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  • Letter: Why Obama does what he does

    Jan 20, 2016

    Dear Editor, Did you ever wonder why Obama does the things he does -- with mysterious and consistent benefit to the Islamic radical side of issues? Who else could possibly benefit from such actions!? Just consider these few facts, and it all becomes very clear. Fact 1: Obama spent a significant part of his youth living in—and being educated by individuals and madrassas (schools) in a Moslem area of the world. Fact 2: According to the Roman Catholic church –which knows more than a little bit about education, having taught a significant part of...

  • Notes from Town Square: Resolutions worth keeping

    Misty Springer, Public Affairs and Grants Administrator|Jan 20, 2016

    Every year 45 percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions and not even half of us mange to stick to them for longer than six months, according to the Journal of Clinical psychology. Apparently, according to their data, people in their twenties are 25 percent more likely to keep their resolutions than people over 50. Now this seems counter intuitive (think wisdom and patience that supposedly come with age), not to mention depressing. Unless you factor in everyone’s favorite resolution – losing weight, in which case it makes perfect sense...

  • You can advocate for reading

    Lindsey Travis, Sweetwater County Library System|Jan 20, 2016

    The deaths of David Bowie and Alan Rickman rocked the world last week. Both of these celebrities were influential to pop culture – Bowie to the world of music, and Rickman for his portrayal of many on-screen characters. We will always remember Bowie for “Space Oddity,” “Ziggy Stardust” his many other brilliant albums, and we’ll remember Rickman for his portrayal of Professor Severus Snape from the “Harry Potter” series, Dr. Lazarus from “Galaxy Quest,” and the Sheriff of Nottingham in “Robin Hood Prince of Thieves,” among his many fantasti...

  • Our View: Move the comments to the end

    Jan 13, 2016

    Weekend plans can be fun to discuss. For example, Stephanie Thompson spent an entire day cleaning a closet filled to the brim with toys and other things. We also watched her beloved Minnesota Vikings lose to the Seattle Seahawks in a close NFL Wild Card game Sunday. Lillian Palmer and her boyfriend basked in the glory of a her new television over the weekend, sitting through the “Matrix” trilogy of films. David Martin, on the other hand, did some house hunting over the weekend and spent a good portion of Sunday afternoon doing the hou...

  • Notes from Town Square: Parks are a year-round job

    Kristine Lessard, Parks and Recreation Dept.|Jan 13, 2016

    Parks and Recreation - synonymous with summer fun and lots of sunshine. However, we are busy all year long. As winter descends upon Green River, citizens head indoors and hopefully to the Recreation Center where it is easy to see that the staff there is busier than ever running leisure programs or preparing for special events. The parks division is not always as obvious, although ever so present. For the parks staff, the winter months are filled with many tasks. It is this time of year not only for maintaining areas that have no “down s...

  • Library system will host author Roland Smith in February

    Stacey Palmer, Sweetwater County Library System|Jan 13, 2016

    Roland Smith, award-winning author of a variety of children’s books, including the “I-Q” series, Storm Runner series, and a number of non-fiction zoo animal books, will be coming to Sweetwater County Feb. 24 through Feb. 26. He will be visiting schools and libraries in both Green River and Rocks Springs. During his visit to the Sweetwater County Library on Feb. 24, we will celebrate his arrival with a party at 6:30 p.m., which will include fun children activities and a book signing. Feel free to bring your own Roland Smith book or purch...

  • Our View: Hold off on a 7th penny tax

    Jan 6, 2016

    For a brief moment Tuesday, there was mention of an additional penny tax during the Sweetwater County Commissioners meeting. Legally, it’s possible. A county can levy up to 3 percent in local sales taxes. We’re already at 2 percent, with what’s become known as the Optional Fifth Penny, a general use tax, and the sixth penny tax, which is levied for specific purposes. The brief discussion about a seventh penny tax involved in being used as a way to fund Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County’s ambulatory surgery center and a new facilit...

  • Waking the 'sleeping giant'

    Jan 6, 2016

    Dear Editor, A pass along bit of information you may not remember-or even know, at all. Take a look at these statistics. This is pretty incredible. Just the building part alone, let alone the simultaneous winning of two world-wars, the building and use of an a-bomb, all at the same time. Those self-destructive idiots think they can win a “jihad” against such power, even the Japanese came to realize they had “woke a sleeping giant” and sorely wished they hadn’t. These “radical Muslims” wouldn’t make a good wart on the Japanese rear, in both,...

