Sorted by date Results 1351 - 1375 of 1683
November is Picture Book Month, an international initiative that celebrates picture books throughout the entire month. For many people, picture books are their first experience with art and literature. A picture book that stands out from my childhood is Margret and H.A. Rey’s “Curious George Takes a Job.” In this book George, a curious brown monkey, escapes his zoo cage and wanders the city causing mischief and working different jobs including chef, window washer and movie star. It’s a delightful story that I have been able to share with my...
It has been in the works for years and there have been numerous articles and meetings about the changes coming ahead for residents and customers who use our landfill facilities, but it seems there can never be enough communication when it comes to projects that impact so many of us. Next week on Nov. 10, the Green River City Council will host a workshop that will provide an update on the “Cease and Transfer Project.” This simply means we need to “cease” using the landfill and build a “transfer” station by the end of 2017. No, this doesn’t mean...
Energy and mineral production is the backbone of Wyoming’s economy and provides good-paying jobs for families across the state. That’s why the hearings this month in the U.S. Senate on a variety of job-crushing energy regulations and policies are so important. In addition to hearing from key Obama administration witnesses, members of the Senate heard from Wyoming’s own Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) director about the impact overregulation is having on energy-producing states. WY DEQ Director Parfitt Testifies Before Senate On Oct. 2...
The state is looking to weather a storm, and it’s one that Wyoming could have at least bought an umbrella for. Newspapers across southwestern Wyoming have published stories about the upcoming budgetary shortfall local governments are expecting to experience. The state is in the same boat, with Gov. Matt Mead calling for a $200 million cut this year from the state budget. Yes, the discussion at the state includes setting possibly guidelines on opening up the vault on the state’s rainy-day fund, officially known as the Legislative Stabilization R...
Dear Editor, There seems to be a increasing pattern of people who want to blame others for their own inept inability to cope -- mostly composed of ignorant, neer-do- wells that haven’t taken the opportunity to prepare themselves for life in a demanding, competitive society. Choosing, instead, to actively resent those who elect to voluntarily protect law-abiding citizens from the worst in our society, such types have now been further reduced to endorsing outright murder of any and all police for no reason at all, beyond simply being police a...
Halloween is only three days away! I hope you’ve stocked up on fun-sized candy bars and have your costume all ready to go. I have many great childhood memories of Halloween. My mom used to sew all of my costumes throughout elementary school. I was Pocahontas, Jasmine (from “Aladdin”), an Olympic figure skater, a clown, a mummy, a sorcerer, and a number of other great and original entities. I always felt proud to wear my mother’s creations. I also remember the Halloween Blizzard of 1991 in Minnesota – where I grew up. I remember bundling...
In the spring of 2015, Ken Ball, former Green River Councilman approached the office of Mayor Pete Rust with the idea of creating a proclamation to recognize National Mine Rescue Day in Green River. Ball, a local miner and Executive Board Member of the Holmes Mines Rescue Association, hoped that the city would call attention not only to the miners in Green River and all over Wyoming that are the bedrock of our economy, but also to those brave souls that risk their own lives to help their fellow miners. This Friday, the city of Green River is...
I cannot tell you exactly when I started liking Halloween, probably a little bit more than an adult should, but I know it has to do with my past. You see, growing up on a small, Midwestern dairy farm has its advantages and disadvantages. One of those disadvantages was missing out on prime-time trick or treat time. By the time we finished milking cows it was 7 p.m.; and by the time we showered and changed into our costumes we would pull into town around 8 or 8:30 p.m. This left my sisters and I m...
I am starting to feel like a freshman all over again. I thought I was over this, but now that I have a kindergarten student I almost feel as though I am a freshman again. Every time I think I know how things work at the school, I get another letter in the mail wanting me to do something else for my son. If I am not fundraising for the school, I am collecting stuff, I guess. When I am not doing that I am going to meetings or special school programs. This time it was the letter I found in my...
We’re all still a little shell-shocked from the fallout of the Great Recession. As for newspapers, in 2007 when our world economy was at its peak, so was newspaper pulp production. But by mid-2008 people had stopped spending money and you probably noticed a dearth of 18-wheelers on the highways. But despite the chorus of “print is dead” (led by our own industry) some strange facts have come to light. Pulp sales in the U.S. in 2014 finally surpassed that high water mark of 2007 and 2015 is expected to surpass that. Spending on direct mail also...
Before I figured out that I wanted to live in Wyoming for the rest of my life, I lived in the Midwest – Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois, to be exact. My parents were both born and raised in the Midwest as well – my dad in Wisconsin and my mom in Illinois. But besides knowing that the majority of my relatives lived in the Midwest, I never really looked into the rest of my family heritage. I’m curious to know when they ended up in the Midwest. How many generations have lived there? When did my family arrive in the United States? October is Fa...
The Green River Police Department employees have a cumulative total of about 411 years of service here at the Green River Police Department. We have about 91 children and of those 91 about 74 have attended schools in Green River. We are familiar with the community, the schools, the activities, and the people that live in our community. Chances are, if there is a family activity in town or a sporting event, there’s a good chance that a Green River PD employee and their family are there. The goal of the Green River Police Department is to be v...
While the state’s cities, towns and counties have dealt with an economic downturn for the past several years, it seems the tone of the issues that may open up the state’s rainy day fund isn’t funding problems experienced by municipal and county governments; it’s a question if the state will support the University of Wyoming’s athletics department. The Casper Star Tribune reported last week that Gov. Matt Mead is considering using the state’s rainy day fund to provide $5 million in matching funds from donations made to the school. The Star Tr...
