Sorted by date Results 1401 - 1425 of 1683
The city’s Parks and Rec. Department does a great deal of work behind the scenes which makes this community a beautiful place to live. Most of what they do never gets noticed, but that’s okay because the people working in Parks and Rec. are not looking for praise. In the cruel paradox that is public service however, just as one’s victories are rarely remarked upon, errors are rarely overlooked. And so, the city would like to explain the sad story of what happened to many of the dear trees that line our lovely streets. Every year when sprin...
A friend and I were recently discussing what our favorite Wyoming moments would be, specifically the Green River or Rock Springs moments. I had a hard time narrowing it down. I honestly couldn’t think of a specific one, but not because I don’t have any fun or memorable moments in Wyoming. I’ve spent the majority of my life in Wyoming, so many of my memories have been in Wyoming and many of them in Green River and Rock Springs. Something happened last week though that I decided deserved to be co...
The name Charles Shultz might be fading from the public consciousness, but his creation, the “Peanuts” comic strip, will live on for decades to come. In November, a computer-animated film based on the characters will be released in theaters while the original comic strip continues to appear in newspapers across the country, Shultz’s “Peanuts” will probably continue on for decades to come. During the course of its nearly 50-year run, the strip evolved a lot and, at least according to a recent ar...
Well folks. I did it. I successfully went an entire week without Facebook and five days without email. How did I do that? Well, I must admit I did have a little bit of help. Last week, my family and I decided to go camping. The first spot was great; and we stayed there for two days. Although there was cell phone coverage at this location, I was too busy hiking, fishing or roasting marshmallows over a campfire with my kids to bother with my phone. I did take one phone call from Matthew’s new s...
Recently, my mom and I started reading the second book in the Game of Thrones series together, out loud. We always grab a hot beverage, usually coffee and sometimes tea, then curl up on the couch next to each other and take turns reading aloud. This is very reminiscent of the countless times we would sit together and read the Harry Potter book serious aloud, my mom, dad, and I. Well my mom and I would read and my dad would sit and listen. I can proudly say, I read the entire Harry Potter book...
As they say, “neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” Apparently, no one figured fiscal cutbacks and downsizing into the equation when associating that creed with the United States Postal Service. Yet here we are, with our mail making a detour to Salt Lake City for sorting, even if it’s traveling from Green River to Rock Springs. That’s a trip that hardly takes 15 minutes to complete one way, but results in more than 400 additional miles for letters to reach t...
I remember the first day of school when I was a kid. Every year, I looked forward to seeing my friends, meeting new teachers and preparing for all the fun that was to happen in the year to come. What I never thought about, however, was all of the studying, tests and schoolwork that was ahead of me. While I typically excelled in some classes, English and social studies, for example, I struggled in math and science classes and needed a little extra help. I would have loved to have the resources available from today’s library. The Sweetwater C...
Have you ever been to the Fellsmere Florida Frog Leg Festival or the Duck Tape Festival in Avon Ohio? How about the Wisconsin State Cow Chip Throw? America’s small-town festivals celebrate just about everything from the classic springtime cherry festivals scattered across the northwest, to somewhat more unique celebrations like the Bean Fest and the Great Championship Outhouse Race which takes place every October in Mountain View, Arkansas. Everyone knows that festivals are loads of fun but they also help rural communities create a sense of ide...
We’ll admit we were skeptical about if the Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County’s proposed ambulatory surgery center is truly the necessity it was billed as when hospital officials approached the county about their project earlier this year. After all, the hospital has been the site of ambitious renovation and expansion work since 2008, with its most recent construction project, the medical office building we paid for through the Sixth Penny Tax, opening a year ago. However, during the hospital board’s presentation last week about options it...
With the end of summer reading fast approaching the library has been overrun with excited youth turning in their reading logs for books and prizes. Many of them have the $100 cash drawing is sight and are working hard to reach the 2,000 minutes needed to enter. The reading program will end on Aug. 15, so there is still time to turn in those reading logs! With the change of seasons on the horizon we have turned our attentions to the fall. This year we are offering Story Time and STEM Story Time for ages three to five, Toddler Time for newborns...
It’s that time of year again, and Art on the Green looms before me. What is it about Art on the Green that compels me to enter the competition year after year? Painting non-stop for 24 hours ought to be enough of a deterrent, yet 38 of us are registered to compete once again. Art on the Green was initiated in 2005 as a 24-hour live sculpting competition for amateurs and professionals. In 2006, high school students were invited to sculpt and in 2007 the 2D (painting and drawing) component of the contest was instituted. Over the years, Art on the...
It started innocently enough. A bottle of Hidden Valley ranch dressing (yes, the brand name is important here) sat on the dinner table and immediately threw a spark into my curiosity. “When was ranch dressing invented,” I asked myself. I immediately consulted Google and find the dressing’s history to be much shorter than I would have imagined. In fact, there are people a lot older than the recipe is. According to the Hidden Valley website, the dressing was developed in the 1950s by Steve and Gay...
Every summer since 2009, my uncle, dad, brother and I go on a hike, and every summer I wonder why I let my family drag me up these godforsaken mountains. My first trip was to the Wind River Range. The goal was to hike up Fremont Peak. I did not achieve that goal. Instead I got a minor case of altitude sickness and had to sit just below the peak with my dad while my uncle and brother finished the summit. This was the same trip where my sleeping bag’s zipper broke which caused long, cold nights, and the cooker didn’t work very well so we end...