  • Questions about the mail break-in

    Jan 6, 2016

    Dear Editor, I am a little perplexed that our post office here in Green River does not see the need to provide video security for those of us who entrust them with some of our most sensitive and private papers. What would it cost to have video surveillance installed? Is it too much to ask for a facility that is opened 24 hours a day? Glenda Holmes Green River...

  • Notes from Town Square: Business resolutions

    Jennie Melvin, URA, Main Street Agency|Jan 6, 2016

    It’s a new year and that means it’s time to set the goals that will make 2016 a success. The Green River URA/Main Street Agency will be doing just that in a few short days during our Strategic Planning session. We will be setting our goals and mapping out the steps to accomplish our mission. We encourage you to do the same. Here are a few suggestions to consider for your small business to help set a positive course for this year: Make a Plan Putting a business plan in place is the first step in creating a successful business. Business own...

  • Library can help with resolutions

    Lindsey Travis, Sweetwater County Library System|Jan 6, 2016

    It’s a new year! That means it’s time for a reboot. It’s time to look at what you can do to learn something new, experience something new, do something to make yourself happier, healthier. Thankfully, the Sweetwater County Library System has the resources you need to do all of these things. Are you looking to read more this year? We’ve definitely got you covered. Our libraries have thousands of books to help you reach this goal. Stop by and check out our selection of mysteries, romances, sci-fi books and more! We have biographies and memoirs...

  • What a wonderful, winter staycation

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Jan 6, 2016

    For the first time in my adult life, as far as I can remember, I just had a week and a half staycation. What is a staycation? Well, according to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary a staycation is “a vacation spent at home or nearby.” This is precisely what my family did last week. After the Christmas festivities, our family left. My husband and I decided we didn’t really want to travel anywhere with a three-year-old and six-year-old in such cold weather so we decided to have a staycation. I must sa...

  • Kindness is a lifestyle, not a resolution

    Lillian Palmer, Staff Writer|Jan 6, 2016

    Green River is good at being kind. It is something that we all need in our lives. Many in the community do very well at giving and being generous during the holidays and all year round. With the new year here and chatter of new year’s resolutions in conversation, I’d like to remind people of kindness, though I do not want it to be a resolution. Kindness is a lifestyle. There are a couple neighbors of mine down my street that have been kind, good neighbors during the winter snow storms we hav...

  • Our View: We have a few suggestions for 2016

    Dec 30, 2015

    New Year’s Day is always a great time to resolve to make great changes or embark on new challenges. That new calendar represents a clean slate and a lot of potential. There’s a reason why they’re known as new years resolutions. We have a few suggestions to help get the city off to a great start in 2016. Plan for another sixth penny tax The sixth penny tax is a great tool for the county and cities to get major improvement projects completed. We think the city should start planning a sixth penny funding request for the wastewater treatment plant...

  • Library programs often come with a lot of work

    Jason Grubb, Sweetwater County Library System|Dec 30, 2015

    My daughter has spent most of her holiday break reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. She is a Harry Potter fan and asked me the other day when the library would be holding its next Harry Potter party. I told her unfortunately she would have to wait until October. The annual Harry Potter party held in October has become a favorite at the library. For one day, the entire library is turned into the magical world of Harry Potter with games and activities for Harry Potter fans of all ages. The purpose of the party is to celebrate one of the...

  • Notes from Town Square: Looking ahead to 2016

    Pete Rust, Mayor of Green River|Dec 30, 2015

    Over the past year, oil and gas prices have fallen and coal production has struggled due to Federal regulations principally concerned with deteriorating air quality. Since a majority of state revenue is linked to these resources a tighter state budget will result with a trickledown effect to local governments. Counties, cities, and towns will most likely be facing similar tasks and working around balancing their future budgets with reduced sources of revenues. A great debate is expected when the legislature convenes in February relative to the...

  • 2016: The year of me, not weight

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Dec 30, 2015

    It’s that time of year again. Time to make another New Year’s resolution. What will 2016 hold? I do not know, but if it is anything like this year it will not disappoint. Usually, I am all ready to make a resolution about losing weight, eating healthier and exercising. But this year, I am not so ready to hop on that exercise train again. I could stand to lose 10 pounds, but I am not sure if that is something I need to openly state that I am going to resolve. This left me wondering what some of...

