Articles from the August 5, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 26

  • Motorcycle crashes leave 2 dead

    David Martin, Editor|Aug 5, 2015

    Sweetwater County was the scene for two deadly vehicle crashes during the last week. According to the Rock Springs Police Department, 44-year-old Stacey McPherson, of Green River, died in a motorcycle crash on Railroad Avenue, near N Street, in Rock Springs early Saturday morning. The department responded to the scene at 3:28. a.m. after receiving calls regarding two people laying in the road. An unidentified man was taken to Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County with injuries, while McPherson...

  • Lyman man dies at Bridger power plant

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Aug 5, 2015

    Blunt, force trauma injuries sustained from a fall were what caused Marvin Dean Ortega to die. On July 28, Ortega, 53, of Lyman, was working on scaffolding at the Jim Bridger Power Plant, which is located near Points of Rocks, when he fell 45 feet, Sweetwater County Corner Dale Majhanovich said. An autopsy took place in Loveland, Colo., Thursday and although they are not completely finished, Majhanovich was not surprised with the initial results. "Preliminary results, after the autopsy, show he...

  • Cities continue to see lower revenues

    David Martin, Editor|Aug 5, 2015

    Sales-tax revenues have declined for the past several years, which has resulted in the county’s two cities to budget more conservatively. According to the mayors of Rock Springs and Green River, economic indicators from the Wyoming Association of Municipalities suggests the picture won’t improve anytime soon. For Green River Mayor Pete Rust, the current financial situation now is much different than when he served on the Green River City Council. “We had all kinds of programs we were start...

  • City receives $5.5 million in carryover

    Lillian Palmer, Staff Writer|Aug 5, 2015

    The city Council moved to approve an increase in the capital projects and general funds at Tuesday’s meeting, for the fiscal year of 2016 carryover in the amount of $5.5 million. It’s not a surprise amount, according to Chris Meats, finance director of Green River, it comes down to timing and producing the correct dollar amount. The raised budget amount is for previously started projects that are multi year projects with a vast majority of the funds coming from the Sixth Penny tax, $4 mil...

  • Bubble poppers

    Aug 5, 2015

  • Roger Sims Miller

    Aug 5, 2015

    Roger Sims Miller, 52, died July 30,2015 in Green River. He was born June 13, 1963 in Ogden, Utah, the son of Lynn Miller and Margaret Sims Miller. He grew up in Clearfield and Sunset, Utah, Wheatland and Green River. He graduated from Wheatland High school and then attended semi truck driving school in Colorado. He was a veteran having served in the US Navy. He was employed by Trimac Transportation Trucking, hauling helium. He loved life and was always considerate of other people and very well... Full story

  • Stacey Ann McPherson

    Aug 5, 2015

    Stacey Ann McPherson, 44, of Green River, died Aug. 1, 2015 from injuries sustained in a motorcycle crash. She was born on Jan. 19, 1971 in Casper the daughter of Earl Gene McPherson and Joyce Ann Hornecker McPherson. She attended school at Star Valley High School in Afton. She worked for Flaming Gorge Harley Davidson for the last two years. Her interests were motorcycles, camping, hunting, boating, reading and crafting. Survivors include her parents Gene and Joyce McPherson of Salome, Ariz.;... Full story

  • Patricia Ann "Pat" Schreck

    Aug 5, 2015

    Patricia Ann "Pat" Schreck, 71, of Green River passed away July 30, 2015 in Salt Lake City. A longtime resident of Green River, Schreck died following a brief illness. She was born on Oct. 13, 1943, Patricia, who preferred to be called Pat, was the daughter of Warren Erdley and Kathryn Elliot Erdley. Schreck attended schools in Pennsylvania and graduated in 1961 from the Mifflinburg High School. She married Guy Schreck in Mazeppa, Penn. on August 5, 1962, and celebrated their 50th wedding annive... Full story

  • Marvin Dean Ortega

    Aug 5, 2015

    Marvin Dean Ortega, 53, is now again with his father and son, having passed away suddenly July 28, 2015. It is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of our beloved Deano. Ortega was born Aug. 12, 1961 in Rock Springs. He is the second youngest of eight children, born to Domenico and Audilia Ortega. He was a loving son and he had a special place in his heart for his mother. He was a peacekeeper and a great brother. Dean grew up in Green River, where he met Janie Bryant, his loving wife of 29... Full story

