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  • Biggest election in Wyoming a total snooze-fest so far

    Kerry Drake, Wyofile.com|May 12, 2022

    Liz Cheney’s fight to keep her U.S. House seat is supposed to be a slugfest. How could it not be? There’s so much inherent drama: Cheney, the fallen GOP princess, locked in a duel against her party’s once (and perhaps still) king, Donald Trump. His hand-picked surrogate is a former friend and ally, Harriet Hageman, who claims Cheney betrayed their leader. If Wyoming votes out Cheney, can she still someday make it to the White House? Folks, it’s Survivor: Politicos of the Plains! Except this showdown for the heart and soul of the Republican Part...

  • Wyo. officials think customers should pay $1B to 'save' coal

    Kerry Drake, Wyofile.com|May 5, 2022

    Gov. Mark Gordon and the Legislature apparently believe Wyoming’s electricity customers are all chumps.What other conclusion is possible, given their push to prop up the dying coal industry by retrofitting the state’s coal-fired power plants with wildly expensive, efficiency-killing carbon-capture systems by 2030? PacifiCorp, which operates as Rocky Mountain Power in Wyoming, said last month it would cost between $400 million and $1 billion for each coal power plant unit to add carbon capture utilization and storage technology. A law pas...

  • Seeking an end to the politics of 'hate and disparagement'

    Sen. Cale Case, Guest Columnist|Apr 28, 2022

    I recently received a fund-raising appeal, that says, "Dear Friend, The Liberal elites, the Fake News Media and the Marxist Democrats hate America -- and they hate you." I am tired of the politics of hate and disparagement. I look forward to the primary election as an opportunity to reset the direction of the nation and the Wyoming Republican Party. I am with those who are concerned that Wyoming's Republican Party leadership is narrowly focused on a small set of strong views that do not...

  • Our View: to minimize harm

    Apr 21, 2022

    The practice of journalism is littered with landmines that, despite good intentions, can be easily tread upon and will cause harm. The Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics contains a section on minimizing the potential harm reporting can cause. Over the years, we’ve certainly stumbled in this regard and used those lessons to better inform how we cover sensitive topics. That point of view informs our suggestion to the Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Office to be more considerate in how it disseminates information through its press...

  • Republican infighting gives Wyo. Democrats a chance

    Kerry Drake, Wyofile.com|Apr 21, 2022

    By Kerry Drake Wyofile.com I’ve been a Wyoming Democrat for my entire adult life. I certainly can’t speak for all members of my party, but some elections are easier on my psyche than others. It helps when I know our candidates are going to be competitive in some races. Registered Republicans outnumber Democrats by more than 150,000. Even if every unaffiliated voter decided to back a Democratic candidate, it would only cut that advantage by 35,000. Yet it’s not impossible for Democrats to beat those lopsided odds. Three of Wyoming’s past si...

  • The polarizing Peeps

    Hannah Romero, Staff Writer|Apr 14, 2022

    Some of the best opinions to have are very strong opinions about very unimportant things. And some of the strongest unimportant opinions are about food — especially candy. For some reason, Peeps seem to be especially polarizing. I’ve heard people argue their passionate opinions about the classic marshmallow Easter candy for years. I decided I wanted to see where my own friends and acquaintances fell in the debate, so I asked people to tell me their opinions on Facebook. Although opinions wer...

  • Our view: More SEDC funding could go a long way

    Apr 7, 2022

    We’re supportive of the Sweetwater Economic Development Coalition’s desire to seek more funding as we think it could increase economic advocacy of Sweetwater County. With the organization seeking to increase its operational budget to $210,000 by seeking an increase from $30,000 to $70,000 from the county and the Green River and Rock Springs Councils, we believe this would be a great investment overall. The county’s economy has long been dominated by mineral extraction and a more diversified industrial and business foundation would shield the a...

  • Dreaming of summer camping

    David Martin, Editor|Apr 7, 2022

    While there’s still the chance of a late snowstorm or two hitting our corner of the word in the coming months, I think it’s safe to say that spring is here and as the temperature rises, I find myself thinking more and more about camping. The rainstorm we had last Tuesday is what caused my thoughts to drift towards escaping for a weekend to enjoy some time away from technology, work and portable devices. In fact, last week’s rain reminded me of the most relaxing camping weekend I’ve ever experien...