I have children. Therefore, I can tell you that when they were small, I “lost” every board game, card game or sports game we played together. If my children are reading this right now, I say to them, “Yes, I used to let you win.” When my children were small, I had to work hard to peek at their UNO cards so I’d know which color to play so they would win. I used to make horrible decisions on which properties to buy in Monopoly , again so they would win. I let them win despite the competitiveness in me that hated losing. As they got a bit older...
Some say it’s a compliment to get carded. It’s frustrating though and a bit annoying when you get asked to see your I.D. multiple times in one night by multiple people in the same establishment. My night at the fair was much like this. I will admit, I look young for a 26 year old. But the hassle I go through while drinking is slightly ridiculous. At the fair, I show my I.D. to receive a wrist band in the beer tent. I then proceed to the next booth to purchase my beer tokens. At the token boo...
Sweetwater County’s roads have seen more than their fair share of tragedy during the past week. A motorcycle crash in Rock Springs claimed the life of a Green River resident early Saturday morning and just two days later, another motorcycle crash outside the Interstate 80 tunnels resulted in the rider’s death. Also, due to the season, more bikers are on the road at this time of year as well. Anyone who has driven from Green River to Rock Springs, or taken a longer trip along I-80 can attest that traffic has gotten much thicker during the pas...
By John Barrasso, M.D. US Senator While the nuclear agreement with Iran dominated the headlines in July, it’s just one of the many pressing issues debated this month in the US Senate. We passed a long-term highway bill, advanced broad bipartisan energy legislation important to Wyoming’s economy and introduced a bill to address the taxpayer funding of abortion services. Congress Begins Debate on Iran Nuclear Deal The Senate started the review process for the recently released nuclear agreement with Iran. Any agreement with Iran must protect the...
A couple weeks ago my son and I went backpacking in the Medicine Bow National Forest. I’m not much of a fisherman. I try, but end up spending more time untangling the line and agonizing over what type of bait to use than catching fish. My idea of relaxing is reading a good book while sitting on a large rock overlooking a clear lake. As a consequence, my son packed a fishing pole and I packed a book, which was no easy task. How do you choose just one book? Typically I like to bring three or four books with me on a trip because I never quite k...
This week is National Farmers Market Week. On June 10, the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture declared Aug. 2-8, National Farmers Market Week. The U. S. Department of Agriculture recognizes the myriad benefits of farmers markets for producers and consumers and is committed to support the continued success of farmers markets through grants, technical assistance and more. Farmers markets are important outlets for agricultural producers nationwide, providing them with increased opportunities to meet consumer demand for a...
King Coal is dead. Long live King Coal. Those might be the words coming from someone whose followed recent news about the coal industry in Wyoming. Mentioned in Sweetwater County School District No. 2’s budget introduction is a nugget of information telling of where coal is ranking right now. Citing data from the U.S. Energy Department, natural gas surpassed coal as the top source of electric power generation in the county last April. As natural gas is used more for electricity, the price for natural gas has started to stabilize from the s...
Dear Editor, Especially, immediately, yea collectively, and above all in a global, generational sense we, each and everyone of us, desperately need to purpose utmost proactive hope of/for healing in this country let alone universally, throughout with personified hearts shared and harmonized. In transitioning, transcending the present time’s challenges of mutual confidences somehow, someway it just seems to my sensitivities that all relationships, internationally speaking, have somehow, someway evolved pervasively into an ongoing social phenomen...
From June 7-12, Volunteers of America hosted its 12th consecutive Camp P.O.S.T.C.A.R.D. (Police Officers Striving To Create And Reinforce Dreams) in Casper. With the support of our community, the Green River Police Department School Resource Officers Program was able take part in another amazing year at Camp P.O.S.T.C.A.R.D. This year, Green River School Resource Officers took 10 students from Green River to the camp. Students are chosen to attend camp after being nominated by teachers and staff as students who have leadership potential. Eight...
Have you ever opened your refrigerator door and thought “What on earth is that smell?” That happened to me again recently. I opened the door to get my boys a snack and was hit with a pungent smell. I quickly grabbed the boys snack and shut the door. “Like that is going to help,” I thought. Once the boys were busy eating their snack, I opened the door again and started the process of looking through the fridge to find the culprit behind the nasty smell. I first looked through the vegetab...
Over the weekend our dishwasher leaked and water ended up between the layers of our floor and proceeded to leak into the basement. It was a mess. We had to pull up our vinyl floor and run fans to dry out the subfloor. Our kitchen is unusable at the moment, but hopefully we can get everything back up and running soon. Thankfully, we have resources at the library to help us figure out how to repair our kitchen. We often fix things ourselves in our house as a means to save money, and books available at the libraries are a great resource....
The history of Green River revolves around water. From the earliest days, the city “ebbed and flowed” because there was an adequate and dependable water supply. Between the 1860s and the 1870s Green River was nearly abandoned in favor of Bryan a now abandoned community located on the Black Fork River 13 miles west of present day Green River. Incidentally, Bryan was on land controlled by the Union Pacific Railroad. However, by 1872 drought forced the U.P. to move its operations to Green River because adequate and dependable water was ava...