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  • New parent texting tool helps prepare kids for kindergarten

    Becky Iwen, Sweetwater County Library System|Dec 7, 2016

    By BECKY IWEN Sweetwater County Library System Raising a young child can be one of the most trying and enjoyable jobs many parents and caregivers face today. The Sweetwater County Library would like to help you share a love of reading and books with a variety of early literacy tools. A new, free text service is available to parents in Sweetwater County and across Wyoming. Called Ready4K, parents can subscribe to the service to receive fun tips and facts on how to boost children’s learning and prepare them for kindergarten. The tips and facts wi...

  • Event brings back memories

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Dec 7, 2016

    As I walked through the tables and tables full of various nativity scenes, I couldn’t help but remember a nativity scene close to my heart. In fact, I still have this nativity scene. When I was in elementary school, my godmother gave me a nativity scene for Christmas. It was all made by hand including the manger, which was made out of wood. She made Mary, Joseph, an angel, three wise men, the shepherds and even the baby Jesus out of felt. The bodies were filled with rice or beans and she had s...

  • Calling for a balanced budget amendment in Washington

    Bill McIlvain, Former Speaker, Wyoming House of Representatives|Dec 7, 2016

    Over the last year, a number of threats have emerged to challenge our nation. From terror attacks at home and abroad to the re-emergence of Russia as a threat to a $20 trillion national debt spiraling out of control, we are a nation in turmoil. Each threat presents unique challenges; however, one stands as the greatest threat of all because it will intensify all the others if we do not deal with it decisively. That threat is the staggering national debt. Out-of-control spending in Washington is burdening each American with large and growing...

  • Press association comments on suit

    Jim Angell, Wyoming Press Association|Dec 7, 2016

    Wyoming’s Supreme Court handed the state’s government agencies a tremendous opportunity recently. The court ruled 3-2 on Nov. 30 that government agencies may charge members of the public a fee to simply look at public documents that exist only in an electronic form. Not to grab a copy and walk off, mind you. Wyoming’s laws have always allowed for a “reasonable” copying fee for someone wanting to get a hard copy of a document. The Supreme Court’s ruling would apply to anyone simply wanting to see, view or inspect an electronic document. T...

  • Our View: Media to blame for anger

    Nov 30, 2016

    A lot of people are angry. Some of that is caused by fear of the unknown and of what will become of our families and friends as we head into a new political era. It’s natural to fear what we don’t know and to be angry at what we cannot understand. And we’re sorry to say that we in the media shoulder much of the blame. If you peruse the national headlines, you’re not likely to find much of anything along the lines of news. Most of what our national media covers these days is nothing more than speculation. Those things once relegated to a few p...

  • Notes from Town Square: Enjoy local UW competition

    Pete Rust, Mayor of Green River|Nov 30, 2016

    Winter is really sinking in and the temperatures are getting colder. You have the post Thanksgiving blues and are wondering what you can do with your family this weekend? Sure, you could drive down to Laramie to watch Wyoming play in its first Mountain West Conference football game against San Diego State, perhaps you can do a double header and watch Cowboy basketball host the University of Northern Iowa Panthers at 11 a.m., but good luck getting a hotel. Why not do a “triple header” and listen to the basketball game, watch the Mountain Wes...

  • A few ideas for those Thanksgiving leftovers

    David Martin, Editor|Nov 30, 2016

    Last Thursday marked the first time I hosted a holiday meal. Earlier this year, I bought a house and initially hoped to have a housewarming party at some point shortly afterward; it never happened. So, I figured the Thanksgiving dinner would be a good substitute. The dinner itself was a success, with nine people including myself getting stuffed to the gills with a wide-ranging variety of food. We planned for leftovers and encouraged everyone to bring tupperware to take some of it home. Despite...

  • Our View: Green River has a lot to be thankful for

    Nov 23, 2016

    In Sweetwater County, we have a lot to be thankful for. We’re located close to the world’s largest bed of natural trona in the world. That trona provides many of us with high-paying jobs and a great standard of living. Trona, unlike coal, will have a strong market in the foreseeable future, giving us economic security at a time when other mineral industries are struggling. Another thing we’re thankful for is how close we are to world-class outdoor recreation. For Green River’s residents, year-round fishing is easily accessible at the Flaming...

