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  • Wyoming (a poem)

    Norm Finch|Jul 20, 2023

    When you walk through Wyoming territory The views you can see are extraordinary From lakes and streams and picturesque mountains To desert and rock forms and geyser fountains Where deer, elk, and bear all run free And the air is still clean and you can see From mountian top to mountain top to the valley floor Because the Wyoming beauty can be seen galore There is never an end of what you can do From hunting and fishing and mountain climbing too From rock hunting and metal detecting across the plains Boating and sky diving are not all the games...

  • Prescription: See "Next to Normal" and talk more about mental illness 

    Caleb Michael Smith|Jul 20, 2023

    Content warning: Mental illness; suicide I’m not a doctor, but I play one on stage. This week the Starling Company presents “Next to Normal,” a mental illness musical. The story focuses on a family that has been touched by tragedy and doesn’t know how to cope with the lingering emotional damage. We hope you join us at the Broadway Theater to laugh, maybe cry, and begin conversations on mental illness. The show illustrates the ramifications of how we engage with mental illness (or refuse to acknowledge it). At first glance, the Goodmans look li...

  • Lifelong Learning - Elevator, Stairs, Escalator

    Lu Sweet, Western Wyoming Community College|Jul 13, 2023

    If you ask my family, I like taking the stairs, even if we are staying in a hotel several floors up. I like taking the stairs up to the third floor at Western Wyoming Community College when working rather than the elevator. Thankfully I am able. My mother would not be physically able, but the purpose of this article is more about virtual stairs, elevators and escalators than the actual physical actions. Let me explain. In life, I like to think about each day as one in which there is potential for growth for me. I can reach higher achievements,...

  • Letter to the Editor: Clean up after using gun range

    Jul 13, 2023

    Dear Editor, Early on the morning of July 3rd I was out riding my motorcycle and happened to go check out the Green River Shooting Range. What I saw there was terrible. What a mess! I thought the sportsmen of Green River were better than that. All the items that folks had taken up there to shoot the ribbons out of were left. Paper targets still on the frames. Brass everywhere. With a big empty dumpster at the end of the shooting benches. Come on folks, take a little pride in a great facility. If you haul it up there take it home or put it in...

  • A bright future for Wyoming energy

    Senator Dan Dockstader|Jul 6, 2023

    Wyoming is fortunate to be blessed with an abundance of natural resources and energy knowledge, which has rightfully placed our state as an energy leader. Our capabilities, coupled with both traditional and renewable energies, has led to an innovative energy ecosystem, with our coal and oil and gas products playing a critical role in the development of new energy technologies. This all-of-the-above energy approach enables us to continue creating and supporting 21st century jobs for Wyomingites, bolstering local businesses and industries while...

  • Letter to the Editor: Dog bites show need for leash law

    Jul 6, 2023

    Dear Editor, I found it interesting the Green River Star had two dog attacks with bites this week in the Police Report. I remember it being said by a Council member and a GRPD member that we didn’t have a problem because if we did, it would be reported more often. Well, here it is, two in one week. One of the incidents was exactly where I filed a report, next to the Splash Park. It’s a shame the Leash Law failed in the Council. There’s CLEARLY a need for this. I find it ridiculous that our safety is completely dependent on a dog obeying it’s...

  • Be the person who stops

    Hannah Romero, Editor|Jun 29, 2023

    On Monday night I was driving along Dewar Drive in Rock Springs when the car in front of me swerved. I saw something in the road, then saw it move. As I slowed down and swerved to avoid it I realized it was a dog. In my rearview mirror I saw it leave its hunkered down position and start running, with a limp, to avoid oncoming cars. Feeling flustered, I kept driving, thinking I hoped the poor thing would get off the road and be safe. But then my thoughts kept going. It was obviously hurt, it didn...

  • An open letter of thanks to Wyoming Arts Council Director Michael Lange

    Jun 22, 2023

    They say that change is the only constant thing in the universe, but Michael Lange’s upcoming departure from the Wyoming Arts Council will be one of those changes that will be felt by all! We appreciate Michael’s dedication and hard work of moving the arts forward in our state. The behind-the-scenes work often is not recognized but we are grateful for his dedication. From keeping budgets intact, the level of effectiveness when staff cuts had to be made, and looking out for all the communities in our state where the arts do matter, these thi...