  • Letter: Unborn children not part of a woman's body

    Apr 7, 2022

    Dear Editor, Assuming that an unborn baby is a part of the mother’s body, the pro-choice advocates among us accuse the Wyoming Legislature of endangering a woman’s “right” to have sovereignty over her own body. “Our bodies, our choice.” they cry. This would be a legitimate argument if the assumption was true. But they conveniently ignore the clear scientific proof that at no stage in its development is the unborn child ever actually a part of the mother’s body. “How can that be,” some will exclaim. The answer is simple really. We just h...

  • Carbon capture provides great potential for energy industry

    R. Brian Woody, Guest Column|Apr 7, 2022

    When we hear the name ‘Union Telephone Company’ we think about high-speed internet, mobile devices, and terms like ‘connectivity.’ But at Union, while our focus is on helping to connect Wyomingites from every corner of the state, we also focus on supporting economic growth and the development of industries of all kinds because when Wyoming grows and prospers, so do our local communities. Dating back to 1884 and the first oil and gas well drilled in Wyoming, our state’s rich history has been closely tied to the energy industry. This industry...

  • Our View: Arts are well supported throughout Sweetwater County

    Mar 31, 2022

    Sweetwater County residents have three plays they can take in the next few weeks. They can watch Green River High School present “A Comedy of Errors” by William Shakespeare, watch Western Wyoming Community College’s presentation of “Uncle Vanya” or watch the Actors’ Mission perform the original play “A Reason.” In Rock Springs, a reception took place March 31 for recipients of the Mayor’s Arts Awards, an event that culminates a month-long celebration of the arts in Rock Springs and honors the award’s recipients. Four awards recognized the Sweet...

  • Letter: Legislature should stop telling women what to do with their bodies

    Mar 31, 2022

    Dear Editor, There is NO relationship more intimate than pregnancy. Since we can’t yet even agree on when life begins, we each will have our own perspectives, assign our own meanings and decide by our own measures where we stand on this hot-button issue. It should be clear and certain that both the choice and the consequences belong to each woman based upon her own particular circumstances, not to you legislators. This is not, repeat, NOT a group decision! Men are, of course, entitled to their opinions, and that’s it. We’re not asserting that y...

  • Letter: Newspaper editorials don't agree with everyone

    Mar 24, 2022

    Dear Editor, Regarding Simone Keevert’s March 17 “Threat to the Editor,” in the Green River Star, she is mostly wrong. Her complaint was that on February 24, the paper published a little editorial suggesting that it is “Time for Wyoming to get off the Trump train.” It was not signed because “Editorial Roundups” never are, including in one of America’s favorite and very conservative newspapers, The Wall Street Journal. Such editorials are the collective result of well-informed opinion, as one might expect to find in a newsroom. In the case of...

  • Letter: Abortion and the government's role in personal welfare

    Mar 24, 2022

    Dear Editor, The government has no obligation to protect you from death. That fact is well known and quite logical and enforced by the courts since time immemorial let alone during the minuscule lifetime of the United States. The fact of the matter is for the state to protect you they would have to supply every human with a protector which cannot be done because who’s going to protect the protectors? It is your obligation to maintain your life and in order to interfere with that the government must have a compelling interest in allowing you t...

  • Our view: It's not hard to see why city has $161 million in projects

    Mar 17, 2022

    By any stretch of the imagination, $161 million is an eye-popping amount. This is especially true considering it’s the estimated cost of all the various projects and infrastructure work the City of Green River has identified in a recent list submitted to the county as part of the specific-purpose tax local leaders intend to propose to voters. It’s a high number, but it isn’t hard to see how we got here. The city has historically had a very difficult time accomplishing capital infrastructure projects without some kind of external funding. This w...

  • Letter: Newspaper leans too far to the left

    Mar 17, 2022

    Dear Editor, To the author of the article called “Our View: Time for Wyo. to get off the Trump train” posted in the Green River Star in the Feb. 24, 2022 issue, I would have addressed you by name, but the article was not signed and I would also like to direct you to read the Star’s Mission Statement. It is directly to the left of the article in question in that issue. Here is a snippet of it: Our Mission “We strive to cover all the news and entertainment important to the people of Green River. Our entire staff takes part in the decision-making...