  • Notes from Town Square: Things to be thankful for

    Pete Rust, Mayor of Green River|Nov 23, 2016

    This time of year reminds us to take a step back and reflect on the things we are thankful for. I assume the thing that’s most important to the majority of us is our family and that certainly is the case for me. I have been blessed with a beautiful wife for nearly 30 years and she has given us two incredible sons that give me the motivation and inspiration for all I do in life. My happiest moments in life are those that I have shared with my family and for that I am truly thankful! Another major aspect of my life that I am grateful for is my c...

  • It's beautiful, just not directly on my wall

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Nov 23, 2016

    Each week, my children seem to come up with something new. Sometimes it’s good; and sometimes not. Unfortunately, this was one of those not times. My oldest son, Matthew, 6, decided he was the new Pablo Picasso and decided to use the wall for his masterpiece as he called it. I discovered this when I was tucking him into bed. He said, “Mama,” “Yes.” I replied. “Did you see my great drawing?” Matthew asked. “Yes. You showed them to me earlier tonight and they were great.” “Not those. That one.” M...

  • What to know about choosing insurance

    Trudy Lieberman, Rural Health News Service|Nov 23, 2016

    Even though the election is over and Republicans are in a position to repeal and replace Obamacare as they’ve been vowing to do for several years, that doesn’t mean you should avoid signing up for 2017 insurance coverage. If you’re eligible and need insurance, the state shopping exchanges are open for business even if options this year are limited in many counties, particularly in rural areas. More than 40 percent of the counties where residents can buy an Obamacare policy have just one insurer selling them. That’s not a lot of choice, and pol...

  • A jolting experience leads to gun control thoughts

    Tom Gagnon, Guest Columnist|Nov 23, 2016

    Finding the body was a jolting experience. The skull was facing upwards. He had a full row of upper teeth, but the lower jaw was gone. What might have been a t-shirt covered his upper rib cage, but it looked like animals had been gnawing. Arm bones stuck out the left sleeve, and some lower vertebrae were exposed. It looked like the pants were blue jeans, but now they had many holes and tears, and bones whitened in the desert air. His hiking boots were of the common design. Later, a sheriff’s deputy would find a .22 pistol under the corpse of P...

  • Our View: It's the season to spend at home

    Nov 16, 2016

    With the holiday shopping season fast approaching, it’s easy to hop online and efficiently do all the shopping online. Spending a few hours and waiting for the delivery truck to drive by is less stressful, but who does that really help? Of course Jeff Bezos, Amazon.com’s founder, would be benefiting through the additional business. Companies like UPS and Fedex do too, though the additional overtime their drivers receive could be both a curse and a blessing for them at this time of year. The people who don’t benefit are probably Green River...

  • Letter: Lamenting the end of the Stratton Myers concerts

    Nov 16, 2016

    Dear Editor, I was very disappointed to hear the Flaming Gorge Days concerts at Stratton Myers will be no more. I always looked forward to that weekend, which I adopted as my birthday celebration, since it always falls near. The level of talent that it brought to this town was incredible! Some of the bands featured I had traveled to many other states to see. And some I’ve only been able to see hear in my home town. Being a life long resident of Green River and 56 years old, the entire lifetime of the concerts were something that shaped many hap...

  • Letter: Explore the Red Desert

    Nov 16, 2016

    Dear Editor, Did you know the Red Desert is the largest unfenced landscape in the lower 48 states? It certainly deserves some protection and attention for the wilderness characteristics that flourish here. I recently was invited by the Wyoming Wilderness Association to take a flight on a small aircraft over the Red Desert. The aerial perspective showed me the hundreds of miles of openness that embody the true spirit of Wyoming. The experience of flying over places such as Cedar Mountain, Honeycomb Buttes, Little Mountain, and parts of the North...

  • Letter: Trump knows what he's doing

    Nov 16, 2016

    Dear Editor, Finally, some sanity in the White House! Donald Trump is, by nature, a project manager, and a good one! Proof: He hasn’t become a billionare in the business by being stupid Mistakes. Sure, it’s part of the price of being alive, but you don’t make the same error, repeatedly, while learning how not to! In the PM business, either you’re good or you’re out of the business quickly! The whole discipline suffers fools not at all! I know, having myself been a licensed professional engineer and a project manager for more than 40 years. As...

  • Notes from Town Square: 2nd South Project nearly done

    Holden Wright, City of|Nov 16, 2016

    Winter is coming, and with that, an end to the Second South Project. The contractors worked hard to get the black side of the asphalt facing up so we could open the street. Trees and sidewalk are in, and the concrete bases are in for the new street lights which are scheduled to be installed by the end of November. We do have a few other items left to complete the street: a retaining wall along the railroad fence with a sidewalk, striping the street, and a laundry list of smaller items. There were times during the project where it looked like...

