Articles from the February 4, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 36

  • Trona mine sold to Tronox

    David Martin, Editor|Feb 4, 2015

    The FMC Corporation has reached an agreement to sell its Alkali Chemicals branch and with it, its mine west of Green River. Tronox, an American chemical company announced it reached an agreement with FMC to purchase its Alkali Chemicals division for $1.64 billion. According to the release from Tronox, approximately $1 billion will be paid in cash while another $600 million will be paid through new debt. “We are very pleased to welcome Alkali Chemicals to Tronox. With its industry-leading position in markets complementary to ours, Alkali C...

  • Granger seeks SLIB funding

    David Martin, Editor|Feb 4, 2015

    Work continues on the General George S. Patton Community and Cultural Center in Granger, with completion expected to occur this summer. New Granger Mayor Sandy Allen said the building should be complete by the middle of June, saying the town may need to push back the building schedule to accommodate additional work involving an elevator, asbestos abatement and roofing. The town seeks funding from the State Lands and Investments Board, a funding group comprised of the five top officials within the state. Specifically, the funding will come from...

  • Woman pleas not guilty to charges

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Feb 4, 2015

    A woman accused of choking her 15-year-old daughter pleaded not guilty to three felony charges. Andrea Kay Young of Green River appeared in the Third District Court of Judge Richard Lavery at an arraignment to three counts of child abuse. If found guilty of all three charges, she could face a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison and a maximum fine of $30,000. After pleading not guilty, a trial date is scheduled to take place April 13 at 9 a.m. According to court documents, on Nov. 14, 2014, a Green River Police officer responded to an...

  • Council watched through newspaper

    David Martin, Editor|Feb 4, 2015

    He’s been a resident of Green River for nearly 40 years and for most of those years, he been an avid reader of the Green River Star. Harry Holler, who is known throughout the community for his ongoing work to bring recognition to the county’s sons and daughters serving in the armed forces, said he reads the newspaper to keep up with the political decisions being made at City Hall and the Sweetwater County Courthouse. “If you don’t know what’s going on in your community, you have no reason to gripe,” Holler said. When he first moved to the comm...

  • Alfred "Pete" Petersen

    Feb 4, 2015

    Alfred "Pete" Petersen, 80, of Rock Springs passed away Feb. 3 at Deseret Heath and Rehab. A lifelong resident, Petersen died following a lengthy illness. He was born in Green River, Dec. 7, 1934, the son of the late Charles C. and Virginia (Finlayson) Petersen. Petersen attended schools in Green River and was a 1954 graduate of the Green River High School. He attended one year of college at Yankton College in Yankton, S.D. He married Helen F. Pivik on May 11, 1957 at the Saints Cyril and... Full story

  • Josephine Ann Case

    Feb 4, 2015

    Josephine Ann Case, 83, a longtime resident of Rock Springs, but forever a faithful native of Superior, passed from this life Feb. 2. Jo, as her friends called her, was born and raised in Superior. Case was a cheerleader at and graduated from Superior High School, always proud to be a Dragon. She married the love of her life, John Angelo Case, on Nov. 14, 1954 in Superior and moved to Rock Springs where they then resided. She was a member of the Holy Spirit Catholic Community. She spent her... Full story

  • Trudel Lopez

    Feb 4, 2015

    Trudel Lopez passed away peacefully Jan. 27, at age 80. She was a longtime resident of Green River, where she and her husband Armando owned and operated Trudel’s Restaurant in the old Post Office building for many years. She was well known for her love of cooking and food, and her generosity. She was preceded in death by her husband Armando and daughter Ursula, and survived by her son Pedro and sister Margo Bliss of Bonita, Calif. A memorial will be planned and announced at a later date. In lieu of cards and flowers those wishing to honor h... Full story

  • Kurt Juel

    Feb 4, 2015

    Kurt Juel, 61, of Rock Springs passed away on Jan. 28 at his home. A longtime resident of Rock Springs, Juel had been in ill health for the past several years. He was born Feb. 26, 1953 in Rock Springs, the son of Eric and Pansy Juel. Juel attended schools in Fort Collins, Colo. and Eden Valley. He was a 1971 graduate of Eden Valley High School. He also attended the University of Wyoming. Juel was employed for 22 years at FMC and retired in 2002 as a lab analyst. His interests included scuba... Full story

