Articles from the October 15, 2014 edition

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  • Egg collection starts Oct. 20

    Staff Report|Oct 15, 2014

    Fisheries biologist with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department are going to collect kokanee salmon eggs on Flaming Gorge Reservoir in an effort to help bolster the Gorge kokanee population and to establish additional spawning runs in other waters across the state. The spawning operation and camps will be set up at Brinegar’s Ferry boat ramp and across the reservoir at the Upper Marsh Creek boat ramp. Green River Fisheries Biologist Joe Skorupski said the Game and Fish Green River fisheries management crew and the statewide spawning crew will b...

  • Game and fish seeks public input

    Staff Report|Oct 15, 2014

    Project Learning Tree and Project WILD have teamed up to offer a fun, hands-on workshop offering instruction in all of these curricula for formal and non-formal educators. The two-day workshop will take place at the Green River Region Office of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Nov. 1 and Nov. 2. The Game and Fish office is located at 351 Astle Street in Green River. Preregistration is required. The cost is $45 per participant and includes six curriculum guides, activity materials, and snacks. Participants will have to...

  • Residents can trick or treat at center

    Staff Report|Oct 15, 2014

    With Halloween just around the corner, many are planning their trick or treating event. Some may not need look any farther for plans. Mission at Castle Rock Rehabilitation Center and Mission at the Villa will be hosting its annual community trick or treat night. This has become a cherished event for the residents beginning as a couple of residents sitting at the front door handing out candy and evolving to the point of all interested residents offering candy to trick or treaters as they come through the multipurpose room. Mission is happy to...

  • Trunk or treat

    Oct 15, 2014

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