Sorted by date Results 1076 - 1100 of 1682
Recently, the city of Green River activated the CodeRED Emergency Notification System to alert citizens of the no unnecessary travel advisory within the city limits of Green River issued by the Green River Police Department. So, what is the CodeRED Emergency Notification System and how does it work? Emergency Communications Network, LLC pioneered high-speed emergency notification services capable of reaching citizens in minutes. ECN’s sophisticated network supports a web-based product suite that enables local government officials to c...
Anyone facing a hospital stay for themselves or a family member should look at new data the government released right before Christmas showing that it penalized 769 of the nation’s hospitals for having high rates of patient injuries. The monetary penalties – a reduction for the year in their reimbursement for treating Medicare patients – do bite. Larger teaching hospitals could lose as much as $1 million or more. This is the third year the government has penalized hospitals in an effort to prevent avoidable patient deaths in hospitals, which...
As a politician, it’s easy to find oneself on the wrong end of a newspaper editorial. However, this week, we’re applauding the stance the Sweetwater County Commissioners have taken in opposing the land grab a few state legislators want to push. Federally-managed lands comprise a majority of the land available in Sweetwater County. A lot of that land is available for multiple uses and give residents and visitors the chance to recreate at treasured locations like Little Mountain, Pine Mountain and the Flaming Gorge Reservoir. According to a 201...
Well, It’s that time of the year again. Time to set that New Year’s resolution. It seems like every year around this time that’s all I hear people talking about. It also seems like the television commercials are also gearing up for this. With all of the lose weight with this product or that product, join this gym or buy this DVD to work yourself thin commercials, it’s hard to avoid. I also noticed how many stop smoking now commercials there are too. It’s almost like we think that a new year...
It’s January. Maybe you’ve made, or plan to make, some resolutions. Maybe you’re recovering from the holiday craziness and are taking the new year day by day. I’ve never been someone who makes new year’s resolutions, I usually fall into the second category. Many think of January as a time to start over or begin again. Putting your focus there is understandable as a new year is beginning. There is possibility. I challenge you to take advantage of one of the following unique January holidays this year! The library can help you on your journey....
Lori Eng, a 62-year-old office manager who works in western Nebraska, sent an email not long ago telling me she was “terrified” she might lose her Obamacare health insurance. The many horror stories passed along in the media had frightened her, and she wanted me to hear from someone who had benefitted from the law. No wonder Eng is scared. Ever since the Affordable Care Act passed almost seven years ago, opponents, mostly Republicans, have vowed to repeal the law and replace it with a different plan. The November election results now make tha...
It’s a new year and that means it’s time to set some goals to help 2017 be a successful year! The Green River URA/Main Street Agency will be doing just that in the coming weeks with some training and a couple of strategic planning sessions. We are beginning 2017 with three new board members and are anxious to set the goals and tasks needed in order to accomplish our mission and we’d encourage you to do the same. Here are a few suggestions to consider for your small business to help set the course for this year: Make a Plan Putting a busin...
Riding with my friend John in his Nissan Leaf, an electric vehicle, the car made no sound at all. With the windows open you can hear the changing of gears on nearby bicycles, and you can hear the breeze in the branches over the boulevards. We were in his town of Fort Collins, Colo. John works as a sustainability coordinator for a group of hospitals. He was giving me a tour of solar installations all over town, including new construction with the solar panels built right into the roofs; or rather, the roofs were solar panels. John said that a...
Have you ever pushed the elevator button to “remind” the elevator that you are there waiting for it to come pick you up and deliver you? Have you ever yelled at the traffic light, while in your car, so the light would change faster? Sometimes we think we have more influence on certain people or in certain situations than we really do, like with the elevator, or the traffic light. No matter how many times we push the elevator button, or yell at the light, it’s not going to come any faster. However, on other occasions we actually have more influ...
9 was a lousy year for a variety of reasons. Legendary musicians Prince, David Bowie and Merle Haggard passed away during the course of the year. Similarly, well-known actors and actresses have passed as well, including Carrie Fisher, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Alan Rickman and Gene Wilder. The world of sports lost Muhammed Ali, Arnold Palmer and Gordie Howe. Space pioneer John Glenn also passed away this year. Locally, 2016 was difficult for a variety of reasons. In Sweetwater County School District No. 2, students and staff have had to experience...
Dear Editor, It has been an indescribable privilege to serve Uinta County citizens with the many legislators, staff, LSO, two governors and the many state agencies and their staff over the last 10 years. Only around 1,900 people have served as legislators since Wyoming became a state in 1890. I consider myself blessed to have been part of Wyoming’s state government, trying to help make the state a better place to live and do business in. I say thanks to all who have served, those I had the privilege to serve with, and the many people who helped...
Each time I celebrate Christmas with my little ones, I try to cherish it as much as possible. I know all to well that before I even know what happened they will be teenagers rolling their eyes at me and telling me I embarrass them or how uncool I am. But for now, I can honestly just look at them and smile at how a simple toy, book or piece of candy can bring a big smile to their faces. This year was no different. My boys, Matthew, 7, and John, 4, spent Christmas Eve day asking me when Santa was...
Will patients benefit from the passage of the 21st Century Cures Act? After listening to politicians and reading the headlines, most people might think it’s the best thing ever to come along for patients. “A new day for medical research is on the horizon,” proclaimed Rep. Fred Upton, the outgoing chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee which had just won a major victory last week. “The House and the Senate have passed this bipartisan legislation which will ensure our health system can keep pace with incredible advances in science...