  • Chester Richard Kizzire

    Aug 5, 2015

    Chester Richard Kizzire, 94, of Green River, passed away July 30, 2015 at Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County. He was a long time resident of Green River and former long time resident of Cheyenne. He was born on May 26, 1921 in Northport, Neb., the son of the late Charles and Hilda Kizzire. Kizzire attended and graduated from the Granger High School in Granger. He was a United States Army Veteran of World War II. Kizzire married the former Margaret "Peggy" Seyfang on Nov. 16, 1947 in Green...

  • Thanks a lot for the profiling

    Lillian Palmer, Staff Writer|Aug 5, 2015

    Some say it’s a compliment to get carded. It’s frustrating though and a bit annoying when you get asked to see your I.D. multiple times in one night by multiple people in the same establishment. My night at the fair was much like this. I will admit, I look young for a 26 year old. But the hassle I go through while drinking is slightly ridiculous. At the fair, I show my I.D. to receive a wrist band in the beer tent. I then proceed to the next booth to purchase my beer tokens. At the token boo...

  • Our View: Remember safe driving skills

    Aug 5, 2015

    Sweetwater County’s roads have seen more than their fair share of tragedy during the past week. A motorcycle crash in Rock Springs claimed the life of a Green River resident early Saturday morning and just two days later, another motorcycle crash outside the Interstate 80 tunnels resulted in the rider’s death. Also, due to the season, more bikers are on the road at this time of year as well. Anyone who has driven from Green River to Rock Springs, or taken a longer trip along I-80 can attest that traffic has gotten much thicker during the pas...

  • Barrasso discusses Iran, Planned Parenthood

    John Barrasso, U.S. Senator|Aug 5, 2015

    By John Barrasso, M.D. US Senator While the nuclear agreement with Iran dominated the headlines in July, it’s just one of the many pressing issues debated this month in the US Senate. We passed a long-term highway bill, advanced broad bipartisan energy legislation important to Wyoming’s economy and introduced a bill to address the taxpayer funding of abortion services. Congress Begins Debate on Iran Nuclear Deal The Senate started the review process for the recently released nuclear agreement with Iran. Any agreement with Iran must protect the...

  • Making reading a habit

    Jason Grubb, Sweetwater County Library System|Aug 5, 2015

    A couple weeks ago my son and I went backpacking in the Medicine Bow National Forest. I’m not much of a fisherman. I try, but end up spending more time untangling the line and agonizing over what type of bait to use than catching fish. My idea of relaxing is reading a good book while sitting on a large rock overlooking a clear lake. As a consequence, my son packed a fishing pole and I packed a book, which was no easy task. How do you choose just one book? Typically I like to bring three or four books with me on a trip because I never quite k...

  • Notes from town square: National Farmers Market Week

    Jennie Melvin, URA and Main Street|Aug 5, 2015

    This week is National Farmers Market Week. On June 10, the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture declared Aug. 2-8, National Farmers Market Week. The U. S. Department of Agriculture recognizes the myriad benefits of farmers markets for producers and consumers and is committed to support the continued success of farmers markets through grants, technical assistance and more. Farmers markets are important outlets for agricultural producers nationwide, providing them with increased opportunities to meet consumer demand for a...

  • CLIMB returns to county

    David Martin, Editor|Aug 5, 2015

    In a special conference Thursday featuring local officials from city, county and state governments, representatives from CLIMB Wyoming announced they plan to reintroduce the program to Sweetwater County. Climb Wyoming focuses on providing job training to single mothers in high-demand and high-paying fields. The program was in Sweetwater County from 2007 to last October, but was pulled when the organization faced a critical budget shortfall as a result of federal funding cuts. “How could you p...

  • Phone scams get more creative

    Lillian Palmer, Staff Writer|Aug 5, 2015

    There are a variety of scam phone calls out there that plague citizens, and Green River is no exception. Phone scams go on as they always have, but residents are getting smarter. The amount of scam reports are the same but the numbers of victimization is going down, GRPD officer Luke Benson said. “People getting taken advantage of is going down quite a bit,” Benson said. “Residents are more aware of the potential for scams.” Phone scams usually ask for either money or personal informa...