  • Leonard Parker Kiehm

    Feb 4, 2015

    Leonard Parker Kiehm, 67, of Rock Springs passed away Jan. 23, 2015 at his home. A lifelong resident of Rock Springs, Mr. Kiehm had been in ill health for the past several years. He was born on Oct.r 12, 1947 in Rock Springs, the son of the late Louis and Helen Kiehm. Kiehm attended schools in Rock Springs and was a 1966 graduate of Rock Springs High School. He also attended and graduated from Utah Technical College and received a degree in heavy duty mechanics. He was employed for many years... Full story

  • Spencer Lee Krause

    Feb 4, 2015

    Spencer Lee Krause, 45, of Rock Springs, Wyoming passed away Jan. 29 at his home following a lengthy illness. He was a longtime resident of Rock Springs and former resident of Laramie and Green River. He was born in Laramie on Jan. 4, 1970, the son of Danny W. Krause and Maria E. Arellano. Krause attended schools in Green River and graduated from Green River High School with the class of 1988. He also attended Western Wyoming Community College and earned as associate degree in computer science... Full story

  • Our View: Support your local artists

    Feb 4, 2015

    The residents of Sweetwater County have had a long history of supporting the arts. Sweetwater County School District No. 1 is well known for its art collection on display at the Community Fine Arts Center in Rock Springs, which includes paintings from artists including Norman Rockwell and Grandma Moses. In Green River, a lively collection of sculptures have popped up across the city in the last several years. The city’s new Mining Memorial Park, though dedicated to the machinery the hard working men and women of Sweetwater County have used t...

  • Letter: We don't have dictators here

    Feb 4, 2015

    Dear Editor, After reading the letter to the editor entitled “Support public lands workers” in the Green River Star dated Wednesday, Jan. 28, I felt that it was imperative to respond. The author sounded concerned about the mistreatment of “public lands” workers, and made shocking statements such as “Do locals “know better” and are they “more just”? The author made further reference to his “rule of thumb” and stated “The best ruler is strong and far away, the worst is weak and nearby”, further stating “A homier way to envision this is to imag...

  • Suggesting a good read

    Jason Grubb, Sweetwater County Library System|Feb 4, 2015

    By Jason Grubb Sweetwater County Library System We are an entire month into 2015. How are your resolutions holding up? Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s 2015 New Year’s resolution is to read a new book every other week “with an emphasis on learning about different cultures, beliefs, histories, and technologies.” So far he has read “The End of Power” by Moises Naim and “The Better Angles of Our Nature” by Steven Pinker. Naim’s book explores the notion of power and how it is shifting in the 21st century among countries, busine...

  • Waking from a seductive dream

    David Martin, Editor|Feb 4, 2015

    I used to love the idea of a lottery in Wyoming, I really did. I’ve played, I’ve lost and the initial excitement of checking my numbers after a drawing has faded since the Wyoming lottery’s inception. Often, lotteries have been called taxes on the poor, and it isn’t hard to see why. Promising big payouts even at the start, lotteries like Mega Millions and Powerball give their players a tantalizing glimpse into the world of “what if I win.” It’s a lifeline out of the blue-collar drudgery that...

  • Can't I just talk to someone on the phone?

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Feb 4, 2015

    I just want to talk to a person. A real actual person. Lately, I have been getting more and more irritated with automated voice systems. I understand why places have these systems, but when there is not an option for what I am calling for I never know what to do. I usually push the number for the operator, but even then that doesn’t always work. Sometimes there isn’t even an operator option so I wind up listening to the menu choices for about 10 minutes before making a selection only to be inf... Full story

  • Saving hope for the next generation

    Jack H. Smith, Staff Writer|Feb 4, 2015

    A few weeks ago I decided to change it up and made a trip to Arby’s in Rock Springs. I pulled into the crowded parking lot and could not find a space. While there were a lot of people there getting their fix of beef and cheddars, there should have been a space available. Instead, three different people decided it was perfectly fine to park not even close to in between the lines. The three instigators were not even next to each other. It was almost as if they planned it in unison just to screw u...

  • Federal land transfer faces local opposition

    David Martin, Editor|Feb 4, 2015

    Two bills that seek the transfer of federal lands to state ownership have gathered criticism and opposition from local officials. The two bills, House Bill 209 and Senate File 56, both deal with the topic of the state owning federal lands. The senate file, approved by the senate appropriations committee last week, would commission a study and report addressing a transfer in the management of public lands to the state. Senator John Hastert (D-Green River) was the only member of the appropriations committee voting against the senate file. House B...