State should lead in climate change policy Dear Editor, Climate change is a global emergency on the scale of—and of greater consequence than—the Second World War. And, yet, this country’s environmental and regulatory policies barely acknowledge that climate change is even “a thing.” Climate science assumes change and attempts to quantify how it is changing; yet it wasn’t even brought up in recent “presidential” “debates.” If the global average temperature increases any more than 2°C (3.4°F), crops will begin to fail around the world. We will se...
Dear Editor, The Red Desert is home to many Wyoming treasures including desert elk, one of the largest living sand dune systems in the U.S., and the Boar’s Tusk. These treasures are located primarily on public lands managed by the BLM. The Rock Springs BLM is currently drafting a new management plan that will determine the future of a large portion of the Red Desert for the next 20-25 years. The public should be a part of this process, which will determine the future of the Red Desert. Unfortunately, it has been nearly six years since the publi...
Happy Donkey Days! Each Christmas, businesses scramble to find ways to get shoppers through the doors with coupons, prizes, and special offers. In 1957, the Green River Chamber of Commerce tried a special kind of contest to help bring shoppers to the bustling shopping scene of downtown Green River. Donkey Days was a several weeks-long event where Green River stores featured “their holiday goods and favorable prices…to bring home to Green River people the variety of merchandise…to be found in these stores. It culminated just before Chris...
With the upcoming closure of the Green River City Landfill and the construction of the Transfer Station, many people are asking questions about how and why we are pursuing these actions, and what the city’s garbage system will look like in the future. We at the Public Works Department wanted to take this opportunity to let people know a little bit of the background on how the system has evolved in the last few years, and how the decisions that have been made related to the city’s garbage system have been intended to limit cost increases and...
If you’ve been counting down the days until the Winter Solstice (the shortest day of the year) congratulations, we made it and now the days start getting longer. If it doesn’t seem that way, perhaps it’s because while the sun begins to set a little later from here until summer, it rises a little later in the day until Jan. 3. So when Christmas rolls around this Sunday, even though you’ve told yourself, “the days are getting longer,” your eyes aren’t seeing the light of day any earlier. Some sleep scientists attribute this annual phenomenon as...
The CIA recently concluded Russia likely had a hand in making sure Donald Trump got elected, according to reports from The Washington Post. The above sentence should worry any patriotic American, regardless of what side of the political spectrum they lean. The idea a foreign nation would attempt to influence the electoral process should be concerning in itself, but when the foreign nation in question is one the United States has had a rocky relationship with, one can only question how it wasn’t dealt with sooner.p g; Russia stands to gain a lot...
I was working on my computer the other day and reading an email that talked about a change in work procedure. I didn’t think there needed to be one in this particular case and of course, I knew I would follow it, but none the less I uttered out loud, “if it ain’t broke,” but I didn’t finish my sentence. However, there were three students in my office working on homework at the time, and they DID finish the sentence as they saw fit. The first said, “if it ain’t broke, don’t break it.” The second student said, “No, that’s not how it goes. It’s...
It’s the holiday season, and many people are buying toys for the children in their lives. For December’s Artifact of the Month, the Sweetwater County Museum is featuring a toy airplane from the 1930s, which was donated to the Museum by Robert. N. Malonek. This toy airplane is the NX-271 model from a collaboration between Little Jim Playthings and J.C. Penney. It is a tri-motor model airplane and is made from pressed steel. The popularity of airplanes soared after Charles Lindbergh’s famous transatlantic flight in 1927, and also with the incre...
Dear Editor, It has come to my attention that certain groups or entities have been using my name to try and get donations from seniors. Some of these solicitations imply that folks won’t get their Social Security benefits unless they pay $10 and sign a petition addressed to me. These letters are misleading and aim to prey on those who are vulnerable and worried. No one has to pay anyone in order to share their views with me and these professional petition organizers are not as effective as they may claim. I am working to make sure Social S...
Dear Editor, Self-generated terrorists? You stop them the same way General Pershing stopped Muslim fighters in the Philippines in an earlier war. First, you debunk everything about posthumous “rewards” (so many virgins, etc. Given to each martyr), then you bury each dead fighter in a pig hide, guaranteeing they will go straight to hell, by their own belief system. Then, for good measure, you spread the word that every bullet had been dipped in pig fat. By the way, that belief insults women in general as if they were so many pieces of cha...
With the upcoming legislative session in Cheyenne, a lot of eyes will be looking upon the Legislative Stabilization Reserve Account, the state’s rainy day fund, as a solution to a lot of problems. However, while the legislature might be tempted to pull money from that account for use in Cheyenne or the University of Wyoming, we believe some of that money would be better spent as an investment into local governments. Those of us living in Sweetwater County are very familiar with the term “rainy day.” Our elected leaders have used it for years...
Dear Editor, What comes to mind when you think of Denver or Salt Lake City? Many think of shopping, traffic or sporting events. Lately, it’s difficult not to think about the air quality. Regardless of your political party affiliation, one thing Wyomingites can agree upon is their love for the big blue skies and wide-open spaces for recreational use. Many of us tune into local news stations from the Salt Lake and Denver areas, and air quality seems to be one of the headlines each day. On beautiful summer fishing days or fall hunting days people...