  • Our View: Unions deserve local support

    Nov 9, 2016

    As members of the United Steel Workers Local 15320 stand in support of a better contract, we can’t help but think about how unions have helped establish many of the worker protections and benefits we take for granted today. Long-held benefits for hourly workers, like the 40-hour work week and two weeks of vacation every year, come from union activity taking place at a time when strikers were more likely to get beaten by strike busters and police for trying to get better working conditions. Historically speaking, it wasn’t that long ago whe...

  • Lifelong Learning: Maxims for people to live by

    Lu Sweet, Western Wyoming Community College|Nov 9, 2016

    By LU SWEET Western Wyoming Community College I recently read an article called “Maxims For Athletic Directors to Live By.” Since I am an athletic director at Western Wyoming Community College, I paid extra attention. I enjoyed this article very much and am therefore sharing it with you. The article listed eleven maxims (general truths, fundamental principles or rule of conducts) for athletic directors to live by on the job that are absolutely appropriate in life as well. First, we should all ‘control what we can’ and not dwell on what we can...

  • Notes from Town Square: The city's recreation center

    Katie Blood, Recreation Supervisor|Nov 9, 2016

    What comes to mind when you think of the Green River Recreation Center? Have you heard of us before? Do you know about all that we have to offer? What purpose does a community Recreation Center serve? Well let me share a bit or two with you. The Leisure Programs and Green River Recreation Center divisions of the Parks and Recreation Department, work under the City of Green River to offer many great sports and activities for the community. Our mission is to create recreational opportunities through people, parks, and programs. We are located rig...

  • Letter: 50 years of art celebrated

    Nov 9, 2016

    Dear Editor, The Community Fine Arts Center celebrated its 50th Anniversary Saturday with enthusiasm from all who attended. The annual Community Art Show with the theme of “gold,” the live music from many talented musicians, the art placed in the fundraising auction, and the highlight of the afternoon -- unveiling the new sculpture, designed by Jennifer Messer, that will stand outside the entrance welcoming visitors to the CFAC -- all reflect that word “community “ in our name. When I first moved to Rock Springs 35 years ago, I was told, a...

  • Our View: Print media still doing well

    Nov 2, 2016

    The Internet is not the latest, “greatest” thing to come along and threaten to upend the newspaper industry. In 1927, Charles Lindbergh’s historic flight across the Atlantic Ocean was covered by Fox Movietone News. It sparked rumors and fears of the end of the newspaper industry. The advent of radio news and later, television broadcasts, led to the more rumors that newspapers were done as an industry. But ink and pulp have persevered. Not every newspaper from 100 years ago is still around, but many of the ones that are left are stalwarts of wh...

  • Are you ready for Thanksgiving?

    Jacquie Kramer, Sweetwater County Library System|Nov 2, 2016

    Today is the second day of November. Is it too early to begin thinking about Thanksgiving dinner? I don’t think so. Maybe you’ve got your meal down to an art, after years of perfecting recipes handed down from generations before. Or, perhaps you are looking for a new recipe or Thanksgiving tradition. Whatever traditions you hold in your own families, I’m sure they involve food. Thanksgiving, in my own family, is a time for too many cooks in the kitchen, indescribable smells wafting throughout the house, too many pies too eat, and turkey, stuff...

  • Notes from Town Square: Supporting local businesses

    Jennie Melvin, URA and Main Street|Nov 2, 2016

    Small Business Saturday is held between Black Friday and Cyber Monday and encourages people to do some of their holiday shopping at small, local businesses. In order to support this practice, the Green River Chamber of Commerce and the Green River URA/Main Street Agency have teamed up to provide you with an opportunity to do some holiday shopping locally. We are hosting a Small Business Showcase on Saturday, Nov. 19 at the Island Pavilion in Green River from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Twenty seven businesses will be available for you to get a head...

  • Wyoming should take over federally-managed lands

    Sen. Larry Hicks, Wyoming Senator|Nov 2, 2016

    Few things in life generate enough interest to truly illicit a call to action where we feel so compelled to engage in vigorous debate and commit our time and treasure to protect and defend those fundamental issues that define both ourselves and our culture. The issue of transferring federal lands to state ownership or state management has risen to that level in Wyoming. On one hand we all recognize the inefficiencies, the protracted delays and economic losses associated with federal lands management. Management by federal bureaucratic...

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