  • Our View: Trump is not the man we need for President

    Dec 23, 2015

    As the 2016 presidential race heats up, one of the more amazing aspects of the early campaign is Donald Trump’s enduring popularity despite a number of faux pas that would have destroyed anyone else’s chances at the White House. In fact, much of what he’s said so far, including the racist and outright paranoia-fueled comments regarding immigration, have somehow caused him to have bolstered support, leading some to refer to him as “Teflon Don” as nothing seems to stick to him. Despite the influence he continues to have on the election,...

  • Hospital board responds to commissioner comments

    Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees|Dec 23, 2015

    As members of the Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County Board of Trustees, we would like to comment on the recent county commission meeting at which hospital board members addressed the proposed ambulatory surgery center. As reported by the Green River Star, two commissioners alleged that the public is losing faith in the hospital’s administration. While the benefits and cost of the proposed ASC have been widely discussed, both in county commission and hospital board public hearings, the issue of public confidence in the administration s...

  • Notes from Town Square: There is a Santa Claus

    Misty Brodiaea Springer, Public Affairs and Grants Administrator|Dec 23, 2015

    “Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age,” wrote Francis P. Church, in an editorial to a worried little girl the autumn of 1897. At the time of Virginia’s letter asking to be told the truth of whether there is a Santa Claus, Francis Church, a former Civil War correspondent, was an aging, sardonic editorial writer for the New York Sun. Reportedly, Mr. Church bristled and “pooh-poohed” the idea when his boss suggested he pen a response to eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon. But then as...

  • Dreaming of Christmas time in Minnesota

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Dec 23, 2015

    I wish I could say that I had one Christmas that stood out from all the rest, but I don’t. I do not have an epic tale to tell like that of Ralphie Parker and his quest for a Red Ryder, carbine action, 200-shot range model air rifle on the classic movie “A Christmas Story,” but I do have some very fond memories of what Christmas was like on a small Minnesota dairy farm with my wonderful, but rather loud, family. Of course, I remember a lot of snow. It was, after all, Minnesota. In fact, I do no...

  • A few minor Christmas Day traditions

    David Martin, Editor|Dec 23, 2015

    It’s hard for me to single out one Christmas that somehow stands above all others in terms of memorable events. I’ve had a lot of great Christmases. My younger years focusing on “the haul” coming from family and Santa Claus, while the Christmas celebrations as I got older focused more on the gathering of friends and family, but no single Christmas stands out as the ultimate Christmas in my mind. Instead, there are a few things that crop up during multiple celebrations that have come to define...

  • Library offers up some Christmas time cheer

    Micki Gilmore, Sweetwater County Library System|Dec 23, 2015

    I love the holidays! This is one of my favorite times of the year. The holidays are a special time to share the wonder of the season. It doesn’t matter if you are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, this time of year is special. Growing up, one of my family’s favorite things to do was take a drive to look at the Christmas lights around town, and then gather at home to watch our favorite Christmas shows. “White Christmas” with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye, is on the top of the list. For us, there is nothing like that wonderful finale...

  • Our View: District's e-cig stance applauded

    Dec 16, 2015

    Sweetwater County School District No. 2’s Board of Trustees did a good job in recognizing and prohibiting vaporizers and e-cigarettes in a series of policy updates last week. While one of the policy updates was voted down, it was done so for the right reason of bringing it in line with the other policy changes brought before the school board. It’ll be brought back and we’re sure it’ll pass next time. While some may look upon the district’s decision to take a strict stance on vaporizers as an over-reaching move, especially in the case of studen...

  • Reader shares thoughts

    HARRIS FOSTER, Guest column|Dec 16, 2015

    Now, we have a school lockout at, of all places, 6,000 feet up in the mountains, in Green River -- for possible terrorism? Baloney! A local lawyer, out walking his dog across a high school parking lot with what appears like a cell phone and a walking stick in hand is a threat? Yeah, sure. Look closer. Sounds like kids in a closet scaring themselves with ghost stories. Simply refine that photograph. It can be done, even with only a poor cell phone shot. Ask any photographer, they know how to do it! Stop raising pointless alarms when a simple...

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