  • Four arrests reported at Sweetwater County fair

    David Martin, Editor|Aug 5, 2015

    Oftentimes, along with the food, the fun and entertainment, the yearly Sweetwater County Fair brings with it people who make poor decisions and, unsurprisingly, get arrested for making those decisions. This year was different however. Only four people were arrested during Wyoming’s Big Show last week. According to Sheriff Mike Lowell, three of the arrests were for drunk in public while the fourth was as due to an outstanding warrant. Lowell said the number of arrests were an all-time low n...

  • Getting ready for practice

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Aug 5, 2015

    The old adage "Practice makes perfect" is something the Green River High School Cheerleading Squad tries to live by. Assistant coach Burgandy Schmitt said the squad's first big performance during the summer all ready took place at the Flaming Gorge Days Parade. The cheerleaders walked through the parade doing a dance for the spectators. The next big appearance will be at Green River's first football game. Even though the football game is about a month away, the squad is already working on...

  • Seniors enjoy the fair

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Aug 5, 2015

    On Thursday, Mission at Castle Rock Rehabilitation Center and Villa residents visited Wyoming’s Big Show. While at the fair, 11 residents had the chance to feed and pet the animals at the petting zoo. With so many sights to see, the residents were busy and tired by the end of the four-and-a-half hour trip. They spent time looking at all the fair exhibits, watching some of the Big Show’s entertainers and shopping at the booths. They took breaks for lunch and snacks. Without the help of 19 vol...

  • Pond tour set for Saturday

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Aug 5, 2015

    From waterfalls and ponds, to flowers and vegetable gardens, there is something for everyone to see Saturday. With a total of 13 homes on the Green River Pond and Garden Tour, which will take place Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., residents are sure to see something that will change the way they look at gardening in Sweetwater County. Of the 13 homes, seven are in Green River, one is in Jamestown and five are in Rock Springs. Pond tour director Lyneen Murphy said the pond tour was going to take...

  • Food banks receive donation

    Lillian Palmer, Staff Writer|Aug 5, 2015

    In response to a recent article concerning a seasonal summer shortage at the local food banks, management at Tata Chemical’s Green River location decided to take fast action. Within 24 hours, a plan was made, logistical details done and the word was out to employees about their fast-action emergency fundraising drive for the local food banks. They decided to do a cash-only fundraiser because cash goes further than cans of food, according to the food banks, Kim Genereux, supervisor of learning a...

  • Preschool offers open enrollment

    Staff Report|Aug 5, 2015

    Open enrollment is happening now at the Sweetwater County Child Developmental Center. Preschool classes are filling up fast. The SCCDC is ready to enroll all kids three to five years old for fall classes in Rock Springs and Green River, but spots are limited. Preschool classes start Aug. 31. Classes are offered Monday through Thursday with children having the opportunity to attend either the morning or afternoon classes. Transportation is also available based on the need of the student. The SCCDC offers two programs for children ages three to...

  • Scholarships given

    Lillian Palmer, Staff Writer|Aug 5, 2015

    Tata Chemicals awarded a total of $6,000 in college scholarships to Kasey Turnbull of Green River, Garrett Easton of Rock Springs, and Kylia Siddoway of Lyman. The three are all Wyoming-college based students and children of the Tata’s employees. Turnbull and Easton both received a scholarship of $2,500. Siddoway received a scholarship of $1,000. Tata has been awarding scholarships to applicants of their employees‘ children since 2013, to students attending Western Wyoming Community Col...

  • Parks dept. creates flag football program

    David Martin, Editor|Aug 5, 2015

    Hoping to introduce more children to the local football programs, the city’s parks and recreation department will host flag football games later this month. Kevin Sadler, recreation supervisor for sports programs, said the Little Howler Youth Flag Football League is aimed at both boys and girls from kindergarten to third-grade ages. He said Parks and Recreation Director Brad Raney hosted a similar program in Casper and brought the idea with him when he took over the department. The program s...

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