perfectly, and the heartbreak of a plan being so thrown off that it has to be abandoned. I’ve been on trips that were planned out with a detailed schedule and printed itinerary (shout out to my best friend and best travel planner, Marissa), and trips where our group was completely winging it and it’s amazing anything...

  • BLM ignored Wyo. protests

    Office of Gov. Mark Gordon|Oct 10, 2024

    Governor Gordon has said he is disappointed with the BLM’s response to protests of their Buffalo coal management plans. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) headquarters has rejected protests submitted by the State of Wyoming and other entities protesting the the Buffalo Field Office Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Proposed Resource Management Plan Amendment (RMPA). In a quietly released Protest Resolution Report issued on September 20, BLM denied or dismissed every protest submitted, with the BLM stating that no c...

  • The importance of health

    Timothy Laboria|Oct 10, 2024

    Dear Editor, On Saturday I gave a presentation to the folks at Castle Rock Rehabilitation Center and the Villa. I read a paper written by my brother, C. Terry Laboria, when he was in high school. This paper, which stresses the importance of health, was written October 25, 1964. He passed away from cancer on February 19, 1965, when he was 15 years old. I believe his words are profound, and they are especially important to me as I get older. I am humbled to share them. The following is my brother’s paper, entitled “The Thing in my Life which has...

  • Wyoming vs. the Fed

    REP. DANIEL SINGH, Wyoming House District 61|Oct 3, 2024

    Wyoming has a long history of self-reliance and innovation, especially in finance. Custodia Bank, founded here, is pushing the boundaries of digital banking and blockchain technology. Yet Custodia’s battle with the Federal Reserve is about more than just its future—it’s about who controls financial freedom and, ultimately, the sovereignty of states like Wyoming. The Federal Reserve denied Custodia a master account, an essential tool for direct access to the U.S. payment system. This isn’t just a bureaucratic hurdle—it’s an attempt to suppress...

  • Oppose gun-control legislation

    Rick Martin|Oct 3, 2024

    Dear Editor, We must oppose H.R. 625, H.R. 660, H.R. 698, H.R. 715, H.R. 768, H.R. 2392, and H.R. 2403. Also, leftists in Congress are trying to attach extreme gun-control measures to the “must-pass” National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). For example, a provision reauthorizing the unconstitutional Undetectable Firearms Act has been added to the Senate version of the bill. Also, Senator Chris Murphy has introduced three extreme amendments that would impose strict gun controls on service members at military bases, which would be a ste...

  • Protecting election integrity

    Gov. Mark Gordon and Secretary Chuck Gray|Sep 26, 2024

    Recognizing voter concerns over non-citizens attempting to vote nationwide, Governor Mark Gordon issued an Executive Order (EO) directing state agencies to take further steps to ensure Wyoming’s elections continue to be safe and secure. “Recognizing the Biden/Harris Administration’s disastrous border policies compel us to do all we can to protect the integrity of our elections, I, alongside fellow Republican Governors, have taken the action afforded to me by the Constitution and the Laws of Wyoming to confirm the security of Wyoming’s electio...

  • Lodging Tax: A vital pillar of our community

    Jenissa Meredith, Sweetwater County Travel and Tourism CEO|Sep 26, 2024

    As the crisp autumn air descends upon Sweetwater County, bringing with it a sense of anticipation for the upcoming seasons, and our incredible summer events come to an end, I want to take a moment to highlight the crucial role that the Sweetwater County Lodging Tax plays in supporting our vibrant community and local economy. This tax is a cornerstone of our efforts to promote tourism and create a thriving destination for visitors year-round. The revenue generated from this tax is essential for funding a wide range of events, initiatives, and...

  • State wildfires making way for invasive plants

    Zach Warren, Wyoming Weed and Pest Council|Sep 19, 2024

    Over several weeks, wildfires have ravaged northeastern Wyoming, burning nearly half a million acres of land in the Cowboy State and Montana. State firefighters have made progress containing the flames, but the risk of new fires continues as summer rolls on. Data from the National Integrated Drought Information System as early as August 13, 2024, shows that more than half of Wyoming is feeling the effects of abnormally dry to severe drought conditions, making the conditions ideal for fires to spread quickly. Once the flames are extinguished,...