  • Just A Word (Poem)

    Jun 22, 2023

    Yesterday is just a word after it has come and gone The same with something you might have said can never be undone An apology seems to help but will never remove the sting When something in anger has been said before you stop to think As we travel done the road of life and face the bumps and bruises Isn’t it strange that once they’ve healed do we ever remember the intrusion But it is not so with the hurtful words that have been expressed in anger Stitches cannot repair a heart that’s been cut with an emotional dagger From time to time in ou...

  • Do you honor the flag?

    Karla Pomeroy, Northern Wyoming News Via the Wyoming News Exchange|Jun 15, 2023

    The other day when I was putting out our flag at the Northern Wyoming News, a gust of wind knocked the flag out of my hand. I know etiquette says that the flag should not touch the ground, but it was not intentional. I gently picked it up and put the flag in the stand attached to our exterior wall. I mentioned to one of the employees that it hit the ground and how I thought flag etiquette meant it should be properly disposed of, but considering how many people treat the flag in the name of patri...

  • Lessons from a busted wing

    Ruth Lauritzen, Golden Hour Senior Center|Jun 8, 2023

    On May 7th I slipped and fell at home and ended up with a broken right arm. Having never broken a bone a before, this was a new experience for me. My first realization was that it really hurt. Then I realized there was no one there to help me. Like some of you, I live alone and perhaps my bones are not as sturdy as they used to be. I ended up calling my son for a ride to the emergency room, but I will never forget that feeling of aloneness and vulnerability. As I write this it is a week later, and things have settled down considerably. In a...

  • Enroll Wyoming can help with Medicaid changes

    Caleb Michael Smith, Enroll Wyoming marketing director|Jun 8, 2023

    Changes are coming to Wyoming Medicaid that will impact families enrolled in the public health insurance program, the health care providers that serve them, and the community at large. Eligibility requirements have been revised and extra steps will be required to remain in compliance. To make sure families don’t lose life-saving coverage, the nonprofit Enroll Wyoming is raising awareness about the new rules and free assistance available to find affordable health insurance. Medicaid provides health coverage to 83.1 million Americans, or more t...

  • Senators comment on Supreme Court ruling

    Staff Report|Jun 1, 2023

    U.S. Senators John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) recently released statements applauding the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency Case. The Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of the petitioners, which narrowed the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the federal government in regulating “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) under the Clean Water Act. “This ruling is a major win for farmers and ranchers in Wyoming, as it provides regulatory clarity regarding what is and...

  • Letter to the Editor: Protect Wyoming wildlife

    Jun 1, 2023

    Dear Editor, This crazy winter, coupled with highways and industrial development that have dismembered habitat and disrupted wildlife corridors, has resulted in the death of us to 75% of the pronghorn in Western Wyoming. Mule Deer have also suffered greatly. It is imperative that Governor Gordon designate migration corridors so they can be protected, and we can maybe, just maybe hold on to the pronghorn and mule deer that we have left. Write to Governor Gordon. Tell him that we have known about these migration corridors for decades. The time...

  • Our View: Honor the fallen

    May 25, 2023

    We are privileged to live in a community that loves, values, and supports its veterans and honors those who made the ultimate sacrifice. With Memorial Day coming up this weekend, be sure to take the time to remember that this is a day specifically set aside to honor those who gave their lives in the service and defense of our country. We are truly thankful for all our veterans, and need to honor and help those who are still with us. But this weekend, let's remember those who didn't make it...

  • Letter to the Editor: A veteran shares about his life

    May 25, 2023

    Dear Editor, My name is Harry Holler. My grandpa’s name is Harry Holler and my dad’s name is Harry Holler. That’s why I named my son Michael. Michael was my only son. He was killed in a car wreck. I was born in Peoria, Illinois. Later we moved to Chicago Heights, Illinois. I worked for a company called Dawe’s Labs both in Peoria and Chicago Heights. Eventually it was bought out by Solvay. I worked a short stint in Iowa at a feed plant, where they were looking for a foreman. It didn’t last long because I’m an easy-going guy but they wanted some...