  • Green River City Council denies pump-station bid

    David Martin, Editor|Feb 4, 2015

    The Green River City Council voted to deny a project bid for a lift station replacement project. The planned project involves the replacement of two older lift stations located in Hutton Heights and the Collier View Estates area. The project is being funded through a combination of a mineral royalties grant and money from the state’s revolving fund loan. The sole bid for the project, submitted by High Desert Construction, was more than $400,000 higher than the engineer’s estimate, which totaled under $550,000 for the project. “That’s quite a...

  • New direction: City picks fireworks vendor

    David Martin, Editor|Feb 4, 2015

    The Green River City Council approved a $20,000 contract with a new fireworks vendor for the city’s annual July 4 fireworks show. The contract was awarded to Lantis Productions of Draper, Utah, a different vendor than the one used for last year’s fireworks display. Interim City Administrator Chris Steffen said the city has used Lantis for past fireworks shows. “They’ve put on good displays,” he said. Last year, the annual July 4 display was cut short due to what was described as a catastrophic failure in the electronic ignition system us...

  • Blood drive a success

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Feb 4, 2015

    With only three pints, Green River once again beat Rock Springs in a friendly rivalry to raise blood for the Premier Bone and Joint Center's Blood Drive Challenge. The total amount raised between both communities was 567 pints, Green River collected 285 pints and Rock Springs collected 282. "I honestly believe that we are so lucky to be surrounded by the support of our communities; they both are always willing to give their time to help us out," Amanda Santhuff, GRHS teacher and Student Council...

  • Sweetwater communities unite for cause

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Feb 4, 2015

    For the first time, the Green River, Rock Springs and Farson high schools are teaming up to raise as much as they can for Make-A-Wish. “Make-A-Wish is so important because we have brought awareness that there are young children with life-threatening illnesses out there. And that this nonprofit organization allows for these you children to have hope, to be happy and to feel special,” Amanda Santhuff, GRHS teacher and Student Council Sponsor said. In the past, the schools have participated in a friendly rivalry to see which schools could bri...

  • Two more 1st-place finishes

    Stephanie Thompson, People Editor|Feb 4, 2015

    Once again, the Green River High School Speech and Debate team comes out on top. In the past two weeks, the team competed in the Evanston and Natrona County Tournaments. In the Evanston tourney, Green River finished first with 96 points, Rock Springs grabbed second with 54 points and Kelly Walsh took third with 38 points. “This was one of our smaller meets, but there were several competitive teams in attendance,” assistant coach Rich Percifield said. “Our team won the team sweepstakes with balanced scoring from a variety of students. Rock Sprin...

  • Monroe Intermediate School honor rolls

    Feb 4, 2015

    Monroe Intermediate School recently released its Second Quarter Honor Roll. To make the honor roll students must have a 3.5 GPA or greater with no grade below B- and not restricted by FERPA Form. Those making the fifth-grade honor roll are Genesis Anderson, Jonus Aragon, Alex Atkinson, Alexa Barajas, Branson Barton, Troy Bingham, Karlee Bode, Bradyn Boutin, Allison Brown, Raegan Burbank, Trenton Burd, Liberty Campbell, Braden Cantrell, Matthew Chavez, Megan Counts, Allysa Cudney, Charles Dewailly, Brynlee Doak, Abigail Dolinar, Grace Duncan, Ki... Full story

  • Green River High School honor rolls

    Feb 4, 2015

    The Green River High School recently released its first-semester honor rolls. To make the Principal’s Honor Roll students must have a 4.0 GPA with no “I” letter grades. Those making the Principal’s Honor Roll are Emily Allen, Victoria Allen, Abbie Atkinson, Valerie Barajas, Franklin Barker, Georgina Barrios Martinez, Kelsee Barton, Marysa Barton, Samuel Bayles, Katelynn Beckermann, Melanie Bumgarner, Lyndsey Burnett, Evan Carollo, Elena Carrillo, Katelynn Carter, Dominique Christensen, Harold Christensen, Eric Clingenpeel, Reece Clingen... Full story

  • Birth announcements

    Feb 4, 2015

    Rosemary Raine Asher Martin A. and Tiffany J. Asher of Green River recently announced the birth of their daughter Rosemary Raine Asher. She was born Dec. 30, 2014, at Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County. Makayla Dee Moody Michael and Rebecca Moody of Green River recently announced the birth of their daughter Makayla Dee Moody. She weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 20 inches long when she was born Jan. 10, 2014, at Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County. Grandparents are George and Laurie Moody of Green River and Larry and Bonnie Mullins... Full story

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