I recently heard a conversation where one lady asked another, “What do you do for a living?” The other lady replied, “I’m just a stay-at-home mom.” I actually jumped into their conversation and said, “That is so awesome. I wish I could be a stay-at-home mom. That’s one of the hardest jobs ever.” I hated that this women was using the word “just” to explain that she was “only” something. She was degrading herself. When people use that word to describe themselves, or something they have done, I really feel like they are selling themselves shor...
A stereotypical description of a librarian is a woman with her hair in a bun, cat eye glasses, polyester dress suit, creaky orthopedic shoes, a stiff posture, a stern glance and a pointy finger armed and ready to “shush.” This is far from the truth. At the Sweetwater County Library, the staff is diverse and fun. We have a reputation for brilliant knowledge, smiles, excellent customer service, zany story times and out-of-this-world programming. The Youth Services department is no exception. When we aren’t planning our next Toddler Time, Story...
Spiders. The very word strikes fear in me. Why? Well, I am afraid of them for one. I never know when one will catch me off guard and send me screaming and running like a little child. Believe me, I know this sounds silly, but I know I am not alone. Yes. I have arachnophobia just like a lot of other Americans. In fact, arachnophobia is ranked among the top 10 phobias in America. For most people, they have no idea why they are afraid of spiders, but I think I know when and where my fear started....
October always brings out those stories of ghosts, goblins, aliens and whatever else goes bump in the night. So, I figured why not share a few experiences I’ve had. The following stories I attest did happen to me and while I can’t think of a valid explanation, I think they make for some interesting reading, regardless if our readers think I’m insane or not. The earliest brush with the paranormal I can remember happened while I was still in elementary school. I don’t recall the exact year, b...
One out of every two U.S. adults is living with a chronic disease, such as heart disease, cancer or diabetes. These diseases contribute to disability, premature death and rising health care costs. The United States Surgeon General has implemented a call to action to combat this heath crisis. What does the call to action consist of you might ask; billions of dollars to research new drugs, expensive nutrition programs, taxes on sugary beverages and unhealthy snacks? Luckily, none of the above is true. The call to action is simple: walk. Walking...
Another mass shooting has brought the discussion about gun control to the forefront of political discourse. Yet, for all words written and said regarding gun control, once again nothing will come of it. We realize many of Wyoming’s residents are experienced with firearm usage and do so responsibly. Hunting season is in full swing and thousands will bag their game safely, as they always have. Hunters and others who have a respect for the power any firearm has and uses them responsibly aren’t the problem. The problem comes from people who fetishi...
Dear Editor, We would like to inform the city that Expedition Academy and other Green River schools, including Green River High School and Lincoln Middle School, are participating in the Adopt-a-Trout program here in Green River. The Wyoming Game and Fish Department, along with the local Trout Unlimited chapter have tagged 22 brown trout and 18 burbot (ling with small radio transmitters. Twelve more burbot will be tagged this fall in the Green River arm of Flaming Gorge. The goal for the program is to find out where the burbot are spawning so...
One of my favorite Disney movies is “Mary Poppins.” I’m not entirely sure why I enjoy this movie. I don’t typically enjoy musicals and the mix between live actors and cartoon animation is somewhat odd. Maybe it reminds me of my childhood since I watched it several times while growing up. Or maybe it is the catchy tunes: “Chim chiminey chim chim cher-oo,” “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” “Feed the Birds.” (A sing-a-long version of “Mary Poppins” was released in 2001.) Or maybe it is simply the story I enjoy of the magical umbrella-wieldi...
The rain wasn’t the only thing that was consistent on Wednesday afternoons from July to September; the 2015 Farmers Market kept it company. To give Mother Nature a break, there were a few markets that rain did not make an appearance. Despite the weather there were many vendors, first time market goers, faithful market goers and plenty of goods lining Roosevelt Street. A wide variety of items were available: breads, soups, raw milk, paintings, jewelry, quilts, homemade vanilla, hand carved pens, pastries and many more accompanying the expected f...
I thought after a few weeks of school all of the kinks would be worked out, but I found out I was wrong about that last week. Every day since my son Matthew, 5, started kindergarten, I have waited for him in the afternoons at his bus stop. I was doing the same last Wednesday afternoon, when I saw my neighbor’s daughters get off the bus, but no Matthew. I walked up to the driver, who was yet again a different person, and asked where Matthew Thompson was. She looked at the bus driver aide who chec...
An auction took place at the historic Gilligan Ranch in Boulder, a few months ago. It featured many artifacts belonging to the Gilligans and their relatives, who were prominent citizens in early Green River and the surrounding areas. Luckily for the Sweetwater County Museum, a very generous donor, Jonita Sommers of the historic Sommers Homestead, was in attendance and determined to acquire the medical supplies of Dr. John Gilligan in order to donate them to the museum. The items that she...
This past weekend I attended the Salt Lake City Comic Con, it's something I love to do. Attending comic con for me has become somewhat of a yearly ritual for me. I love it because not only do I get to nerd out with my fellow fantasy, sci-fi, comic book and anime geeks and meet celebrities from my favorite shows and movies, but I get to be somebody else for the day. This year I dressed up as an anime character, Chibi Moon, from the show "Sailor Moon." The two others that attended comic con with...