  • Our View: Learn from history while living through history

    Sep 12, 2024

    This week on Wednesday we recognized the 23rd anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. We use the day as a time to remember our history, remember where we were and what it felt like when we found out our nation had been attacked, and particularly to remember and honor those who lost their lives, both in the attack and in the rescue efforts afterwards. September 11 was a horrific day that impacted our entire nation, and is impacting us still. As we remember the tragedy, we can...

  • Celebrate Constitution and Citizenship Day

    Rep. Scott Heiner, Wyoming House District 18|Sep 12, 2024

    Each year, on September 17, Americans celebrate Constitution and Citizenship Day which recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens. On September 17, 1787, the Founding Fathers signed the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia, and for over 200 years the Constitution has served as the supreme law of the land. The Constitution, along with the Bill of Rights and other amendments, define our government and guarantee our rights. This is a time when we can encourage Americans to reflect on the rights...

  • The story behind the Trona Bridge

    Green River Greenbelt Task Force Op-Ed|Sep 5, 2024

    In the heart of Green River, Wyoming, the Trona Bridge stands as more than just a passage across the river; it's a symbol of a community's vision, perseverance, and collaboration. This iconic structure, which serves as the gateway to the Greenbelt Pathway system, has its roots in a project that brought together local citizens, city officials, and the trona industry in a remarkable way. The Vision Takes Shape For nearly 30 years before 1990, the idea of creating a park or open space along the...

  • Post-election, we've got this

    Max Mickelson, Mayor of Rock Springs|Aug 29, 2024

    If you would be kind and humor me, I'd like to share a story. One of my kids had a really - and I mean barely holding on by the merest strip of tissue - loose tooth. She was distraught over the idea this eye tooth would fall out as she slept and be lost, depriving her of that sweet sweet Tooth Fairy loot. As dads do, I told her we can pop that sucker out in two shakes of a lamb's tail. Queue meltdown. Queue terror. Queue dad becoming exasperated at her insistence she can't sleep with it in, and...

  • Can we stop fighting RINOs?

    Hannah Romero, Editor|Aug 22, 2024

    Wyoming’s primary election is in the books, with thousands of voters showing up at the polls on Tuesday to make their voices heard. It was an interesting election, with less races than the 2022 election, and less candidates running against one another within those races. But that didn’t stop it from being highly contested, with tense debates and personal attacks as candidates presented arguments of why they were better than their opponents and what they would do differently. It was also a cam...

  • Are Sommers and the SLLF tied to China?

    Aug 15, 2024

    From Dawn Marquard, Lincoln County Republican Precinct Committeewoman 1-8: During election seasons, it is a common refrain for incumbent politicians to encourage constituents to come directly to them with questions about their voting records and integrity, while vehemently denying any involvement in statements made by a PAC. After stumbling upon an allegation concerning my house district representative's ties to China, I delved into a thorough investigation that unearthed concerning information...

  • Our View: Know before you vote

    Aug 8, 2024

    If the colorful campaign signs popping up all around our community over the past few months somehow haven’t tipped you off, election season is here once again. Wyoming’s primary election is approaching quickly, and will take place August 20. This week’s paper is our Election Edition, which includes district maps, a publishing ballot listing who is running for each office, and our Voter’s Guide, where candidates were invited to submit articles and advertisements to give more information about what issues are important to them and why they be...

  • Letter to the Editor: You have the right to disagree, not to destroy property

    Aug 8, 2024

    Dear Editor, Ahhhhhhhhhhhh yes…. The First Amendment is great isn’t it? A few months ago, I was shopping for groceries and on the way to the checkout stand, I realized I had lost my debit card that I needed to pay for the food. I immediately went to the front counter and reported the card missing. The next morning, I got a call telling me that my card had been turned in. I was amazed!! (And very relieved as well, I might add.) I was back at the store and mentioned to the man working in the produce section that I was shocked that someone had...

  • Olympic opening ceremony should unify, not divide

    Hannah Romero, Editor|Aug 1, 2024

    Potentially unpopular opinion: I loved the opening ceremony for the 2024 Olympics in Paris. I watched it with my family Friday night. I enjoyed seeing the boats full of athletes make their way down the Seine and watching the variety of performances and the artistic videos and storytelling. I literally cheered a few times, like during the scene featuring my favorite musical, “Les Miserables.” And I got emotional during the lighting of the innovative cauldron and again during the powerful per...

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