  • Our view: School district is one of the best

    Mar 10, 2022

    Sweetwater County School District No. 2 is one of the best districts in the state. By any metric, SWSD No. 2 stands out as an example for others to follow. Looking at Tuesday’s school board meeting, it isn’t hard to see why. Students were a major focus for the night, with All-State recipients from both the Green River High School swimming and wrestling teams receiving recognition for their athletic accomplishments. Students performed as part of Music in Our Schools Month. Students from Expedition Academy showcased their projects involving bui...

  • Letter: Truckers protest is all show and no go

    Mar 10, 2022

    Dear Editor, I see pictures of Ukrainian young men and women with grenades strapped to their chest firing machine guns towards some people that are unrecognizable but are firing back. I see middle-aged and old people, men and women, doing the same. Then I see pictures of dead bodies strewn around, mostly with a Russian designation of some sort on them. Then I see pictures and videos of truckers driving around the Beltway in Washington, D.C. with flags flying, their windows rolled up, the heat on in the cab, and cars with people trying to live...

  • And life still goes on

    Hannah Romero, Staff Writer|Mar 3, 2022

    These days, it’s easy to feel like the world’s ending. Honestly, it’s felt a little bit like the end of the world ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re about two weeks shy of the two-year anniversary of the World Health Organization officially declaring COVID-19 a pandemic, and those early days of shutdowns and restrictions were full of uncertainty and fear. We’re still dealing with COVID’s effects but, for better or worse, we’ve started adjusting to it being part of our daily...

  • Our View: Time for Wyo. to get off the Trump train

    Feb 24, 2022

    After more than one year out of office, former President Donald Trump raised eyebrows earlier this week when he complimented Russian President Vladimir Putin for action the government has taken towards Ukraine. “I went in yesterday and there was a television screen and I said ‘This is genius,’” Trump said on a right-wing radio show Tuesday. “Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine ... as independent. Oh that’s wonderful.” Russia isn’t an ally of the United States and non-Russian intelligence from several countries including the United Stat...

  • Just for fun: How about a piece of candy?

    David Martin, Editor|Feb 24, 2022

    Amongst the culinary delights of the world, the durian fruit is likely one of the more bizarre and polarizing. Trees producing the fruit are found in Southeast Asia, with the fruit being described by some as the “king of fruit.” The thorny rind contains creamy, custard-like flesh that is used in a variety of desserts throughout the region or simply eaten by itself. Its smell is something else entirely and is the main aspect of the fruit’s polarizing reputation. According to the durian fruit...

  • Our View: Lessons were learned by tax proponents

    Feb 17, 2022

    Recent movement by the Sweetwater County Commissioners in hiring a consulting firm to help with the upcoming specific purpose sales tax push shows lessons were learned from the 2021 general purpose sales tax ballot’s defeat. We’re not sure hiring a consultant itself is the best use of county money in regards to educating residents about the upcoming special purpose tax initiative, but giving people more opportunity to have their voice heard in these important discussions is something we will always be in favor of. The fact remains that add...

  • Our View: Mugshot bill well-intentioned, but has its problems

    Feb 10, 2022

    Being arrested for an alleged crime is one of the worst experiences a person can have. The experience is part of a situation that can forever alter the course of someone’s life. Then there’s the booking photo, a photo of someone that is taken during a low point in their life. These booking photos, commonly known as mugshots, are the target of a bill proposing to only allow release of those images after a conviction is made or if the image’s release would assist law enforcement. These images have been a subject of debate regarding their purpo...

  • Editorial cartoon for the week

    Feb 10, 2022

  • Letter: Opposition shown to coyote killing contest

    Feb 10, 2022

    Dear Editor, As a resident of Rock Springs, I think it is shameful that Buddha Bob’s at The Sands allowed a coyote killing contest participants to gather and celebrate on Feb. 5. In these cruel and unsporting wildlife killing contests, participants compete for cash and prizes for killing the most, the largest, and even the smallest animals over a specified period. Wildlife management professionals, responsible hunters, and scientists across the country have stated that these contests serve no wildlife management purpose, they don’t prevent conf...

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