Articles written by Chris Steffen

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  • Guest column: Police chief responds to Star column

    Chris Steffen, Green River Police Chief|Mar 30, 2016

    (Editor’s Note: This was originally submitted as a letter to the editor, however due to its length and the topics covered, we’re publishing this as a guest column.) By CHRIS STEFFEN Green River Police Chief After reading the article about the mistake made by the joint tactical team in (the March 23) Green River Star, I felt compelled to respond, where possible, to the items you referenced in the article. As a department we did respond on each of the items you discussed at a level we felt was adequate when they occurred. With additional comments...

  • Notes from Town Square: Thank a police officer

    Chris Steffen, Green River Police Chief|Apr 29, 2015

    This year, May 10 through May 16 marks National Police Week in the United States. The City of Green River historically does a proclamation for this week and uses it as a time for many in the community to thank local law enforcement for their service and protection of the community. For those of us in the profession of law enforcement, it is a stark reminder and remembrance of those that have died in the line of duty, both the previous full year and for all the years before, whose names now sit on a wall in Washington, D.C., memorialized for...

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