  • Uniparty's push for anti-conservative Wyoming

    Representative John Bear, Wyoming House District 31|May 18, 2023

    As students, most of us learned that the power of the purse belongs to the legislative branch. Our founders wisely believed that those in charge of spending taxpayer money should be closest to the people- that they should represent them. If you are politically progressive or live in one of the top five most populated cities in Wyoming, you will find that you are well represented by the Wyoming House Appropriations Committee. If you are traditionally conservative or live in a place other than Cheyenne, Casper or Laramie, you may find that those...

  • Our View: Keep going, graduates

    May 11, 2023

    This week's paper is our yearly Graduation Edition. At the back of the paper you will find 13 pages dedicated to the graduating class of 2023. You can look through the photos of the graduates, read well-wishes for them, and find information about their class and next week's commencement ceremonies. Including these graduates in the pages of our paper is just one of the ways we can celebrate them and share their excitement for this big step in their lives. Graduation, like every change in life,...

  • Lifelong Learning: Through children's eyes

    Lu Sweet, Western Wyoming Community College|May 11, 2023

    My two youngest daughters came out of their room a while back after playing Barbies and they were both just sobbing. They weren’t fighting or arguing—they were so sad and they were comforting each other. I asked them what was wrong. They said that while playing Barbies something had gone terribly wrong. I expected them to tell me that “somehow” Barbie’s head or arm had broken off. Instead, Gracie replied, “Barbie lost her job and got in a car wreck.” I was so confused and I asked them, “Wait ladies, I don’t understand. When you play barbies...

  • Letter to the Editor: Why trans athletes need their own sports division

    May 4, 2023

    Dear Editor, It is the year 2023, acceptance has been moving across the globe. Acceptance for sexuality, gender identity, and much more. However, with this acceptance there is a definite advantage to those who identify as transgender. With the physiological differences between men and women and personal accounts to the unfair advantages, there is no wonder as to why there was a separation between these two genders. Men and women have been separated in many ways including sports. Men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s gymnast...

  • DWS commemorates Workers' Memorial Day

    KAREN J. BEBENSEE, OSHA Program Manager for the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services|Apr 27, 2023

    April 28 is Workers’ Memorial Day, a day of remembrance and commitment initially established by the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), and now also known throughout numerous countries as World Day for Safety and Health at Work. Annually, this day honors and commemorates workers who have lost their lives on the job, recognizing the tremendous loss to families, peers and communities. It is an emotional holiday for everyone touched by this loss. The loss brings communities together to recognize t...

  • Letter to the Editor: New e-book available

    Apr 27, 2023

    Dear Editor, As a boy growing up in the Midwest, I idolized Green River native Curt Gowdy, a pro sports TV announcer and host of the American Sportsman program. As an adult, I would serve as sports editor of the Rock Springs paper and cover Sweetwater County and University of Wyoming sports in the 1980s. My new e-book, PRESSING ON By the Grace of God, recounts that time. Another former sports figure from that era read the book and said he found it fascinating to relive Wyoming sports from the ‘80s. For those who would also enjoy that trip d...

  • Letter to the Editor: Grateful for community support

    Apr 27, 2023

    Dear Editor, I am a person with a hereditary mental disease, but one that is totally treatable with medication. I recently experienced an embarrassing rough patch. But rather than shun me or throw me out with the trash, I received compassion, caring, and much-needed help. We are currently experiencing technical difficulties, however, I am so very appreciative to those of you in the Green River region who see through my challenge and are helping me get back on track. I respect that and am immutably grateful. Will you please forgive my...

  • Super Mario Bros is a super good time

    David Martin, Contributor|Apr 20, 2023

    It really isn’t a surprise the “Super Mario Bros. Movie” made a huge pile of cash in its first weekend at the box office. It might be surprising for some to hear the movie had the second-strongest opening weekend for an animated feature on record and has had the highest-grossing opening weekend of a film this year – something Disney has likely taken note of. What might be most surprising is the film is an enjoyable view of a world that has mostly existed in the realm of video games. From a...

  • Spring will come again

    Hannah Romero, Editor|Apr 13, 2023

    Sometimes it can feel like spring doesn't exist in Wyoming, and like winter will never end. This year has especially felt that way. It didn't help when April started with one of the worst snowstorms we've had in an already long and hard winter. For many places in Wyoming, it was one of the worst storms ever. It broke records in Casper, dumped about two feet of snow on us here, even shut down I-80 between Green River and Rock Springs for the first time in a very long time. It's frustrating,...

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